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Sports and education go hand in hand. If someone really cares for his or her child’s physical and mental wellbeing, he knows what essential part sports plays.

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Nowadays, the very fact is not taken into much consideration that academic learning and sports education are those pieces of the jigsaw puzzle without which it remains unsolved. If one is head of a coin, the other is the tails. Sport is a great contributor to the overall polishing and grooming of a child’s personality. Sports is an excellent teacher and whatever it teaches remains with the child for a very long time, forever. Among st some of the life-changing lessons, are the virtues of leadership, sharing, team spirit and tolerance towards each other.

Makes the student an all-rounder

Ambition is one of the highly valued characteristics that sports education helps to inculcate in a student. This is because, in sports, the student learns from an early age that in order to win, he has to lose at some point, to discover where he was going long. Then and only then, will he learn to fight the right way and become successful. This way not will he learn to be disciplined and get a determination to win, but he will learn to fight back and face failure with the right and most appropriate mindset. Furthermore, sports require a person to take the right decision at the right time, therefore, it develops the reasoning part of that person along with critical thinking and good judgment skills. Hence, sports education plays a central role in making a student an all-rounder.



Studying requires you to be very focused in the class. But it is commonly observed that no matter how much some students try, they miserably fail to concentrate completely during the lecture is going on. Sports help to improve the concentration part of a child. When there is a regular physical activity, the mental skills get sharp. As a result, the child is better able to give his entire attention during the class, as his mind is clear of all the distractions, as all the energy is drained away and invested positively in physical activities to put any in the distractions.

Fights depression

Nowadays, children, especially teenagers, are seen to be easily taken over by depression and anxiety, most of their time they seem to be very sad and done with life. This is because of the pressure of the studies takes over them and drains them to the extent that they can no more tolerate it. All the frustration that gets collected inside them, needs to be let out by some means, the most effective of which is through sports. Parents and teachers, who don't spare anytime for the children to play physically, thinking that once they are done with their studies, they can have all the time to play in the vacations, do great injustice with them. Sports is a great helping tool to build positive self-esteem in children. It works wonders in destressing them and flowering the feelings of physical and mental well-being. Furthermore, it protects the child against juvenile delinquency. The child feels rather safe and peaceful in himself and free from aggressive outbursts.

It is very upsetting to see so few people talking seriously about importance of and necessity of sports in education. Parents have started taking pride to see their children studying all the time and becoming a bookworm. Some parents even argue that video games cannot stand behind physical sports when it comes to mental development and critical thinking skills. Furthermore, they defend their logics by bringing the safety and hygiene issue of their children that might come up if they let their children play in the open ground. What they often forget is that, a sporty child knows pretty much how to protect himself. Introvert children are more prone to diseases as compared to the extrovert ones. Sports win hands down in all the physical advantages that it covers.

Instead of drinking up all the energy from the child, sports actually make him active the entire day without getting tired. The lungs remain active and perform to their best. Scientifically and biologically, oxygen reaches every cell very efficiently and helps the generation of energy. A child with positive energy will always take less time to solve a task and thus, instead of hard work, he will do smart work; something which is the most important need of current time, as we see that the pace of the world has gotten extremely fast and to survive in this unbelievably competitive world, we need to do more work in less time.

Author bio

Maria Joseph is the author of this blog post. She is an expert content Online Custom Assignment Writing Service and educationist and specializes in topics related to mental development.

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