Blood Descendant


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Prologue : The Slayer

Andrew Rowe - Ethym - 1323 AD

As I looked upon the eyes of the beast, a hungry and feral beast, I drew my dagger not with fear, but with rage... Rage upon seeing the dozens of people littered along the floor. My people, dead people... Mother, Father, Brother... All in a puddle of mangled corpses, all the doing of this creature.... Of this hideous, leather skinned, beady eyed beast.

As I looked down at my small hands, trembling with rage, attempting to hold my dagger steady. I looked up once again, the monster eyed me with curiosity. As if I were some form unbeknownst to it; It indefinitely knows me.. It killed a dozen of my kind in as many seconds.. Slowly, I turn my head towards my shoulder, looking at the gash left by the monsters claw. Puss was coming out the seams from the wound. Even though it hurt as if a Hell hound had bitten my entire arm off, I endured the pain to gather my thoughts. I needed to do this to survive, to kill Valentine Crane.

Biting through the pain and without a moment’s hesitation, I drew my dagger up high. The monster, as if finally feeling the presence of my aggression, took a few quick steps forward from its mere ten foot distance from my position, only to be stopped by a sharp scream.


I screamed, screamed I did till my lungs gave out. All my pain and agony in the form of sound, all because of the dagger I shoved through my shoulder and by that my poisonous wound as well. On my knees, vomit and tears streaming out, a mixture of blood and bile on the floor, my eyes red with rage. As I got back up onto my feet, I've had already made my final decision. I drew my blade across my palm, all the while the monster watched with deadly curiosity. As the blood from my palm came flowing through, I had begun smearing it across the forearm of my right arm. It was at that moment that I had uttered the words that I would regret with all my heart for all the years yet to come.

Valentine domine , volo in virtute tua pro anima mea.......As I screamed these words words in pure rage, the monster came at me. Claws out stretched, it would have cut my head off, if not for the fact that the monsters arm was in the other corner of the ruins of my old home. How did that happen?I did it...But how?

Valentine..rage and anger so pure had consumed me that I had willingly sold my soul to the Devil, or in this case, Valentine.. not having enough time to wrap my head around the situation, And making use of the monsters confusion, I charged at the beast head on. Dagger in hand, I charged at the beast. Without fear or worry, as I could see Valentines cloak of dark energy swirling around me, right above my skin. As I came one step away from the beast, I jumped and made contact with its chest using my left leg. And as all the air from its lungs was sent out, combining my previous kick with a mid-air front flip, I managed to kick it in the face, breaking three of its teeth. For a creature so big, it felt awfully weak. Its because of the Curse...This thought sent dread down my spine and right into my stomach.

Gaining back my focus as soon as possible, I grabbed my dagger and charged at its stomach, slicing it open for about a quarter of an inch deep. Realizing that this was not working, I began channeling what Dark Energy I had mustered and began channeling it in the form of a thought. after a moment or so, thrusting my left palm to the ground, sending out the Dark Energy. As soon as I had done this, the floor began to crack and it emerged out of the Shadow Realm.The Blade of Pitch...Darkness incarnate in the form of a sword. Even the slightest touch of its hilt was so cold that it burned the skin, but yet again the Aura of Darkness had protected me.

Now with a weapon and the means to defeat the monster, I did not bother charging, I merely strolled my way to the monster. Although every step off the way, the Dark Energy was eating my skin, muscle and soul.. My very essence.... The beaten up and broken body of the monster was lying flat on the ground, tiny stones and shrapnel everywhere. It hurt to take every step, there was enough blood of mine on the floor to fill an entire bathtub. But I did not feel the pain, there was only one thing left for me, and to do that... It all begins with this question...

"Who sent you..? Creature..?" The creature growled in response, its beady black eyes looking into mine.. Flowing with a look begging for mercy... I had none left to give...

Unsatisfied with the answer, its left arm came undone at the hands of my sword. Its screams were pure agony...not as much as what my family went through...Asking the same question, a response was received... A very pathetic and muffled response...

Anger rising, my fist went for the monsters throat as I raised him up in the air. "Say again creature... Who sent you to murder my family.... Clearly, or it shall be the end of you..." brimming with fear the monster tried to communicate...

"Val... Valen...Valentine.." That was the final word it uttered before I smashed its head in with my bare fist.

That day.. I left my past behind..

That day... I left my identity behind..

That day... Was the day that the 12 year old boy, Arthur Rowe died...

That day... Midas, Slayer of Frollan, Wielder of the Blade of Pitch, The Legend.. Was Born...



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