Fall Of The Citadel


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I wish to dedicate this book to the most influential people in my life without whom I wouldn’t be able to do this and it never would have gotten past the rough draft stage, I refer of course to my Wife Brooke and our 2 daughters River and Rain. I love you girls, and if it wasn’t for you I would never have been able to get this far. I probably wouldn’t have even finished NaNoWriMo that year. But with your help, love and support I did and now together we all 4 stand going into each adventure hand in hand.

Thank You

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Mitch Hoak

Thank you for the comment, and for checking it out! Yes, it was a NaNo, and my wife is doing the editing for me right now (to fix things like the tense, that drove her nuts!)

Anita Cuppati

Hey :) I'm really liking what I've read so far (I don't have time just now to finish it, but I will try and get back to it later on!) I'm liking the voice and the story, though there's a few grammar and tense errors that I'm sure you'll pick up in revisions. I love fantasy and I'm looking forward to reading the rest.
Was this a NaNo novel?
Thanks for sharing :)


“Another day in a quiet little town. God how I long for adventure. Remember the good old days Rachel? Fighting dragons and chasing goblins? Those were the days. Yea, the work was dangerous but we felt ALIVE ya know?”


“I remember them well dear”


“And that time with the dragon men, what were they called again?”


“Kobolds dear”


“Kobolds, that’s right. God they were tough…”


Rachel sat there polishing the mugs for the evening as her husband prattled himself down memory lane. Every day the same routine, the same memories and wishing for adventures of old. The truth was, she loved her life. He was right, it didn’t have the edge of your seat life threatening adventures anymore but they were married now, they had 8 children all grown and off on adventures of their own. She was glad they had retired and even though she thought of the old times fondly. She knew they were just memories and that her life was better for them.


“Yes dear, I remember. And it was 20 stories tall, not 200” she responded absently as she went about her work


“Well 200 sounds better than 20”


“Yea it does but the TRUTH is what makes it so fun, they can believe it.”


“BAH, a little embellishment now and again never hurt anyone.”


Rachel chuckled softly as she set down the last glass then went to grab the broom when she heard the door open behind her “I’m sorry, we’re not open yet, should be about another hour ok?”


“I do apologize for intruding on your time early Red, but we just got in and I NEED an ale”


Rachel dropped the broom she was carrying, she knew that voice, and there was only one damned fool brave enough to call her red, and that fool WASN’T her husband “Is that who I think it is?”


“The one and only I am afraid, if I promise to not cause any trouble can we have a seat while you finish up?”


Grinning from ear to ear she hops over the bar and runs straight at the armor clad knight and his companion, grabbing them in a giant hug “OH MY GODS IT HAS BEEN 10 YEARS!! WHERE HAVE YOU TWO BEEN?!?!” she shouted as she playfully hit him across the chest


The young woman who stood with the knight answered, clad in soft leather with a curved blade at her hip, she dressed strangely and was remarkably younger than her male companion yet her eyes betrayed her age. she had seen more than her body could share. “Here, there, everywhere. We can tell you more later tonight around the fire, right now we need rest. And it’s good to see you too Rachel, how are the kids?”


“Grown and gone I am afraid, seems the adventure bug bit them as well. But I am more interested in YOU, you look fantastic, you’ve hardly aged a day, unlike this hunk of rust you are married to” at which point she thunked the knight’s armor again playfully


“I tell her the same thing every day that she is as beautiful now, if not more, as she was the day I met her.”


“You better be treating her right steel for brains”


“Is there any other way?” he responds


“Good, now go, sit, and relax. Your usual booth is still where you like it near the fire. I will fetch some drinks, Ale and wine still your poison?”


“Yup” they both responded in unison, followed by a round of laughter from all as they went their separate ways. She gave a final glance backwards before disappearing behind the bar to watch them sit in their booth. There were high backed benches on both sides of the table and yet the couple sat side by side, pulled so close to each other that she may as well have been on his lap. She gave a final smile as she gathered the drinks and went over to her husband who was still prattling away. By now it should be the time they fought the flight of 200 dragons, though it always grew every time he remembered it.


“Honey, we have guests. Time to come back to the real world”


“Guests? We can’t have guests, we aren’t open yet”


“I made an exception for these 2.”


“Now come on Rachel, you can’t be doing that. Make an exception for 2 and soon it is the whole town”


“Trust me Hun, its fine. If you met them at the door you would have done the same. Now I need a mug of ale, the special keg you think I don’t know about that’s hidden behind the dwarf spirits, and a glass of that elf wine we got in last week. And get the fires going, we will need some potatoes and bacon soon.”


