Rock N’ Roller


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Welcome to the school!

 Here at the School of Sound we cover all kinds of music for to-be musicians! Ranging from: Rock, EDM, Orchestra, EDM & Orchestra; you name it, we got it!

We have been gifted the art of music, let’s hope we can share that gift with others. 

- Mr. Cello

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Junior Band

 First bell rings, students don’t know what the teachers have planned...

“Come in class, sit down quickly so I can explain what we are going to be doing..!” Mr Drummer sounded exited. The class sits down at their seats.

“Alright, crazy story! We have been offered to have our first live music event at Wembley Stadium, in THREE WEEKS!!!”

He shouts in joy. The class cheer and Mr Drummer urges all students to grab an instrument and make a jaw dropping song performance, “Let’s Go! Let’s Go!

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