An Unsuccessful Demon


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    As a demon, Balfane's goal the misery of Humanity. Humans have perverted the world the creator has made! They've defiled it. How could demons not hate the hairless monkeys that now rule the Garden? The Morning Star was right to attempt to show The Creator what these vile creatures would do to his most wonderful creation. Each Demon had three chances to destroy the life of a human.

    Belfane had taken residence in the body of John Francis as a little boy. Belfane's first order of business was to kill John's parents. He had forced John to take scissors and kill his own parents as they slept. This alone should have been enough, by staining his soul with the guilt of a most heinous murder. The little bastard had assumed that Belfane's manipulations was himself working up the courage to kill the two parents who constantly abused him! John Francis felt he had freed himself from horror! They seemed such nice and caring parents. How was he to know?!? He is not the all knowing Almighty!

    Belfane, stuck in John, bade his time, waiting for the most opportune moment to ruin John's life. After living in foster care for some years, John Francis turned 18 years of age and entered the world as an adult. John also was able to collect his large inheritance. Another boon for the damn human!

    Because of the murders John has had a solitary life, but that would soon change and Belfane would soon have a second chance to render John into misery. John meets a beautiful woman named Ellen with whom he quickly falls madly in love. It is not long before they marry.

    Belfane begins planting seeds of doubt and suspicion into John's mind. A hint here a whisper there and before long John no longer trusts the woman he loves and soon the demon has him in a murderous frenzy. When he next encounters Ellen he kills her in a fit of rage. Once the deed is done and sense is returned to John he and Belfane both notice the gun in Ellen's hand. Puzzled by this and still dealing with Belfane's induced suspicions, John goes through Ellen's paperwork. An insurance policy had been taken out for John's life. With his untimely death not only would she be left with his inheritance but a large life insurance payout. She planned to kill him!

    Belfane reeled with the realization that he has helped John yet again! The doorbell rings. John still in full swings of suspicion picks up Ellen's gun and answers. A child was at the door. Belfane takes control of John and shoots the little boy dead. 

    Upon closer inspection it was not a child but a little-person. Still murder, Belfane thought to himself. When the police come, they discover that the little-person and Ellen work together stealing inheritances. John's a hero!

    Belfane would return to hell in shame as a failure. It would be some time before he was trusted again by his kind.

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