Medium Mouse: The Child Of Darkness


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Ok. I'm back. Only this time with a vengeance. I know the first book wasn't very good. But once you read this, you'll defiantly like the first book. I think I'm finally getting the hang of this writing or books, before dyslexia sits in. As you may or may have not read in my last book. So I'd like to get some thank you's out of the way. Thank you to Tablo Publishing for dealing with my learning disability and anxiety. Also if your a writer, if you write a book. Make sure you written every word and sentence correctly. Otherwise if you publish it and ever sentence is "I milk store, bad guy stole cash register. I hide cops come, I scared." Everyone will wonder why a whole book, such as that was written. So check your work, before you publish it and take a deep breath every so often; when you read your work." To my Mom: none of this is real. So relax, Ok? To my Dad, I was never a morning person. I don't know why you keep forgetting that. I'm a 10:30-11 am, kind of gal. If you still don't know all that, then why do you keep asking me to meet you for breakfast?? Gina, I don't know if you will be like Mom and cry when you read my books? I was kind of annoyed at life in the first book, and I don't know how you might respond to that. Another thing for all you writers out there. If you write in a book when your pissed off,  you can go back later and change some words. You can make it fancy or scary. But don't publish out of pure emotions. Because what you say and what someone else thinks could quite possibly start a huge war, in your life. Which if it was something you never intended to do, then your shit out of luck when you publish it. Tommy: I wrote another fiction book. Like The Prego sauce, "It's in there." So I just saved you the time on reading this book, but I didn't save you car insurance by switching to GEICO. To my husband Frank, I love you very much. Now when I listen to the Frozen Soundtrack I now have Olaf's "Bumpa-bumpa-bum-bum." and the troll song that reminds me of you. I guess you were Disney made for me. :) Heather June, thanks for being my good friend since I was 19 years old. Since I'm 36 now, I have no idea how long we have been friends. I'm really bad at math, you have to forgive me on that. I still can't forgive Fox Network for cancelling Firefly and putting Firefly/Serenity themes in all of their TV Shows. At least your character Feather will be at my side and we could kick ass together, even if it's fictional. :) & Sammy my Beabull, just became my Official and Licensed Emotional Support dog. He is the best, ever. I'm even going to start writing children's books about his adventures. You can see him and other Beabulls like him, on his Facebook group page called Sammy The Beabull. (Beabull's are a mixed breed between Beagles and English Bulldogs.)

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Chapter 1 & Chaper 2

Medium Mouse : The Dark Child                                                                                   1/25/15
Chapter 1
"Your still here? Don't you ever stop?" Vic said, he caught me at the Usual Place where he would always interrupt my writing, time and time again. "I see they still permit, droopy pants in heaven. I would have thought there was a dress code. " I said, to as I looked up at him and continued back to my writing. Sarcasm with Vic, was now a second nature to me. It came as natural as walking, it never really needed an introduction. "You do know he's coming right? He's been waiting along time for you." Vic said, in such a calm voice. I thought he was going to add Nigga or his usual slang terms in there somewhere, but he just didn't. For the first time in awhile, Vic actually freaked me out. "I...I think I know who your talking about. ..I never admitted it, But I had weird things. .h..happen to me, as a kid..J-Just. .S-so I know were on the same p-page..who are you talking about? " I asked Vic, nervously. But before he could answer me back, a long purple tinted boney arm wrapped around Vic and pulled him into an unknown void. I will say this much, whatever took Vic must have been extremely powerful. Because in my adult life, I never ever and I mean ever had vomited before . That energy it left behind, at the Usual Place. Well it was enough to make me stop writing and retreat to the ladies room, where I hugged the crap out of my toilet. So to speak.
Sincerely Still Barfing,
Medium Mouse
Chapter 2
Medium Mouse : The Dark Child                                                                                 2/26/15

