The Ghost Of Screams II


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The dark

Deep in the dark. All you could hear all see is nothing. Just space and echoes. Suddenly, there was a huge sound of lightning and suddenly a telephone box was standing in a dark black space. Vicky ran out of the box bewildered . She looked back stunned to the old man standing there. "I know. Happens all the time."  Vicky is still shocked from what she saw. "How could that be possible?" She says in a frightened voice. The old man doesn't answer but he just stares at Vicky. Few moments later he steps down from the telephone box and walks and looks around. "It's dark. It's completely dark. The only thing shining is the telephone box. Well." The old man walks back into the telephone box and before he walked back in, Vicky stopped him immediately. "Your not going to leave me are you?" The old man looks at her and replies, "Of course not my dear. We're on an adventure." The old man walks back in and Vicky stares. Her eyes move left to right up and down. Then finally the old man back with a mysterious device in his hand. Vicky looks at it and then asks, "Uh excuse me, but what is that your holding?" The old man looks at the device that he's holding in his pocket then he answers, "Oh this thing. This right here is my Lunar Trade Relocator Matrix. This thing can locate light." Suddenly there was a loud noise. The old man looked at his device and was shocked and shouted, "Come along now. I found a light source here somewhere." The old man walks off straight into the dark and Vicky can't stop thinking about how she got into this craziness. Few moments later Vicky catches up with the old man and says to him, "Can you please tell me who you are or at least your name." The old man stops and immediately turns and looks at Vicky. "I found it." Suddenly light pops out the old man's device. "I found it." The old man starts to giggle. Suddenly Vicky's face dropped again. The old man stopped laughing and said, "Well my dear what is wrong?" Vicky nods her head and the old man looks behind him and suddenly he drops his device.

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 Few moments later the old man and Vicky were in the dark unconscious not saying a word. Then suddenly a bright yellow lights comes into the room and the old man finally wakes up from his consciousnous and so does Vicky. Suddenly a deep voice spoke, "Prisoners. Welcome to the planet     Heglorix. You prisoners shall be put on trial." Suddenly the voice was gone Vicky's eyes were popping out of her face but as for the old man, he was just there thinking. Vicky spoke. "Planet. We're on a planet. You didn't even tell me that we're on a planet." The old man looked at her and said, "Yes we're on a planet. We'll be put in trial before we are dead." Vicky couldn't take this much nonsense anymore so she shouted, "Oi. Let us go. Oi." The old man shouted, "They will not answer you unless your spoken to." Vicky gives a sigh and starts cry. "Great. This is just wonderful. Before graduating, I die. Great." The old man looks at Vicky and before he could say anything he starts to think. Then he speaks. " dear. Do not cry. There's nothing to worry about. We'll get out of here. Soon." Suddenly the deep voice came back again. "Prisoners. Your trial shall commence in five minutes." Few moments later five minutes passed and suddenly the whole room went dark. The old man and Vicky didn't know what was about to happen till, "Prisoners. Follow me." Someone or something was in the room. The old man looked around and shouted, "How can we follow???!!! We're blind!!! We cannot see!!!" Suddenly the old man was knocked out unconscious and so was Vicky then suddenly the voice spoke. "Now you won't have to see anymore."

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