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A deliveryman pushed through the crowds. Eyes resolute. He clutched the package nearer. A clock struck five, reminding him how late he was. A beat cop's eyes weighed on him heavily now, with eyes that burned. Soon heavy footsteps matched his own!

"Buddy, where's the hurry?" Authorities always hassled his kind. Some of his people where not kind to these men, and they assumed the worst in all of us now. Into an alley, and to freedom? His pace slowed, he was no longer young, and the destination far.

The Badge suddenly caught him by the shoulder. Jumped, he turned and faced! Eyes met, frozen gaze. A gun reached for. Panic! The packaged dropped, cheap cardboard ripped easily. The deliveryman ran into the dark, as the cop surveyed the mystery before him.

A dead end! Trapped! Eyes darted. The cop not following, he's waiting for his prey to come to him. Heavily panting, heart racing, the deliveryman chose flight over fight, running into the light. In the light he found why Blue had fell silent.

Frozen, completely frozen! Clutching the box, his face twisted in horror as he looked inside. Heads of several snakes bobbed around the box's entrance, not escaping. He crept closer to the statue, one that would have made ancient Greek masters weep for joy, and closed the box. Never look inside! A second wind now, he grabbed his box and continued. Soon, he thought, they'd all be statues!

He knocked three times, then two, then three. A small window slid open, brown angry eyes peered out. Latches clanked and an old door opened. Inside, large video cameras, three in total, aimed at a stool and microphone. Several men wearing robes and sandals rushed. His people, he thought, as he looked at the box one last time before handing it over. Once upon a time his people used the contents of the box to slay the Kraken and gain their freedom. Immortal, lost to the ages, and recently uncovered by his research team. His government had always wanted the Bomb. Old Perseus had willed them something much worse.

Broadcast Signal Intrution of a multinational news program, and a fierce volley of words from the source of the anrgy pair of eyes that had let the deliveryman in. The angry man clucked angrily into the three cameras angry words with angry intent. Cackling and flourishing, he flung open the box and tilted it toward the live cameras. The gorgon's hideous face filled the trio of lenses, and the cameramen were now meeting their virgins in the afterlife. In his madness, the angry one forgot not to look and froze in mid cackle. Soon the room was filled with statues and silence. Just as the deliveryman predicted!

The deliveryman? Using a mirror, he backed toward the horrible box, closed the lid, and hastily ran from the evil den. More police would soon arrive, and no more should die.

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