Medium Mouse: Chronicles Of The End


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Intro :


In no way possible do I know how to write a book. But I've had the most weirdest, things happen to me in life. I know  I could write a better book, then the ones currently at Barnes And Noble such as : "Beer And The Bottom Of A Glass, Cinderfella And His Big Fat Ass, Jesus is a black Chinese alien. Bathroom Ethnic #4,000; Angry Birds Cookbook, My Life As A Tampon aaand as always. The Curvature of Seth Rogen's Balls, By James Franco.  Basically this book is about 50% true. The other stuff about what your going to read, is fiction. Well you get the point, anyway. :) I stand by a code in life and it reins true to this t-shirt I once bought. "Be careful or you'll end up in my novel."

 In many ways, I really don't think I was meant for this life. I always pictured something greater for myself,  and with my head held waay up high in the clouds. I use to day dream a lot as a kid, leading up to adulthood. I always pictured myself as the hero of my own adventure. But as you know, what goes up. Always comes down. In life was hard for me, I tried to focus in school. But I always day dreamed way more then any person should. What can I say? I'm a day dreaming, fool? A nerd? It's probably all the same thing. Just categorized differently.  I don't like asking for help. Once I asked my Dad for help in a English lit. class , for college. I got a 32. I love my parents though, no matter how many times they busted my chops growing up. It is rough when you grow up with a learning disability and you were born with Essential Tremors. Essential Tremors is a giant tremor that effects most or all of your body. Even in your voice too. It's been compared to Parkinson's Disease. But trust me, if I could paint the Mona Lisa on a wine bottle and I can. If I can drive a car and write a book, I definitely do not have Parkinson's Disease. I would like to thank my husband Frank. I love him very much and he always inspires me, in whatever I do. You could say he is my muse. :) I would like to also thank Tablo Publishing for giving me this chance to publish my book. It's a dream come true! Thank you! I would like to thank my friend Heather June, when we inspire each other with our writing and I knew her since I was 20 years old working at Kiddie Academy, in Miller Place NY. In fact she got me into Firefly comics, so thanks Heather for that. :) & to most people a dog is just a dog, but if you ever owned a Beabull (Beagle, English Bulldog mix.) My Sammy is not just a dog, he's awesome and my baby. He actually has his own website on Facebook, called Sammy The Beabull. I'm bizzaro, crazy cat lady with the many of cats. But you own a Beabull, and tell me how you feel after being a dog parent of one. :)

Ps: I'm a Firefly, Serenity fan. Thanks to my friend Heather June. I like the comics. My Firefly DVD got stolen, so ppfftt. I really do have bad luck. Growing up I use to believe that my grandfather was always watching out for me, so in this story my Angels who watch over my character, her whole life ..well, there Firefly flavored. If I have to put it in any sense,  i'll put it that way. LOL  If your a fan of Firefly, you'll really like this book. Though I did try Nanowrimmo, it was really hard it trying to take swear words out, and replacing them with Mandarin swear words. But I did my best,  so I hope you enjoy this book. It's got a screenplay, fictional book combination feel to it. I honestly didn't know where I was really going with it, I just wanted my characters out there. I wanted them to shine. Or as Heather or any other Browncoat would say: I wanted them to be Shiny.

I really did try to describe, all the characters as well as I could. I hope no one gets insulted. I just work with what I know. I'm Sicilian, Italian. So of course everything in my family is super intense. If you joke about why the chicken crossed the road, your getting yelled at about the chicken and "What did you mean by that??" also "Am I the chicken??"  "What's wrong with my legs that I can't cross the road??" Then your burnt out as your Italian family networks, through the internet, instant messaging, text messages; about why you need a councilor and how they were just insulted because they were just called a chicken.    I've written books in the past and I would write to what would be the climax of a book. Wouldn't you know it? I end up getting the most ultimate brain fart you can ever imagine possible. All because I have no co- captain to ask : "Say, if your about to be ambushed by 200 or so possessed people ( Possessed by 200 demons); and the only thing you have is one hand gun. How would your characters leave that situation?" It's rare when people think on the same wave length. It's good to have a friend to write with but if your story is about tomatoes and their story is about Ireland. It doesn't help the both of you out, because there is no flow. I wrote this book, as a journal. You'll see by the dates in my book. My character is a medium who finds out she's way more then, what she ever thought she could be possible. Empaths, Clairvoyant Psychic Mediums, they have abilities that are all over the place. Just like this book. Enjoy. :)

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Chapter 1

Hello Readers, (If anyone is reading these journals.)