“What keg are you…aww to the abyss with it, I’ll get the ale, but FIRST you tell me who is so special out there to get my special reserves?”


“Tell ya what, I’ll let you guess” she said as she was grinning for ear to ear


“Well, someone special that’s for sure, lady and a gent by the drinks. What do they look like?”


“That’s cheating, if I described just her I would give it away, but I’ll tell you this. The man calls me Red”


“He calls you Red? Last time I did that you slapped me so hard I lost a tooth. The only person to do that and get away with it would be….. THAT SNEAKY BASTARD WAS SUPPOSED TO WARN ME WHEN HE CAME TO TOWN!!” and with a smile as big as hers he ran down to fetch the drinks and start the fires.


A short time passed, the adventurers had their drinks and nursed them slowly as they watched the crowds of the evening slowly build. Farmers, soldiers, workers, wood cutters, the usual lot. Several recognized the Paladin knight and his companion and would stop by to say a word of greeting but most just minded their business waiting.


Having turned his attention back to his wife the knight’s thought were interrupted by a small tug at his traveling cloak. As he turned he saw a child, looking up at him with wide eyed amusement “is it twue you fought 300 dwagons mystuh?”


With a chuckle and a smile he patted the child on the head “your innkeeper is telling tales again isn’t he? Yes we fought dragons together, a lot of them. But it wasn’t easy, it was a hard fight and we almost didn’t survive.”


“WOOOOooooOOOW. Do YOU have any stowies you can tell us? Mystuh Bill always tells the same stowies.”


To this he turned to look at the young woman beside him as she just smiled and nodded before turning back, picking up his battered helmet and placing it on the young child’s head


“Go gather your friends and bring them here, I will tell you the tale of the great underground citadel and how my friends and I made it fall, freeing the world from its evil”


"Does it have Dwagons?"


"It has A dragon, yes. but it also has goblins, and monsters"


"OOOoooOOOoooOOOoOOo" cooed the young boy, straightening the helmet on his head "Does it have magic and adventuh and fighting and stuff?"


"Lots" replied the knight. and with a happy bounce, making the helmet fall over his eyes for a moment, the child took off running shouting names that could only be his friends


“You keep giving away your helmets and we won’t have a copper to our name” she said smiling


“I’ll get it back, but for now it makes him feel special”


“You like telling that story don’t you?”


“Of course, it is my favorite story. For obvious reasons” he replied as he reached out and kissed her softly


Smiling and blushing deeply she replies “stick to the facts this time. You chastise poor bill for over embellishing then go off and fight an army of dark elves all by yourself.”


“HEY I really did fight all those drow by my self, you just don’t remember because they cast that sleep spell on you”


“Yea and when I woke up there were only 6 bodies, not the 500 you claimed you killed”


“It’s not my fault their bodies went poof”


“They did not go poof, stop lying when you know I know better and help Rachel set up the chairs, looks like you get the big velvet one tonight”


At this he laughed and kissed her again “yes dear.” And off he went to move furniture around the fire to create the perfect place for a story.


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Chapter 1 In which there are meetings of words, steel, and men

I do not know why I took this job, stayed with these…people. Maybe it was a sense of adventure, maybe honor, greed, guilt over the innkeeper, maybe even divine will. All I do know is this, if I got the chance to do it again, knowing how things happened; I wouldn’t hesitate….


…To do it all over again


But I suppose to you, that is all just gibberish. Here, let me start from the beginning. It was a cold evening, the sun was just setting behind the mountains and the children were being called home by their mothers, husbands by their wives. I walked into the inn, I forget the name now but it had something to do with fruit; Salty Apple, Mushy Peach, Slimy Strawberry, something like that. Anyways when I walked in, I couldn't help but notice that the usual mingling of farmers and workers had been replaced by these strange people, dressed in black cloaks.


