Light Walker


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Light Walker First Edition

©Light Walker First Edition 2014

All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopy, recording or any information retrieval system, without permission in writing from publisher.



Thank you to Mary-Anne Wheeler for being a great manager and editing this book. I could not have done this without you. Much appreciated.  



 One of the most important thing in life is inspiration. Before I began to write this book I used to seek for inspirational books and wise words of wisdom. The more I looked in to this the more I began to learn the knowledge was already within me. The guidance I needed the most was how to grab my souls higher knowledge from the depths of my souls core. No one can learn unless they are willing to learn the truth. When you become more aware of life and the purpose you question everything around you and become awake. You begin to see things more clearly and you acknowledge the fact we are walking around asleep. We have so much to learn as humans and we do not see. We begin to realize our mind and soul can expand. People who have awoken are hard to find. Due to the fact of humiliation and judgement those who have not awoken should not be judged as their time will come. This is one of the reasons I have wrote this book to help awaken others and show others they are not alone. The possibilities are limitless. We are at a new age and have a lot to learn. We are becoming more spiritual and more awake to the unknowing. We are at a time where our worlds open and we become one with spiritual realm, one with energy and one with earth.    













Light Walkers 

Every human is energy of light and we all walk within the light. We start off as purity and begin to twine our path in life as soon as we learn to speak, This is due to choices made by ourselves. We are all unique on our own path. When we choose our path at a older age it blends our soul. We can learn that our souls are put on a human path to teach our souls higher knowledge wisdom and golden. Or we can follow a sorrowful pitiful path of gluttony and selfishness. This will then turn our souls black and lead us back to earth for re-incarnation to re-live our path over until we learn. To become a soul of light is easy its just following what our inner voice and soul shriek out to us.


When we are low we need to learn to turn our anger from hate into something more positive. We can take advice from others but only we can teach ourselves, we are the ones who listen to the advice in the first place. Our minds make choices and sometimes them choices turn out to be the worst choices of our lives. This is why we have conscience and the majority of the times this turns out to be right. The best way to hear our inner voice is to meditate and relax in worse off situations. This will guide us to the light solution. Sometimes its best to hear our own inner voice rather than jump into situations as this takes us to the better place in the long run. We can sometimes end up in terrible situations if we don't listen to ourselves.


Once you master meditation its easier to open your mind to the impossible. This can lead to lucid vision which can take you to amazing places and open your mind to all new ways of creation. Creation is a good way of freeing ourselves and expressing inner feelings. Visions from meditation can be put into perspective through creation. We can target our path better and see where we are going in life. This is a good way of freeing your soul from stresses of life.



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Open your eyes

MayanNo one can give you answers to the path you are on. Due to my own experiences I have learnt that seeking wont help. Just look within yourself and know that the voice which is calling out to you is right no matter how many times you are told you are wrong. Your soul has re-incarnated for thousands of years and you have a lot of past life experiences to know. We are only human and all make mistakes and we need to learn lessons to evolve. When we learn we gain a better soul this is moulding us into purity, to make our hearts return back to its golden self. We come to earth to learn these lessons to teach us for the next life. When all lessons are learnt we don't come back to earth we stay over the other side. We all have a soul. Our souls are made up of pure light and energy. We can leave our human body if we want to its just learning in how to do this. Many people leave there body in dreams and visit loved ones. We wake up thinking I dreamt of so and so last night and the other person in question also dreamt the same things you did. None of this has been scientifically proven however this is possible.

Unlocking our brains to another level is hard especially when we have been brain washed from a young age. Our educational system does teach a bit of spirituality however, this is only to do with god. This is very restricted and does not open our minds. I do believe that their is a god but who's to say that only one god exist?  And this is not alien. We have a lot of stories about Gods and Goddesses that have come down from the stars this is not taught in our schools. If this was taught we would be able to open our minds at a very young age. This could help us to evolve.  If we do not open our minds we are closed to the truth and our brains are blocked to higher advantage.

"Who are we and where did we come from?"

Looking back at the Maya they had many gods and goddesses. The Mayans used to do a lot of blood sacrifices to the sun god and the rain god. Whenever their was a drought with rain the Mayans used to chop the heads off civilians. Mayans was brutal for there gods. Every day they believed making offerings to their gods would bring them many things. They also in scripted on their walls with art  that the gods came to earth in a dragon (space ship.) The gods and goddesses taught them how to create and build things for example the pyramids their homes and so on.

