Continuing My Nursing Education at 61 Years Old


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Continuing My Nursing Education at 61 Years Old

I have been asked many times why I keep going back to school to pursue my nursing education and the answers are many. I should tell you that I am 61 years old and this is usually part of the reason I am asked this question.

I graduated with an Associate’s Degree in Nursing (ADN) in 1973 and was comfortable with that until I started to work as an educator in 2007. I was very lucky that one of my bosses believed in me so much that she encouraged me to continue my nursing education. I then obtained my Bachelor of Science in Nursing (BSN) online in 2011.

I should say that during my nursing career, I have continued learning by taking any classes that would enable me to provide better care to my patients. And since I am teaching my colleagues the latest in nursing, I needed to know how to teach. The area that I focus on is hospice care which is an area that most nurses need to learn, so I need to be comfortable in my teaching and research. It is for these reasons that I am now working on my Master’s in Nursing Education.


Dealing with the Age Gap

It is a bit intimidating to know that I am taking classes with students and professors that are younger than I am. However, it gives me a different perspective, which is a plus.

I am taking classes online, which is the easiest option for me. Many people my age are concerned about taking classes online but I have found that it works well for three reasons:

  1. I can do the work in my own time.
  2. It is easier to discuss the issues when age is not apparent.
  3. It gives me the time to think through my answers.

One of the biggest concerns I had when I went back to nursing school was being able to write quality papers. Do I have to write many? Yes, I do. I was never great at writing essays and research papers, but through experience I have significantly improved and have come to enjoy doing so.

Although I’ve gained confidence in my writing skills, I still have trouble with formatting. However, there are some good books to help you. The one that I have used most often is Manual of the American Psychological Association (APA) which is the style that many colleges use.

The Advantage of Being Older

I would say my biggest advantage when it comes to writing papers is the experience that I have as a nurse. As I write a paper or answer a question, oftentimes I already know the answer. I only need to do some research to justify my answers.

I would also like to mention that through my continued education I have learned a lot about the nursing theorists, some of who did their work after I started my nursing career. Writing about them and relating their work to patient care taught me how they affect nursing. I have a better understanding of research papers and how to read and understand them.

Learning is never-ending. But it wasn’t until I write my essay for me obtained my BSN — and now earning my MSN — that I realized just how much continuing my education has helped me. It allowed me to understand what we do as nurses and why we do it. As such, I would like anyone who reads this to know that you absolutely can go back to school at any age.

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