Time Does Not Exist


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This e-book is probably one of the shortest you will ever read. In fact it will take no time at all. My book demonstrates that time does not actually exist. Sounds crazy? Of course it does. But read on and you will be surprised. 

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The Concept Of Time

The alarm clock rings loudly in my ear, just before it takes an involuntary flight, and lands with a resounding thud on the bedroom floor. I have to get out of bed - now! I can't afford to be late for work again. 

The clocks seem to go faster, first thing in the morning. But they slow down to a snail's pace as soon as I get to work! Oh how I wish for a world without clocks. But that would be chaotic, wouldn't it? Unless of course we stop and think - animals can't tell the time, but they manage okay. They go to work (hunting) when they are hungry, and sleep when they get tired. They live their lives as nature intended, not governed by a mass produced device that happens to be synchronised with billions of others so it must, or perhaps I should say will be obeyed! 

But who had the wonderful idea that we should all live our lives in keeping with a set number of hours, and not as we choose? Who was it that decided we should have seven days in a week and fifty-two weeks in a year? It certainly was not the forces of nature, that's for sure. It was mankind. The same mankind who invented the concept of time. 


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