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Platinum fit keto Guys who lost weight arent suddenly dating models, Women aren't suddenly happy to have smaller dress sizes. There isn't a sudden acceptance into social circles after this rapid weight loss change. This leads to a feeling of defeat. . Medicines and supplements can enhance your weight loss Some people use medications and miracle supplements to allow them to not notice hunger but eat less. I get asked at least times a month by patients and friends to give them phentermine. Nobody I know who has used phentermine has had a sustained weight loss, they haven't lost large amounts of weight, and the risks of the medication are great for people who already have enlarged hearts or elevated blood pressures. You aren't supposed to take it with high blood pressure, atherosclerosis, glaucoma, or any heart conditions, conditions that many obese people already have. The medication can make you restless, nervous, dry of the mouth, and induce insomnia. But people are so desperate to lose weight they keep looking for artificial means of weight loss. Worst of all, I've had a few patients in recent years come to me to find that their use of that medicine with Fenfluramine in the past has led to Heart valve problems and a lifelong cardiac condition. If you want to continue to believe in medicines and supplements as weight loss miracles, you should plan on giving up large amounts of money for minimal weight loss. There are some supplements and medicines that enhance your weight loss such as orlistat and phentermine itself. But to truly keep the results, you need to make changes that are sustainable.

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