It occurs to me that you do not even know who I am. My name is Terranious, and I am a paladin from the North. My mother….. You know what, let’s just leave that out for now, I’m sure I will get into it later, but for now, let’s just focus on what happened. I ordered my drink, (I must confess I have a bit of a soft spot for ale) took my seat, and watched the “crowd”. It didn't take a genius to figure out that something was not right in the state of Luxxor. What few locals were there were silent and obviously on edge, the cloaked figures were always looking, always staring. Though their mouths never moved, you somehow knew they were talking to each other. I continued to look around the common room and I spotted in the corner a group of individuals, obviously adventurers, who seemed not only aware of the situation, but willing and able to do something about it. I remember that moment clear as day, though so much changed between then and now. There were four of them there; an obvious wizard, robed in blue of all colors, but by the way he sat you could tell, there was either mail or plate underneath (he tended to flinch now and again as if being pinched). To his left sat the druid. At first I wasn’t sure but once I saw her ivy wrapped face and the way it intertwined in her leather armor I knew, she was a disciple of nature. Across from her, leaned back in his chair and spinning a blade idly in his fingers, sat a man I would later know as “The Rogue.” Not a big man, as a matter of fact I wouldn't put him over ten palms tall with rather pale skin. I mention his height and skin because between him and the druid sat what had to be the largest beast of a man I had ever seen. EASILY fourteen palms tall, with dark skin that had a hint of green, the man was pure muscle. It was difficult at first to see what color his skin was and he was covered, head to toe in either scars or tattoos. The only real fabric to speak of was a small triangle across his... *clears throat*… lower front, and a scabbard strapped across his back.


The group obviously seem agitated and talked continuously in hushed tones, I strained to hear what they were saying but they were too far away, I could tell though by how they signaled towards each other, the cloaked figures, and the door, that either they were going to start some trouble, or were planning for it to start at any moment. Needless to say, this had ME on edge and my hand drifted to my father’s sword instinctively. I watched as they tensed, and all but the rogue suddenly stood and faced the door, their hands on their weapons. The air almost crackled with power as the wizard began to chant under his breath, when suddenly a voice called out from behind the bar “THAT IS ENOUGH!!!” All eyes turned to the barkeep as he stood there, a mug in one hand and a rag in the other. “I do not know who you folks are but you are obviously not from around here so I will give you a piece of warning, leave well enough alone”


“And what if WE do not want them to?” came a low, almost rumbling voice from the door. It seemed to fill the room while at the same time came from nowhere. We looked and there was another robed figure standing, his sword drawn. But this one was different; he was taller, bigger, and wore a breastplate etched with a symbol of a tree that I did not recognize. Behind him stood what looked like a small army, all with bows drawn. The pack of adventurers did not move, they didn't even speak. I slowly stood and tried to make my way to the door, the whole time thinking, “I do not know what is going on but I do not want ANY part of it.” As I edged to the door, the voice spoke again.


 “And where do you think you’re going?”


“Out the door and on my way” I responded.


“I believe you have made a mistake, try again” Again, I said, “OUT that door and ON my WAY!”  

            The tension was thick enough to choke. I felt eyes upon me as I stood my ground, and I knew that if something didn't change soon, someone was going to die, and I sure didn’t want that. At this point, the bartender stepped out in front of us, pleading to the armored figure.

“Just let them leave Jarod, they are outsiders, and they mean us no harm.”

“THAT’S WHAT YOU SAID ABOUT THE LAST OUTSIDER THAT YOU HIRED TO KILL ME!!!” He boomed so loud that the windows shook and glasses fell to the floor. This man had power, that much was sure, and my better judgment told me it wasn’t used for good.

A silence hung in the air for a moment, a moment that seemed to last an eternity as the booming echo faded into nothing, a fading echo followed by a unique sound, a sound that anyone who has spent time in the wilds would know, the sound…. of a bowman releasing his shot.

            Seconds seemed like days as I watched the arrow fly, cutting its path through the air, straight and true, into the soft flesh of its target. I watched in horror as it pierced the flesh, drove its way through the bone only to emerge again on the other side, and lodged in the throat of our protector, our attempted peacekeeper, our jolly innkeeper. I watched in horror as his body slumped to the floor, his steaming life’s blood pouring from the fresh wound. Watched as he hit the ground with the look of terror and surprise etched in his face, the face of death.

            My sword drawn, I glanced to the party in the corner to see them all stand at the ready. Even the rogue, dressed in his padded black leather, stood at the ready, still spinning the dagger between his fingers, a strange bulbous curved blade in his other hand. There was no turning back at this point, I knew that and accepted it as I side stepped to stand beside the adventurers as I voiced a knights challenge to my opponent, raising my sword in salute as I readied to take my first swing.

