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A great thing about 2K18 MT basketball is the fact that it's not a complicated sport to understand at a basic level. The basics of basketball can be picked up in just a matter of minutes. However, you can always learn more if you would like to improve your game, and this article is here to help you.

Make sure that you practice your layups whenever possible.Layups sometimes wind up to 80 percent of the shots taken during a game. When you are practicing, run toward the goal and shoot. This method will assist you in perfecting your ability to jump and shots throughout the game.

Learn how to throw a proper bounce passes. A useful bounce pass that's good is going to end up hitting the other player at waist level. A good estimation is to target the ball to bounce roughly 3/4 of the distance that the receiving player is. There can be other factors in play to keep in mind, however.

The key to ball well is to spread your fingers out.This makes sure that it does not escape your grip. Don't let your palms touch the ball either.

You need to be quick to be good basketball. Try to play faster than the opponents for a better advantage. You have to do a lot of drilling to play quickly. Don't attempt to play too fast and risk your chances. Playing beyond your speed cause the game to get out of control with various turnovers and excessive turnovers.

Always be aware of your feet and what they're doing.

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