Silver The Wolf


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No more life

Silver was lying on the tundra,that night silver's pack  abandon her.Even the pups left her know it's going to be harder to catch caribou without the pack.She has no idea how she's going to survive the winter,the other wolves  would  usually hunt and Silver would baby sit the pups.In one whole week winter would come.Tonight Silver is  itleased going to catch two full caribou.It would be a tuff challenge without any help,but she needs  enough meat to survive the winter.

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The hunt

 Silvers running through the sage and grasses and see's some caribou and goes to kill.Silver rips the caribou's head off she's got more to go,but this one got a head start it's really fast but Silvers faster!She got him ripped his leg off,the beast fell to the ground.One bye one she murdered the beast know she shall return home with her two's time for bed so silver goes to her den lyes down and falls asleep.

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Wolf ravenge

 While Silver was sleeping her old pack went to her den and stoll her two gigantic caribou know how is she going to survive the winter came early and that night caribou  migrated.In the morning she got out of her den the caribou were gone she whined howled she didn't know who took it until she saw the pack feasting on two gigantic caribou!She ran as fast as she could she pounced on Jello her old friend of the pack.All of the wolves snarled and attacked her even her own pups.she  Quickly snatched a big piece of caribou and ran home.All the pack serendered.

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