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 I've run out of time

I'm fourteen and I already believe 

That I'm gone

I don't think that I'll live very long

I have a lot to say

And I could make a difference

But who wants to hear what I have to say

Not even my teachers know what I think

My mom and my friends have forced me to see a shrink

But I blink 

and the clock seems to have passed an hour

I'm fourteen and I'm already questioning this society 

I'm fourteen and I'm dealing with anxiety

And it's true that I want to study psychology 

I want to know what's wrong with me

I want to know I can be set free 

Before its to late

I don't see ahead 

I see behind me 

And everything's a mistake 

I'm running out of time

But believe me im fine

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That girl

 Let's look back seven years

That girl was smart

Did her part

Had a heart

I must be that girls counterpart

Cause those things can't just stop and start

We surely drifted apart 

I went really down hill from that depart

I just want to restart

I guess I look the prat

I don't think with my head I still think with my heart

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 I'm left because there's a war

Alert because all we want is more

But remember before

Before everything we wanted was right out the door

I'm sure we had good intentions 

But I don't have high expectations 

We're afraid 

Because we're feared

And still we won't help the world in a war against ourselves 

Choose a side would you rather live or be cured

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Twenty years

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