Chapter 2
"I went for two job interviews today. One wanted me out asap, I think it was because I complained to many times for product retail at Petsmart. The other was for Tutor Time and it lasted all of 5 seconds, because the woman who did the hiring in the building in was in. Actually fired me 10 years ago at another Tutor Time and she fired at least 14 people after me. To hire all her close and personal friends. I knew that woman from Kiddie Academy, from my first shitty part time day care job at age 20.
She did the same shit at Kiddie Academy years ago, she did at Tutor Time except she embezzled about. ..oh 50,000 thousand dollars.
I don't know what to tell Doof. It seems as though he wants to talk to me more when I have an job interview, less when I don't have an interview. Mom jokes that he's in the closet Gay, but I think she's really upset for his lack of appearance at my house.
Doof has at least 5 Baddies following him and the last time I seen him was for 4 hrs after 3 weeks ago of what I never thought I would see him again. When I saw Doof, he had the red mist coming out of his mouth and nose. I didn't think nephilim can get possessed by a Baddie. Usually when person is possessed by a Baddie. They are less harmful then the possession movies you see on TV. But they only cause loads of harm to the person their anger is directed towards. So a Baddies target could give up their life-force and that Baddie has one higher up, then the rest of the things that go bump in the night. Sincerely I think Baddies do a huge number on Nephilim, so maybe it is a good thing Doof keeps his distance. But pardon my French, but it's really fucking annoying because I know I can eradicate Baddies. I did it the Smithhaven Mall and I know I can do it again, if need be. It's really all so frustrating when I know what to do and everyone else is playing the "Out Of Sight, Out Of Mind" game I started when I was a kid.  
I tried the Etsy. Com business. They want my passport id and drivers license id. Cheese and crackers, I'm starting a business. Not going on a air plane. I really haven't been doing very well. With Baddies push Doof away from me he thinks I need to keep busy, but if I had a soul sista ( I dig there energy. ) to describe my answer towards him. It'd be like this: " I ain't no body got time for that shit! I married you, for love honor and for God to bless our marriage. I'm your wife, not a KFC drive thru where you get your chicken and leave. I'm over here belly up, busting my black ass while you parade around town and shit. You's a dumb Nigga, fool. "
I can't sleep at because I bust my ass nightly on the computer looking for jobs, that I can't even finish the application because they need proof I'm human . I gotta bring proof with Me that I'm ME when picking up my meds because CVS and Walgreens have said my name is invalid and I have to use the Italian version of my first and middle name as a Valid whole name. It's all been so anxiety ridden. I can never seem to relax and when I relax I feel useless. In my heart I was to be a superhero and kick ass, in reality I apply for jobs online and after two hours of filling out a job application. I have to fill out the survey and when I'm on page 82, that is when my internet says "Fuck you. Life is a bitch, now go to sleep bitch" and I can't go back on the internet and finish my damn job application.
I drink alcohol and beer every night and I take sleep meds every other night, because I can't sleep worth a fucking time bomb. I'm afraid of alcoholism and I can't tell my husband because I know possessed by Flokelore 1005 of the time. But sometimes I feel like he doesn't care at all. I know it's the Baddie inside him. But sometimes I feel as if I shouldn't at all care ether. Everyone loves a bitch. But I can't help not caring and loving someone, I'm just a big mush, and I sincerely think that is my biggest curse of all. :-(
Medium Mouse

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Chapter 3

    Medium Mouse:  The Child Of Darkness                                                                       2/28/15


"Un Ze Stop Ze, feeling bad for yourself! Un-ze-stand!?!?" Said a German solder who had come through the gateway even in the day time, to instruct me in not feeling so shitty. I really didn't think that it was possible, but here is this German solder. Standing in front me in the Usual Place. I really did not think a German solder would appear in a gateway, since they lead to forever heaven's. But perhaps this one solder did something good in life that he scored a forever heaven? I really don't know, but in this moment as I am writing in the Usual place, I actually started to miss Vic, and his usual bullshit.  I haven't see Vic in awhile and his Vanilla Ice get up that makes me laugh. It doesn't make me laugh that Vic is dead, I'm not that kind of person. However what does make me laugh, is Vic picking up his pants a lot. Then I see Bing do the same thing, I was never really sure if Vic was mimicking Bing or Vic making Bing lose his pants. But I could never stay in the living room, long enough to find out. Because it would always make me laugh, until the soy milk I was drinking would squirt out of my nose. Vic didn't die in the Vanilla Ice era, that is my only way to describe a whigger. Or a Caucasian that thinks he is an African American.  If Vic passed onto to greener pasture, I was happy for him. But when he is around, it's just to warn me that something bad is approaching me. Maybe it was good that he wasn't here. But it was really odd how I got along with the dead so much more then the living. I actually published a book. It's across between a novel and a screen play. Not many people enjoyed it. Then again not many people understand how I am, I look like American Ferrera and I have the temperament of Louis Black. I died in 2011. I don't know how or why I came back. Not many people come back from a 105.9-106 temperature. But I did. I can't follow fad's and everything that is in today. I just really feel I should be on a battlefield, instead of where I am now. I never felt so out of place like this. I try to fit in with the rest of the world even if I force it. I get this acid feeling in my stomach, that just takes over the rest of my body. That's how I know, I really don't belong here. I still don't know why I am here. But I am.

