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The fury of the dark clouds, masking something sinister, loomed over the streets of New York, and inadvertently reflected Ariana's mood. The wind was sighing and thrashing in the tree tops. The weather grew very cold, and suddenly, everyone surrounding her outside of the building ran to their cars. It had started to rain.

Ariana received multiple, disgusted glares as she walked into the building. As the only woman working at the organization as an agent, every other agent detested the fact that they had a "weak girl" on their staff. To her co-workers, Grande was just a bitch with a coffee cup and smoking problem. To keep her sanity during her time at the company, she liked to believe that having a woman working among them only threatened them because of her attitude and way of handling things. However, in her stubborn and dangerous mind, Ariana knew she was going to become one of the best agents to ever work at A & E's Corporation.

As she walked through the hallways to get to her office, Ariana stared at the papers plastered all over the billboard for their new suspect, Killian Brooks. He was placed into prison for murdering three young men during a drug deal. Brooks escaped from prison two weeks ago, and obviously, it was up to A & E to find him.

Taking a sip of her coffee, Ariana stared at the papers, hoping to be chosen to work on the case. She knew she wouldn't, though. She had worked for A & E for seven years, yet they still hadn't given her an assignment that was not situated in New York City.

Ariana entered her office, throwing her heels to the side of the room. There was a bright red folder placed on her desk and a black briefcase under the folder. As she approached her desk, she read the title out loud.

"Assignment for Grande, Agent 4. Killian Brooks." Ariana trailed off as she jumped up in excitement and congratulating herself. 

Ariana Grande, a woman who everyone perceived as emotionless and has no potential, is now assigned to one of the most dangerous culprits in the United States. She could just imagine all the men and their envious glares as they find out that she, out of all agents, was chosen to be a lead on what may be one of the most significant assignments the A & E company was chosen to take control of. 

Ariana plopped down on the couch she bought a few years ago to sleep on since she was sure she was never going to be assigned to a case like this. 

"Guess there's no need for you anymore, Blubbly." She says to the couch, which she named when she was assigned to capture a woman named Bub Lub, her most successful assignment up until now. Bub Lub was a middle aged drug addict who kidnapped her daughter, which she abused, and was in danger. Her boss, Derek Grey, had full potential in her and convinced his own boss to let her handle this case on her own. 

It was the farthest she ever got, driving around Albany, New York in small car hoping to catch Lub. After two weeks without her coffee and books, Ariana finally caught her while she was sneaking into an abandoned, apparently "haunted" hospital. 

Ariana was punched during the process while she tried to call her boss after the capture had occurred, of course. 

She knew what she had to deal with and didn't complain.

But this was her time to shine. She would finally be able to prove to her mom that she was worth something; and that a woman's occupation simply wasn't taking care of the household and fulfilling the children's or the spouse's needs. 

She opened her suspect's file with a wide grin plastered on her face. Derek had defiantly fought for her since she was able to get such an amazing opportunity.

Killian Brooks was a 27 year old college drop out. He was widely popular for drug deals and was success through his "business." However, when three men had failed to give him the amount they owed, he grabbed a gun from his back pocket and shot them. 

Most at the company had believed that Brooks was mentally insane, but the others knew that he was completely sane and "probably just liked to shoot people for fun," as Derek had stated at a meeting before. 

Ariana was particularly impressed with the way Brooks kept himself together. Conventionally, when an individual is imprisoned at Carandiru Penitentiary, the deadliest prison in the world, located in Brazil, they would either go completely insane or commit suicide.

But not Brooks. 

He acted as if the prison was his home, reading the daily newspaper and attempts to make conversation with the guards. It interested her on how Brooks was able to maintain his sanity in an area like that, knowing that he was going to be executed in three days time, and how on Earth was he able to escape an area like that?

The rain had started to pull down harder, only calming Ariana's nerves since she seemed to have liked the sound of the water pouring down on the building. 

She sighed once more and looked through the "last seen - photos" section in the file. 

"I am currently hopelessly in love with you, Brooks." Ariana says while smiling, tapping Brooks' nose on the photo. 

The office phone had started to ring and Ariana answered it as quickly as possible.


"Grande- I have bad news," Derek starts after she speaks.

"Oh, please don't tell me the Brooks assignment isn't mine"

"Shut up for two seconds. It's yours, Ariana, and believe me

I worked my ass off to get you this assignment. There's one condition though." 

"And what may that condition be?"

"You have to work with a partner, one of the top ones in the system. Adam and Eddie don't believe you have what it takes to do this alone."

Ariana's heart dropped. This was not her day. 

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