Wolf's Crown


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Wolf's Crown page 1

Shadow pack also known as the black pack They are the leaders of us all



My pack is the night pack














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The Kings dear

I was running through the forest, with the orange and brown leaves underneath my feet with the wind going through my fur with the air whistling in my ears. I get to the Shadow pack territory, wow the walls are so big, I thought to myself. I immediately got a sent of a Mail king dear, I leaked over the great white wall landing in the soft white snow below me. I followed the sent, I saw the dear I get into pouncing position slowly crawling towards the dear. The dear heard some rustling and perked up immediately I stayed still and waited until everything went quiet. Then I pounced, digging my teeth into the dear neck the dear called for help all the doe run away, I felt the deer falling and losing air "thud" the deer landed hard in the cold icy snow. The snow was going red around me, I heard a someone yelling I look up from my carcass with my mouth dripping in blood I see the Shadow pack guards "Seize her she's eating the kings dear" I heard one of them yell I start running the guards transform into wolf form, does about 12 or more I was running as hard as I could but the guards got me surrounded. I was going to put up a fight, and then one of the guards pounced on me, and then another and another I was fighting as hard as I could and then I dropped of exhaustion, my eyes are slowly closing in the last thing I saw was the net thrown on me.

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The King's Son

I was running through the forest, with the orange and brown leaves underneath my feet with the wind going through my fur with the air whistling in my ears. I get to the Shadow pack territory, wow the walls are so big, I thought to myself. I immediately got a sent of a Mail king dear, I leaked over the great white wall landing in the soft white snow below me. I followed the sent, I saw the dear I get into pouncing position slowly crawling towards the dear. The dear heard some rustling and perked up immediately I stayed still and waited until everything went quiet. Then I pounced, digging my teeth into the dear neck the dear called for help all the doe run away, I felt the deer falling and losing air "thud" the deer landed hard in the cold icy snow. The snow was going red around me, I heard a someone yelling I look up from my carcass with my mouth dripping in blood I see the Shadow pack guards "Seize her she's eating the kings dear" I heard one of them yell I start running the guards transform into wolf form, does about 12 or more I was running as hard as I could but the guards got me surrounded. I was going to put up a fight, and then one of the guards pounced on me, and then another and another I was fighting as hard as I could and then I dropped of exhaustion, my eyes are slowly closing in the last thing I saw was the net thrown on me.
I got thrown on the ground in front of the King, sitting on his throne with his beloved Queen by his side and his son beside him. I transform back into human form I'm covered in blood and scratches from the guards attacking me. Still in the net that I was caught in by the guards, one of the guards saids "my king this is the scavenger stealing are dears". I slowly open my eyes, I use one of my arms to cover my breasts and use the other one to lean up I look up at the king with sorrowful eyes breathing heavily. "Who are you ?" with a strong voice "I'm from the night pack" his son looks down at me, I look at hem, he has dark brown hair pushed up at the front, he has eyes that compliment his hair. He really does look like what he is meant to be, The Kings son. The King rubs his chin "Guards take her to one of the spare room's". The guard from earlier saids "but sir she is killing our dear," He looks at the King confused one of the guards covered me with a blanket, and another took me to one of the rooms. I'm in one of the rooms, I put on a pair of light blue skinny jeans and a pair of light blue converse and a grey T-shirt I walk over to the window, this is my chance, I thought to myself I open the window and jump out.


Prints Pov
I opened her door a little bit, to see if she's doing okay well, actually just to see her, I see her jump out the window my eyes widen I push the door open with great force and run across the room and jump out the window. I land in the snow, and run after her she can't go even if we just met I thought to myself. I transform into my wolf form to catch up with her, I run in front of her cutting her off making her stop.


Luna Pov
I stop we both turn back into human form, "please don't go" he looks at me with soulful eyes. "Why, so you can kill me in the morning" "no I want you to stay, please don't go, please," he says softly. I look at him with sympathetic eyes, and he looks back at me with sad eyes. The look that she's giving me is telling me she'll stay the prints, thought to himself. "What's your name ?" "my name is Luna what's your name or should I call you prints" with a smirk. He chuckles "my name is Justin but if you choose to you can call me prints if you like," We walked back to the castle.

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The pawprint in the snow

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Blue moon ball

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The Prints's Baby

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