My name is Medium Mouse. Well it's not my actual name. I went by this nickname my Grandpa, gave me as a child. He called me Mousey actually, or as my Mom often told me stories about him. My Grandpa would start to call me Mousey, where he had gotten this nick name named was from a pink mouse he had given me when I had my tonsils removed at three years of age. I kind of use nicknames and short terms for everything, because 1) I'm Sicilian. My first journal I ever had written in when I was only 14 years old, it had contained of how I got dated raped. That I didn't know what it meant to be raped, so naturally my mother had read my journal. Of course, my mother didn't read the word rape, and put me under house arrest until the age 18. Dear old Mom , was afraid of her marriage ending, in her own thoughts. I was a rotten daughter, who was a dirty slut. Or at least that is what she would, rapidly tell me. After listening to all my phone calls to my friends growing up.

  2) I can see the dead. Or deceased. It's a much easier, pleasant word for them. It's kind of like a slang term, to tell someone that they are a dick. They hate that shit. Pardon my French. It's a hereditary thing. Seeing spirits. It skips a generation, but I defiantly have it. Spirits have a Ying, Yang effect. As soon as they identify who you really are, you better cover your ass. Because you will be screwed. They will haunt you forever. I cover most of these topics, even on a daily basis here in this journal and my Automatic Writing. I have at least eight of these journals, with each different stories. I'm not sure how I know them, I think it's something called Automatic Writing. But according to my mother and most of my family, I was very weird when I was born. At a month old, I was able to read billboards or road signs; during family trips. Whatever I had read, I would speak . My Uncle wanted to put me on Johnny Carson show, but my dad said no. I was 2 years old when I had learned to read a full article in Newsday. My Grandpa died when I was 4 years old. My mom said learned how to work a computer, and type full sentences. When I was 4 years old, I could barely count to 12. How was able type? I told everyone an angel, helped me. Mom thought it was cute I had an imaginary friends, my Aunt just said I was an alien baby. But I found documents, and proof that I actually did do all of that. I put them, in here. So that when it gets down towards, the final destination. There will be at least someone out there that will believe me. Remember. Always hide your identity, because the living can't handle the truth. The deceased will just use the truth to destroy you. If you read this and you can relate, in anyway possible. You are a Oddie, and ... fight well through the Baddies and the Normies. Gods Be, friends.


Medium Mouse           


My name is Mousey.

My Grandpa died today.

I was very sad.

I saw something no one else did.

I saw Grandpa get up, from the coffin.

We talked while everyone cried.

He made fun of my Aunt, her booger's were bigger then her nose. haha

I laughed at that in my jacket, it made it looked like i was crying.

He said he was going to be ok, but he and Az would be watching me from time to time.

Grandpa said he had to go.

I miss him. :(


This nice lady, in a shiny blue robe. She is showing me how to type, on my Dad's computer. I am 4. I thought my Daddy played games all day on this looks like a TV with button's. The nice lady next to me, she says her name is Inara. It's late at night and I know I'm not ever supposed to let a stranger in our home. But she has the same light, my grandpa did when he was alive. I use to think he was a walking light bulb. It was funny because he was bald, too. Hee, Hee. Uh, oh. Inara says, I have to stop typing. She says her Captain, is telling her to go home. Inara's Captain said to her, They need to find something of the other 5? I have to let her out the front door, but before she goes. She says she wants to paint a nice shade of red nail polish, on my brother's feet. Inara is nice. Like a big sister, who doesn't ignore me. She wants to paint my brother's feet, because he picked his nose; and wiped it in my food. After my Grandpa's funeral. Hey Grandpa, did you send Inara to watch over me?

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Chapter 2


Medium Mouse : The Lost Files                                                                       July 12, 1985


A psychic reading between two sisters and the world renound famous Psychic George:

George: "Who is Chick?"

Lucy: "That is our father's name."

Ethel: "He got that nickname because he was a very good looking man. hahaha."

George: "Who is the child with the mousey voice? He is very attached to her as so was another.."

Ethel: "That would be my daughter. She is a star!"

George: "I see. Is she allergic to dairy?"

Lucy: "Actually that would be my daughter. My husband calls it Essential Tremors, she's on a health food diet right now."

Ethel: "Oh the alien baby. She's nothing special."

Lucy: "Ssshh!"

George: "That mouse, or as you prefer the alien baby. She has a very old soul, some will say she is not of this world and her abilities will grow over time. Your father will always watch over her as she was meant to be the third daughter he was supposed to have and ..Az has adopted Her as her own child. Her time will come, when our end will be near. Thank you, ladies. I'm sorry."

George got up from his chair walking quickly away, with his walking stick. Leaving the two sisters confused and speechless.

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The End..Or is it?

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