The Truth


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In a world made of hidden magic and creatures many people get stuck behind lost in the world never to be found again, as Jo goes through this world will she save the dammed or will she fall behind like all the others.


A few things to know for this book:

  • ChatBook = Facebook
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Chapter 1 

All my life I never thought I would be special, and I always thought that I would somehow get lost in the past never to find the future, I thought I was a nothing and I didn't think I would ever be important. Now I'm in year 10 and I'm still nothing, I haven't made it into any sport teams, I cant act or play any instruments and I am not in any advanced classes, I'm a couch potato and I dont find anything interesting. I will be lucky enough to get a job at the supermarket. My friend Haz has been interested in the mythical creatures, and even thought they aren't real I help him with it, only so he doesn't get sad. We were going to go out and search the woods near the water in Beratford, but my parent had a surprise meating. 

"MOVING, My parents said we were moving" I said as we were walking to school. I couldnt belive it, I was going to change to a school to a place called Fernwood.

"Apparently they have more creature sighting than the whole of Florida, I wish I was comming with you" Haz was trying to chear me up, but it wasn't working I only felt worse. Not only was I moving but I was leaving my only friend behind. In a place where the outcasts were left behind. 

"Cmon lets get to class losser, I'll race ya" Haz said racing off into the school halls. As I chased after him I saw a strange student staring at me, I had never seen him before and I know everone. He was tall with dark dark brown hair and his eyes were piercing into me. For a second he looked like his eyes turned yellow and I though he growled, but not at me, at one of the student behind me.

"My eyes must be playing tricks on me" People eyes can't change and people don't growl. I must be going crazy. I continued to chase after Haz as he spend off.


We arrived at class 2 minutes late, luckily the teacher didn't give us a detention. Lucky my teacher just let us off with a warning and we sat down for class, the class was English and we were reading a book named "Curious Incedent Of The Dog In The Nightime". I rather enjoy this book because of how it represents the book and the point of view of Christopher Boone. Haz kept on talking to me about when I was leaving and about the Lycanthropes and other mythical creaures that had been sighted in that area, he wouldn't shut up. I started to think about what Haz was saying and thinking of all the reasons it could not be true. 

"Jo, what do you think" The teacher said suddenly as I snapped out of daze. I had no idea what to say, I was frozen in front of the class.

"How the book is presented" Haz whispered.

"Um the book present in a way that um, shows Christophers idiosyncratic nature" I mumbled out, quickly hiding my face behind the book

"Correct, but next time don't rely on Harrison to help you out when you day dream" She was right, I had to focus if I'm going to move to a new school without friends. I need to have school at the front of my mind. 


By the time class has ended there was nearly no one left in the school, everyone else was left out early. Haz and I walked home together and even went to the cafe around the corner of my house, of corse Haz was talking about creatures the whole time.

"How about I write you a book about all the mythical creatures, that way if you run into one of them you might be able to protect yourself" Haz wasn't dumb, he knew that if there I did somehow run into one of those creatures that I would need a way to protect myself, but I don't think I'll run into a creature that doesn't exist. Haz pulled out his laptop quickly and started to write out everything he knew, I was actually impressed.

"What can I get you" Said the girl waiting our table, she seemed familiar I swear I had met her before.

"A Iced Coffee for me and an Iced Mocha for my friend, thank" Haz responded, he always remembers what I order I think it might be a secret talent or something.

"So how will we keep in contact, ChatBook or something" I asked thinking about the distance between Fernwood and Beratford I had not way to hang out with Haz.

"How about we call each other every night at 7:30 and Text everyday, deal" knowing this was the best option I agreed.

"Deal" I responded, I was so happy that we could keep in contact and I wouldn't lose my best friend.

"So when are you leaving" Haz asked, his face was filled with sorrow. I didn't know how to respond to him, I was leaving the day before his birthday and I knew that would break him.

"Not sure, but I think its some time in the next two weeks" I lied, it was next week on a Tuesday and I would be able to see him, I couldn't tell him, I just couldn't.

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