New Life


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 My name is Jason, and this is my story. When I was 15 years old, I was forced to move to Houston for economic reasons, my dad was fired, and mom’s job did not cover all the necessary expenses. Moving to Houston was scary, thinking if I could get used to it, but the scariest thing was leaving my friends.

On the way I set out to make a list of things that I wanted to change about myself, 1. Defend others, 2. Overcome my fears, 3. NEVER forget my friends. Few challenges, but difficult.

Arriving Houston, I was excited, I wanted to see my new bedroom, where I will spend the rest of my adolescence. “Jason, tomorrow will be your first day of school, so you better sleep early”- Dad said, “you must hurry by establishing yourself”.

After finishing unpacking, I was really tired, it was 11:34, and I had to sleep if I wanted to give a good impression tomorrow, before sleeping, I closed my eyes, and remembered my list, because I was starting my challenge tomorrow. 

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