Inside The Book P1


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‘Are you sure we should do this?’ ‘Definitely, we know what it’s capable of.’ ‘Ok. I suppose the sea is the best place to hide it.’ ‘We could have used it better,couldn’t we?’ ‘We didn’t know, so don’t blame it on yourself.That is what it wants you to do.’ ‘Get it out of my sight.’ ‘With pleasure.’

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Once, not that long ago,there was a boy called Jack.It was half term and he was going to the beach.When he got there he ran to the sea. He swam out really far and dipped his head in.But as he looked at the bottom he saw a small box with a chain and a lock.He came up,took a breath, and went under again.He dived down and picked up the box which was quite heavy.He swam to shore and saw the lock was old and rusty so all he had to do was pull the lock and the lock broke. Inside there was ... nothing. Except there was a little hole in the side,but wait, there was something inside!A key. That could fit into the hole on the side of the box.He slipped the key in with ease.The inside of the box immediately moved to reveal a secret draw in which held a small tablet.But on the tablet was hieroglyphics but as  he had been learning hieroglyphics yesterday he could read it and it said: .......


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