            The battle was a blur, so much activity in such a short time. I remember I struck against steel, the steel of his breastplate. As I dodged his swing I wondered where his sword even came from, I never recalled seeing it, but that didn't matter. He swung at my throat and thankfully, I dodged.

            I remember hearing a howl of pain from behind him, and feeling a warm splash across my face, just as a saw a bowman from behind fall to his knees, gripping at the dagger I recognized as the rouge's embedded in his chest. I heard a roar to my left and my instincts told me to duck, lucky thing I did or that damned beast of a man would have taken my head clean off. He swung a monster of a blade, it was as long as I was tall and as wide as my arm. I watched as it is found its mark, cleaving the shoulder of our enemy.

            I wondered why no one had moved, they all stood there in the door way, even the archers that were firing into the room never seemed to move a step. As I rolled to avoid a barrage of arrows I saw why; strange plants had taken root in the inn floor and wound themselves around their ankles, and I remember seeing some who had dropped their bows and were trying desperately to hack away at the strange leafy apparitions. I took too long to notice this however as I felt the sharp bite of steel in my shoulder; the blade had struck, driving its way between my plates and into my flesh.

            It wasn't a serious wound but it hurt, it hurt a lot actually. Thankfully though, he got what was coming to him as I noticed that the wizard was no longer chanting behind me. He had the time he needed and three small spears of light, like small lightning bolts, shot forth from his fingers, into the chest of my assailant, causing a scream, and a distraction. This was all they needed. The bowmen had either freed themselves and run or lay dead on the floor.

            As if stepping out of shadows themselves, our man in black appeared, and drove his strange blade into the man called Jarod. He missed his mark, but it still hit hard enough. I stood and pulled an arrow from my leg, caught in the chain mail, and smiled ever so slightly to myself as I saw his blood drain, and his body slump to the floor, but even in death, was his face never revealed.         

            The battle over, I looked around. There were several dead figures, and the druid had an arrow in her leg that she seemed not to notice. Curious that she bled green blood, but at this point I knew that small questions could wait. I dropped to one knee and said a small prayer upon myself and the bodies of those slain, a blessing of their spirits so they may find justice in the next life and forgiveness for my acts, no matter how provoked. I stood and turned to the group who seemed to be addressing the young lady’s wound, and asked one question, a question I sometimes wish I had never asked.

         “So who is in charge and who can tell me what just happened here?”

            They looked at each other, no words were spoken but you could tell they were communicating in their own way. The rogue sat down and propped his feet back up, going back to sipping his drink as if nothing had happened. The huge man sat down in the corner and began to clean his blade. I stood there watching the remaining two have some silent argument between them before the lady sat angrily, gulping her wine, only the wizard remained.

            “No one of us is ‘in charge’ as you put it, we make decisions as a group. As for what just happened here, well, you just got pulled into problem that may cost you everything you have, including your life. Come with us and I will explain on the way. I am Vernus the Blue. The large gentleman licking the blood from his blade is Krong, he is a half orc and comes from the lands of the barbarians. He doesn't say much, but when he does, I suggest you listen. The young lady is Avalon Half Elven, our druid and healer." Vernus stopped a moment to loudly clear his throat. "And the laid back fellow in black is… well, we just call him The Rogue. He never speaks, but rest assured, he is not dumb and understands everything we say. Silence is his choice. You are a paladin from the looks of it, and a noble knight by how you fight. What is your name?”

“I am Terranious, Son of Nox. I hail from the lands of the North, and I will join you for now since you offered, but I have my own quest and I must return to it when this is finished.”

“Very well, an honor to meet you. Now, we have to move or they will come looking and when they find the head of the guard dead in the inn they will not hesitate to try and kill us. Grab your things and follow me.”

I grabbed my meager pack, quickly sheathed my sword, and headed out the door, prepared to follow these people I had barely met towards a fate I didn’t know, into an adventure I would never forget.

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Chapter 2 In which we learn of origins and RATS!

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Chapter 3 Stairs, Statues, and Silence

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Chapter 4 In which we learn of Puzzles, Priests, and other Perplexities

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Chapter 5 Water flies, hearts melt. Time to move on

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Chapter 6 How deep does this rabbit hole go?

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Chapter 7 Death is an enemy I have beaten before, yet always wins

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Chapter 8 Origins and Goblins and Kobolds, OH MY!

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Chapter 9 AMBUSH and a Moral Dilemma

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Chapter 11 Into the Grove

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Chapter 10 Knock knock!!

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Chapter 12 The end and New Beginnings

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