"Are we alone?"

This did not just happen in Maya this happened all over the world. There is pyramids built all over the globe. All relate to the sun and moon god and goddess..All over the earth the people bowed down to higher beings from out of space for the knowledge and education. We do not get  educated  about this in our schools due to religion, this will course so much chaos all over the earth. Our history of today is restricted on Christianity Catholic and so forth. all religions have rules in them. 

Thou shall not sin,Thou shall not steal, You will be banished to the depths of hell if you go against these rules. This is law and order. Their was none of this in the Maya history or Egyptian or Buddhist. However they did have demons and spirits and gods and goddesses. 

"Even a bit of acknowledgement can lead you into your awakening and open your mind."

So if we can accept the fact we need to start thinking outside the box this will open our minds to something more, If it ever got exposed an alien or a demon existed and we already had knowledge of acceptance due to not being ignorant we wont go into mental break down and self destruction. We need to accept the fact that we might not be alone in this universe. As we are teaching our souls life experiences made by man we need to now teach ourselves that this planet does not evolve around man and that man isn't the only thing on it. Even if this starts with animals start to make yourself more aware of your surroundings/surrounding of animals and analyse them. This is spiritual uplift meant, and you will notice a lot more takes place around you when you begin to acknowledge them. Even sitting in your living room you are not alone, you could be sitting next to a wood louse or a spider, just to  sit their and not know about this is ignorance. This is you sleeping and missing out on your surrounding. Acknowledging this can lead you into higher knowing.  






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We are all black and white within ourselves. This is balance. We need to appreciate the darkness to appreciate the light. What is light without darkness?  Would we know the difference? So when people say the rain so dull and horrible they clearly don't know how to balance darkness and light. When you begin to suffer in life you begin to notice beauty in everything. Without rain we wont have water and without water we wont be able to survive. This is yin and yang balance. 

"Next time you look at your day in self pity, remember that this day will be missed."

When we pity ourselves we don't realise we are missing a day. We walk around in a slump thinking woe is me and don't realise that this day will not be the worse. When we look back at our lives and say I would not do anything different we then learn that the darkness was actually light as we remember that we would not be where we need to be without these lessons. We needed these lessons to achieve our strengths and wisdom. We will never be able to gain this without darkness.

When we are faced with darkness and turn this into negativity try and turn it into something positive. For example, Teach those who are/or have been on the same path that you have been on. This could lead to greater knowledge for them and a new friendship for you.

I am a big fan of the saying, one door closes and a new door opens. We are never at the end of a cycle in our life the cycle keeps spinning until we choose to stop, at this point when we chose to stop someone or something spins our cycle again. This is a part of the earthly spin. As the earth spins we spin with it. If the earth stopped spinning we would all stop. There is always a fresh start, Just as you think a tree has died in autumn, come spring it has new leaves and come summer its blossoming in flowers.  We just need to balance ourselves. Once we learn to accept not only our darkness but other peoples we can over come all and conquer ourselves in our lives.

With all our flaws we are perfect. We go around beating ourselves up for something we said or did when we need to accept this And get over it. We are only human. We all make mistakes. Half the time we go around beating ourselves up because we have upset someone else. When half the time the other person has forgotten about it. We need to learn to forgive ourselves and move forward with life. Most of our problems are made up in our own minds. For example we could have a bill to pay and stress over this bill for weeks. Where are we going to get the money for this to pay? Who will help me? This will not be resolved until we confront our problems and face them. No matter how big the problem or issue is front it. Walk away knowing that you have done all's you can and put yourself at ease over the issue. If you just remember the last time you stressed over something big try and remember that it sorted itself out and you got over it. Remember all things take time. People take time to heal and bills take time to pay. And as humans we can over come any problem at any time.

"Mind over matter."

Heart break has to be the worst emotional feeling a human has to take on. This is hard to overcome however if you take your sorrow and put this into a passion you can instantly turn your sorrow in to something beautiful. Our minds control our emotions and feelings if we can switch our thinking into something other than  heart break and sorrow we can change anything with using our minds.

As I said before and I say again our body runs on energy we are energy. We can flip any emotion at any time we can instantly become happy if we wanted to. This does good to our body and soul.  This also comes down to acceptance of darkness and light, happy and sad, night and day. Flip versa.


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Be one with earth

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The golden light

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Gods and Goddesses

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Rainbow children

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