X's and O's


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Meet Cynthia, she was a pretty normal gal until she went on a really bad OKCupid date. Now she's possessed by Lydia, a demon who really sucks at her job. Well, it's a her now, it was a guy when they first met. Demons are confusing. 

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Chapter 1


''Oh no, don't go out with this guy. He's got a weird tongue piercing.''  Lydia's voice sounded like Heaven. It was pure and utter happiness to Cynthia's ears and she had only been around for maybe two weeks but Cynthia was hooked on the sound of Lydia's voice, even when it was filled with disapproval.

''But he's also got a PHD!’’ Click. The photo on the screen was of DR_FEEL_GOOD, age 25, some weird combo of Hipster and Jock in a gym locker room sticking his tongue out, that shiny piercing proudly shown made Cynthia groan. ‘‘Okay, that is pretty sketchy. I mean not that having a tongue piercing makes someone sketchy or the- oh never mind.'' Cynthia sighed than shut her laptop in defeat. You'd think after being possessed by a demon she would have given up on online dating but she hadn't.

Instead, Lydia insisted on finding her the right person, male, female, whatever made her happy. She said it was so that she could body hop and take his soul to Hell but Cynthia didn’t believe her.

Cynthia was also confused because Lydia was a guy when she met him and yet the voice in her head that wasn't her own was a woman's and sometimes appeared in mirrors as a really hot red head.  ‘Lydia’ or as she had known him as before as William, had been a 6ft something Goth god. Now Cynthia was questioning the crap out of her sexuality and wondering how she could hook up with the demon in her head instead of the craptastic parade of people on OKCupid.

Cynthia sat alone in her small studio apartment above a pizza place in the West Village. It was a decent rent price but Lydia demanded they get a new one. So they did, well, they were about to. Recently, when Cynthia was asleep, ‘Lydia’ would ‘wake up’ and make some drastic life changes to Cynthia’s life.

Such as: Cynthia now owned a dog, she now had a promotion at her magazine job she had been trying to get for months, she had a rather large list of new friends she had plans with over the weekend and her wardrobe had gotten better without destroying her now growing bank account.

Lydia was exactly what Cynthia was looking for, in either gender. Demons we weird, or at least the one that she knew was. Cynthia hoped she’d figure her out before Lydia got her an apartment upgrade, and a significant other.

‘‘If you don’t shower now you’ll be late for your meeting! Don’t forget to walk Buster!’’ Lydia paused, ‘‘I don’t think anyone would mind if you walked him in a towel though. I certainly wouldn’t.’’

Cynthia gulped, cleared her throat than got Buster, her new French bulldog, from the pound apparently, ready for his walk. Lydia was going to be the death of her, you know; if she actually put in the effort to ruin her life, not make it better. 



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