Free Your Beloved Dog of Fleas


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The Fleas Must Go!

Ensuring good health of one's pet is a priority for all pet owners. One needs to be aware about certain common health problems that your pet may face and the available remedies in the market. 


Fleas and ticks can make your dog uneasy, irritable and result in many other diseases, such as tapeworm. Frontline Plus for dogs is an effective treatment that will ensure that your pet is not troubled by these blood sucking insects.

Importance of Frontline Plus for Dogs


Fleas and ticks can be quite dangerous and they multiply at a very fast rate. They not only trouble your pets but can also be found in various places in your home, even in the cabinet where you store your dog's favorite treats. Frontline plus for dogs is a monthly topical treatment that comes in a tiny plastic squeezable tube. 


The medicine has two active ingredients - fipronil and methoprene. It needs to be applied between the shoulder blades and under the fur of your dog. Very little amount of these insecticides is absorbed through the dog's skin. Instead it spreads out over the surface of the skin and settles in the hair follicles and sebaceous glands.


Frontline plus for dogs is highly effective and provides quick relief to your pet. The manufacturers of Frontline claim that it kills 100% of adult fleas on your dog within 24-48 hours and kills all stages of major ticks. The treatment continues to work for a month.


Frontline Plus for Dogs: Working and Precautions


Frontline Plus for dogs not only kills the insects but also curbs their growth. Fipronil is a slow acting poison that disrupts an insect's central nervous system and kills adult insects while S-methoprene is a growth regulator. 


This treatment needs to be handled with great caution since careless usage can cause nausea, vomiting or seizures. Certain recommended precautions are:


•You should ensure that the medicine is applied at a place where your pet cannot lick it.


•If you have several pets, do not allow them to lick each other. Keep the various pets separate until the frontline plus for dogs dries. Complete drying may take a day or two. The treatment can also cause itchiness or irritation on your pet's skin.


•Do not use frontline plus for dogs on puppies younger than eight weeks.


•Do not use this medication on your dog if it has already been treated for fleas earlier in the month.


•Do not allow your children or yourself to touch the application area of your pet. 

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