A Settlers Love Settler Series book three


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England 1820


A cool breeze whipped around my ankles, sending a slight chill right through my body, despite the heavy cloak I wore. Unsure of how much time had passed, I was getting worried, because if Nash didn’t come soon, I would have to go back inside and miss our meeting. I already ran the risk of getting into trouble by being out here for as long as I have been. Spinning around quickly to the sound of a stick braking behind me, I squinted into the darkness, and there he was.

“Well hello, thank you for finally deciding to come!” I said to the approaching figure.

“Don’t be upset Ash, I have work to do, you know.” Nash stopped beside me, placing his hands on his hips. “So, did you have any luck today?”

“Yes I did, I got this blue one.” I pulled out the package I was holding from underneath my cloak, and handed it over, looking up at Nash’s face. He was so wonderful, no other boy I had ever met could compare to this one. I watched as his large capable hands un wrapped the package, and pull out the silk ribbon. “Do you like it?”

“If I were a girl, I suppose I would. A better question is, do you think Payton will like it?” Nash held the blue ribbon up to have a closer look at it, like he was an expert in all things silk.

“Yes, she will like it, Nash. I picked it, and I probably know her better than you do.” I watched as he rolled it back up and attempted to put it back in its paper. “Here, give it to me.” I said, taking the ribbon and paper from him and walking over to a large rock to sit down on, then wrapped the ribbon back into the paper packaging. “I still don’t see why you couldn’t go and get this yourself.”

“I’m not going to shop for girl ribbons Ash, even if it is for my sister.” I looked up to see him swipe a stick he picked up, through the dry leaves on the ground. We were down by the old tree Payton and I played at almost everyday. Nash was Payton’s older brother, and had given me money to go buy his sister something ‘girlie’ for her birthday. ”did you buy yourself a sweet with the left over money?” He was looking out over the river which flowed with cold water and sparkled like my mothers diamond necklace under the bright moonbeams.

“Yes, I did, thank you.” I didn’t, though. I felt bad lying, but, I spent all the money Nash gave me on Payton’s ribbon. There were other ones there, but Payton deserved something nice, and I didn’t need a treat.

“Hm, well, are we finished Ash? I should go back before Charlie gets worried.” He swiped at the ground again, then asked “Are you coming down to the cottage tomorrow night?” he looked from the ground to me, and if I didn’t know any better, I would think that, int his moment, the confident stable boy was unsure of himself. Well, I could only hope.

“Yes, I wouldn’t miss it, its Payton after all.” Rising from my cold seat I knew I should get back to the house. “Well, I’ll see you later, Nash.”

“Er yes, um, thank you Ash; you really saved me, I owe you.” He said, then turning back toward the stables.

“You’re going to regret saying that, Nash.” I giggled, then ran up across the grass to the kitchen door, slipping into the house unnoticed.

At this time of night, mother was most likely sitting in her chambers readying for bed. If she hadn’t already, she would be coming to me in my room to say goodnight. Father would be in his study for a few more hours. So I knew I wouldn’t get caught being out by him. I’m not sure how angry they would be, as I didn’t make a habit of sneaking out at night, but I didn’t like getting into trouble. I smiled to myself knowing that seeing Nash for one last time this day, was worth any reprimanding I would receive if caught.

The lanterns were turned down in the kitchen, and the stoves were still letting out some residual heat as the fires within burned down, it was a welcome warmth as I took my cloak off to hang with the others by the door. No one would be around, cook was gone for the day, and the rest of Nash’s mother Mrs Martin, and Payton, were down at their cottage. Even so, after locking the door, I remained quiet, as I stealthily made my way across the tiled floor. Glancing toward the pantry, I ignored the desire for one of Mrs Martins biscuits. I knew she made them today, their smell was hard to miss as it wafted through the house. The large jar was always stocked full, but they would be there in the morning, and getting to my room felt more pressing, than treating myself with a freshly baked sweet.

Skipping out of the kitchen, up the few stairs leading to the hall, I hurried my way to the main stairs. The Manor was large, and at night, the lanterns left shadows dancing over the walls. When Payton stays over the shadows always make her feel uneasy, she wasn’t as used to space as I was. Not me though, the shadows were comforting to me. I never felt afraid walking along the dimly lit hall at night, it was fun. I held my hand out and ran it along the wall as I walked, something I did quite often, feeling my way to my room.

Muffled voices drifted from the study as I came to the stair case. I had no idea whom Father was speaking to, probably Mr Martin, planning their voyage abroad They were headed on a grand adventure, to a new colony far away by boat. Father was excited to go, but Payton told me her mother was worried. Mine wasn’t she was used to Father leaving on different business ventures. I wasn’t worried either. He always came back, that is what I told Payton, that if my father always come back, then her father would too. At the top of the stairs, soft light illuminated the way to my room as well, and once I was safe within it, I placed my hand to my chest and smiled that I had not been caught. The rush I felt was something I could easily get used to, but mother was raising a lady, this one adventure would be enough to last a while.

Racing over to the window at the other end of my room, I looked down into the darkened night. I could see the stables from where I was. A lantern lit up the doorway and a figure came to view when my eyes adjusted, it was either Charlie or Nash, and to my delight, when the figure turned, it was Nash. I wasn’t too familiar with what happened after dark with the animals that were cared for down there, but I assumed that his day would have to come to an end, soon.

When he stepped from the shadows of the stables, taking down the light hanging outside the door, he looked up to my window. My heart skipped a beat. Unsure of what to do, I stood, frozen, staring down at the young man whom made my heart flutter time and time again. I imagined he smiled as he turned and walked back inside the stables. The image in my head had me giggling and flopping myself down onto my bed.

Oh how wonderful Nash Martin was. I hoped Mother came in to see me to bed soon, my dreams awaited, and in them, was always the boy from the stables. 


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