Inside Out & Upside Down


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Introduction: A Supernatural Fanfiction

                My life has always been simple. I live with my mother, father, and three younger siblings. I go to school, play in the local marching band and have some of the best friends in the entire world. The problem is I have always felt as if my life were too simple, that there is something more I have to do with my life, but I don’t know what that is. Needless to say, all my questions were answered the year I turned nineteen.


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Chapter 1: The Break In

March 21, 2012


            I walk through the kitchen of my old country home staring at the coffee pot. I know I’m not imagining it, the pot turned on all by itself, I’m sure of it! Surely enough the pot flips on and I jump from behind the counter as if I could scare the pot away. Of course nothing happened. How could it? It was only a pot.

            “Unless you’re possessed.” I say. The pot only flips off in response. I roll my eyes and flop onto the living room couch. This was not the first incident. Things happened all the time. Lights flickering, objects appearing and disappearing, the doorbell ringing spontaneously. You name it! But what was I suppose to do? I am a full time Christian, completely devoted and I know that no matter what God was in control, even if I was being followed by something Satanic. My eyes begin to shut, it had been a hard day of testing at the high school and I felt as if my bones were about to seep off my body. I slowly find myself drifting into unconsciousness and just as I am about to slip completely I hear the doorbell ring.

            My eyes shoot open and I stare at the wall separating me from the front door. They would leave eventually. Two loud knocks at the door cause me to drop to the ground shielding myself from any unwanted eyes. A moment later I hear the twisting of the door knob. Panic eats at the pit of my stomach, the phone was only a few inches from my body, but lying on the table is the butter knife that my sister frequently uses for eating her frozen vitamin water. I pick up the knife then the phone. Dialling 911.

          “What is your emergency?” Asks the operator very monotone.

          “There’s someone at my front door. They’re trying to break in.” I whisper.

           “Name and address?”

        “My name is Kayla.” I say. “My address is---” I stop as the door breaks down. My heart jumps to my throat, but my instincts take over, driving me. I drop the phone and hold the knife in my right hand. A second later two guys emerge. I am still out of sight so I take the advantage and stick the taller of the two guys in the leg. He cries out and the smaller guy pulls a gun at my head. I don’t drop the knife, but I hold it out at the larger guys throat.

        “Put down the gun!” I shout. The smaller guy does not flinch, but he looks at the large guy with a small sideways glance.

        “You won’t use that.” Says the smaller guy.

        “Won’t I?” I ask. “I already stabbed him in the leg.” The smaller guy shrugs and places the gun on the floor. I don’t release the taller guy, but with one quick movement the smaller guy hits me square in the face and puts both of his arms around me throat. My knife clatters to the floor.

        “Never threaten my brother!” He growls. The air is escaping my lungs quickly. I only know a little bit of self defence, but I have enough common sense to save my skin if need be. I take my foot and jam it into the smaller guy’s knee he groans and drops me. I race over and pick up the smaller guy’s gun off the floor, and hold it at his head.

        “Woah,” Says the larger guy. It was the first time I had heard him speak. “That’s enough.” He looks right at me and holds up both of his hands. “Listen, we didn’t come here to pick a fight. My name is Sam and this is my brother Dean.” Sam sticks out his hand, but I ignore the gesture and cross both hands across my chest gun still in hand.

        “You should really hand that over.” Dean says pointing at the gun. “I don’t think you know how to use that properly.” I narrow my eyes, Dean was obviously trying to use his “charm” on me, but I am not that easily persuaded by boys.

        “I know how to use this.” I say, “And I’m not afraid to blow your head off.”

        “Fair enough.” Dean says, “Can I at least make sure my brothers okay?” I shrug and Dean is instantly beside Sam.

        “Are you okay, Sammy?” He asks. Sam nods and pulls back his pant leg revealing a large wound. I hit an artery, and it was bleeding rather badly. Dean looks back at me I can see visible panic etched onto his face. He looks oddly beautiful.

        “We have to get him out of here.”

        “We?” I question.

        “Yes!” He shouts, “Now help me pick him up before I kill you.” He sounds serious and I know that I was the one with the gun, but I don’t want anyone to die, especially not on my account.  I put gun into my belt loop and pick up Sam’s left side, while Dean tended to the right. Which was Sam’s hurt side. We carry Sam down the steps to a parked car. The car looked old, and was not very large, but there is a certain flare to it that made me smile slightly. Dean opens the passenger side and sets Sam safely inside.

        “Get in!” Dean shouts.

        “What?” I ask. “Are you serious?” Dean looks ticked, and before I could respond he picks me up and throws me into the back seat before climbing into the drivers seat.