When Lucy speaks most days. She gets possessed by a Baddie every single day now. I know I am Nephilim and I know my husband is one too. But what about my family? Aren't they also Nephilim? I know my sister was one and it got to a point where a Baddie possessed her and I along with my Nephilim FIVE extracted it. But the Arch Angels said nothing about our families being Nephilim and how to deal with a family being possessed by a Baddie. I wish you can see Lucy right now as I type. She looks like the Red Mist threw up on her and created HELL BOY. Except in my mother's case it would be SHE WOMAN. The Nephilim gang is doing good, apart from Doof always being Possessed. Quarterback travels to Scare-Cons and he loves to take pictures of peeing themselves as he dresses; like a demented clown on Facebook. Quarterback says he can scare me with a hot branding iron, that is used on horses. But I keep telling Quarterback that the only thing that really scares me, is when he comes over to see his father Bing. He takes his shoes off and reveals his peal white socks, being unnaturally dark underneath his feet. Now that is really scary. Gross. Serenity and Bookie are now a couple and do things such as taking sex and Dominatrix classes, to strengthen their relationship. Feather is no longer the YouTube internet sensation, since Bookie took that title. Quarterback saw Bookie online at our favorite Starbucks one day, and Quarterback swears he saw Bookie having an Uncontrollable orgasm in Bookie's pants. So now Bookie is the sensation on YouTube and got more hits then Feather did with her dance, in one night with 315k hits. Feather asked me to join a gym and we were designing a friendship tattoo. But truthfully designing a tattoo with someone is a lot harder then extracting a Baddie from someone such as my sister, Holly. Haha. Featther and Serenity are on bad speaking terms. Serenity spends all of her time with Bookie now. So Serenity is only speaking English to Bookie and Serenity still speaks Mandarin to everyone else. Including her best friend Feather. I can see why Feather is annoyed, if I had a conversation with someone who knew how to speak English, but every word sounds as if someone threw a nickel down a hallway. I would throw them down a hallway.

 My Nephilim crew we descend from something called the FIVE, which you could now Wikipeda it. Which I thought was very cool and yet very scary since Wikipeda said the FIVE were the FIVE satans that fell to earth. We are apart of them, except Anthony. As we all learned as we all healed in time from the loss of our friend, Anthony is actually part Angel and Demon. When Nora and the rest of the FIVE touched down to earth, she was already pregnant with her Demon lover's child. But had cloaked the pregnancy, until we each had all been born. When the time came of Anthony's birth, Nora had learned that her Demon lover had followed her to earth. He wanted her child for power and not just for family picture day at JC Penney. She cloaked her pregnancy and Anthony's birth, in a open field in the middle of no where, so that no mortal man can see the light of her child. Anthony's grace. But when Nora had given birth to twins, her Demon lover was able to break free of Nora's cloaking. He left with one of her son's that Nora had known, she would never see alive again. When she lost Anthony I had never seen a woman so broken before. She had nothing, no claimed to this earth.  So when Bookie was able to move out of Nora's home, now that he got two stable jobs and was able to make it on his own. Bookie had looked at Nora one last time on his moving day to his new home. Saw Nora sulking on the couch and thought of his own birth mother, who had often wondered his mother looked that sad when he was in a five year comma. Bookie couldn't do it, he couldn't leave Nora. Nora in return was so happy that Bookie wanted  to live with  her, she often calls him "The White Son, she never had. But always meant to have." So when Nora now goes to Bingo on Monday nights when Serenity sleeps over, Nora leaves her whips and leathery things from the war in heaven out for Bookie with a note that always reads. "Dinner is in the fridge, toys are in my bedroom. Have fun kids. Love, Nora."

I find these things out on Pot Luck and Brownie Thurday nights, when Nora invites us over. While we have dinner Serenity points out to Quarterback where they have sex and we all laugh, when Quarterback stands and eats dinner. Nora invites us all over for dinner as a intervention for what happened to Anthony. See, after the Angels and my sister being a Baddie host. Anthony died. Well at least Nora is telling us that. I don't remember the funeral, but this time neither does anyone else. We went to his resting place one day, we all spread out to find his grave. But we didn't find it, we called the cops following day. We told the police that it might have been grave robbers. But when we met the cops that day, it wasn't a cemetery at all. Instead it was a dinner and it was hard to explain that to the police. So I said I suffer from memory loss and told everyone that it was the wrong place and the cemetery was in another town. I really hate lying, but I have to admit. In those moments it really does come in handy. We the birthright of the FIVE do not like to talk about the loss of our friend. But we all figure maybe Nora will tell us, one day what really happen to her son and our companion.


Medium Mouse   



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