Fallen Out Of Love


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Chapter 1

  Let me tell you a story about four people, two boys and two girls, all around the age sixteen.Two sets of best friends.It all started in an English class where we exchanged social media. Soon it began that sets of a guys and girls were texting non stop. Flirting, messing around with each other. Learning more about one others self. Soon enough it was natural that they texted everyday, hung out during passing, lunch and sometimes over the weekend where the boys went to the girls house and had a great time either just laying in bed or going out, doing something as of dinner or a movie. They all thought that it was the best thing ever. Then there became some doubts about everything. Stuff from the past and present. All fell apart, no longer together. They would text all the time but it wasn’t the same. They thought it was best to stay friends but it was really hurting them inside, they didn’t want to admit that they miss each other, instead they let it hurt.They let the fear of getting broken again in the way of happiness. Now it’s back to the first two sentences, like the rest of the story was never told.

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