

Tablo reader up chevron

Chapter 1

                The death of a person is sad, the death of ten terrifying, and the death of us all inevitable. The events in question were clear in my mind, I only wish I knew the cause. I had just got off work, finishing my 9-5 shift at the marketing agency I worked for, in downtown LA. The inside of my garage was green and reflected off the hood of my dark bourbon Ford. I walked inside and sat down in my favorite chair and turned on my brand new metallic silver radio with a Model-T type grill.

                Since I was newly graduated from university, I hadn't had time to find a wife or girlfriend and was alone, as always. There had been talk about the recent events all day at work and I expected it to continue on the radio. It was instantly brought to my attention that things had escalated as the newscaster sounded scarred out of his mind, with a slightly shaky voice. It didn't take long before I clued in what was happening. He said that the tensions with the Soviet Union were abnormally high regarding the situation in Cuba and less than an hour ago they had sunk a destroyer off the coast of Cuba. We had stuck back and sunk a cruiser of theirs and had begun positioning our armies in Eastern Europe.

                I missed the next couple sentences as thoughts of how this could play out filled my mind. He went on to say that Soviet bombers were on route to Florida. The affairs at hand startled me a bit but then I thought back to my teenage years and reminded myself that during the Korean war this was a daily occurrence, this was nothing different. After all, it took a suicidal maniac to actually declare World War 3.

                "A preemptive strike on the Cuban missile silos has been launched, this could get ugly folks."

                I felt a slight tremor in my hand but willed it away. It would take a couple minutes for my nerves to settle so I decided to get up and get a glass of Scotch. Leading up to this day, was fear and mild insanity but I had long ago realized the media lives off of fear.

                The next thing I knew the radio was coughing static as I sat down into the same friendly chair with my glass of Scotch. A flash of light overpowered my eyeballs leaving me temporarily blind. The next thing I knew I was staring at an atomic monster in the sky. It grew and grew, hovering over the middle of downtown LA.

                The radio came back on with just a beeping tone, unchanging in pitch or volume. A man's voice, different then before, interrupted with just the words, "Jesus Fucking Christ".

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