The Main 5 Mistakes In Writing a College Application


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Chapter 1

College admission is an issue that stresses many people. Competition is very high, and the chances are few. When writing your college application, you have to be very careful. A simple mistake can crash your college dreams. You might not have much control over whom the college will select, but you can improve your chances. Check the five common mistakes below.


When writing an application, you might make a few errors. Do not make a mistake of submitting without proofreading. If you send an application full of grammar and error, the college may trash it. You can use online tools to ensure that it has no grammar error or spelling mistakes. Please give it to someone else to check on your behalf. He might notice some awkward sentences or a wrong format.

2)Failure to Include Extracurricular Activities

Despite the limited space of writing the extracurricular activities, you should not miss that opportunity. Some students ignore and think that space does not matter. If your list does not fit in that space, you should write the rest in the “additional information” section.

3)Generic Reasons

The college will require you to give the reasons why you wish to join. Avoid giving general reasons that are common in all other colleges. If you talk about the ratio of teachers to students, that is generic. You require doing some digging. Get enough information about that college.

When reading your application, they will see your genuine interest in that college. If you have a problem doing your research and writing an attention-grabbing application, consult They will help you to write a winning application, and you will have a guarantee of receiving an admission letter.

4)Applying On The Due Day

If you wish to apply, you must know when the deadline is. You cannot wait for the last minute. You will give a negative impression. They might feel that you are lazy. You are wondering how they will know? They can easily track the day each student sent the application. They might also feel like you had not made your decision, and you are taking that college as your last option.

5)Low Scores

Different colleges have different requirements. You have to read all the instructions and understand. Some colleges require you to submit all the score; others do not. If you have lower scores, do not include them in the application if the school is not strict. If you have better scores, that‘s an advantage to you.


Do not ruin your college dream by making silly mistakes in your application. Proofread to eliminate them. Include all your extracurricular activities. Unless the school has strict instructions, do not include low grades. You can apply long before the deadline.

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