        “This is kidnapping!” I shout, “You can’t do this! I have a family they’ll hunt you down!”

        “Trust me kid, I’ve had way more intimidating threats.” Dean smirks, and pulls the car away just as I hear sirens in the distance.


I try to follow the path that Dean took as he sped down the road, but I lost track as soon as we passed into Indianapolis. The day turned to night and as soon as the car clock struck midnight did I finally speak up.

          “Where are you taking me?” I ask

Dean says nothing, but with a turn of his head he looks over at Sam sleeping in the passenger seat then softly he says.

        “You’d better hope he’s not dead or I’ll end you.” I shut my mouth again as the car sped down the highway. After what seemed like a year of driving the car slid to a halt at a sickly motel called The Catch. A hooker stood by one of the many parked cars, enticing a business man to come inside. Another hooker stood making out, half dressed with another man. I look at Dean, he opens the door and rushes to the passenger side.

        “Help me!” He shouts. I instantly jump from the back seat and help Dean pull Sam into the motel room. I am thankful that the inside of the rooms don’t look nearly as bad as the outside. I shut the motel room as Dean lays Sam on the bed. By this point the bleeding had drenched a black hole in the pants of the large boy. It didn’t look as if he would make it, but Dean doesn't look too concerned. As he frantics around I look back at the motel door. Dean wasn’t keeping a too watchful eye on me. It would be very easy to sneak out, but wasn’t it my job to make sure Sam was okay? I cross the room over to where Dean was sitting on the bed beside Sam. His hands are folded as if he were praying. I am about to touch his arm when he stands up and cries out:

            “Cas, I swear if you don’t get down here I’ll kill you!” A breeze sweeps by me and another man appears beside Dean. I don’t jump, but my heart stops.

            “I’m here Dean.” Says the man. “What’s wrong.” I take a step back as Dean faces the man. He’s wearing a long tan coat. His hair is black and his eyes are pure blue.

            “Sammy’s hurt.” He says. The man moves over and examines Sam’s wound, and before I could say anything to explain myself the man touches Sam’s forehead and his eyes open and his wound heals completely. I gasp and the man turns to look at me for the first time, he looks apathetic, but when he turns back to Dean he looks furious.

            “Damnit Dean, what did you do?”

            “She’s collateral damage.” Dean says. “We were working a case and she stabbed Sam in the leg. I made her come with us.” The man turns back to me and gives a gorgeous half smile, his blue eyes are shining.

            “Who are you?” He asks.

            “Kayla.” I say shyly.

            “It’s nice to meet you, Kayla. My name is Castiel, I’m an angel of the Lord.” This time I do have a reaction. I’m a Christian and I know a lot about angels, and this man is not an angel.

            “There’s no way.” I say. “Angels have wings. Where are your’s?” Castiel steps back and with a bolt of lightning two black wings stretch out from either side of his body. I gasp, and beside me Dean laughs.

            “There you go again, Can, always trying to impress the ladies.”

            “Forgive my friend.” Cas says giving Dean a stern look. “His intentions are pure, but he sees you as an enemy.”

            “An enemy?” I question. Castiel nods his head.

            “You stabbed his brother. Did you not?” I nod. “Well when you threaten one of the Winchesters you threaten them both.” Sam finally stood up and smiles at Cas, but upon noticing me he turns back to Dean.

            “Please tell me we didn’t kidnap this girl.”

            “She stabbed you, Sammy.” Dean says.

            “So you kidnapped her?” Sam retorts. “We save people, not kidnap children!”

            “But what about the job?” Dean asks.

            “Screw the damn job!” Sam shouts. “Cas, return her!” Cas turns to me and places two fingers on my forehead. A second later I am standing in my bedroom, Cas by my side.

            “How did you?”

            “I’m an angel.” Cas reminds me. “I’m sorry about Dean again.” Then he is gone. I stand there for a minute before hearing a sharp knock at my door.

            “Kayla?” Asks the panicked voice of my father and mother. “Is that you?” I strip off my blood stained jacket but it catches on my belt loop and the gun comes free. I quickly shove it under the bed just as my parents push their way into my room.

            “Where were you?” Asks my father in a hug.

            “With a boy.” I say, which was only partially true. Father and mother look furious, but just glad I’m all right.

            “Do you realize how much trouble you are in?”

            “A lot.” I say.

            “Yes,” mother says. “You are not to leave this room for three weeks!”

            “I understand.” I say. My mother and father embrace me one last time before shutting the door firmly behind them. I immediately bend down and pick up the gun that I had stolen from Dean. Today had been the most stressful most exhilarating day of my life, and the only thing I had to take away from it was a jacked up revolver with a small star carved into the side

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