The Insincere


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chapterbegin_ 1

 beginning is a concept that will never be understood. a beginning is more than just the sharp crack of the starting pistol and the fast but delicate thud of the runners soles on the cement. a beginning must start with something. but if there is nothing to start with? than we begin from the end.

          The sentience of humanity can only be comprehended through a human. Or can it. The insincere were here before humans but they understood just how intelligent the species were in a way no human could. The insincere were, in fact, very good people to eachother. They felt emotions and they understood relationships. It just happened that they were leaps and bounds ahead of mental capacity than the average neighbor on Earth. But the insincere were from Earth. The humans arrived unannounced as if an uninvited party guest. That was ok, however,  this particular guest never realized they had attended a party. They lived in a hierarchical system where they reined over the natural resources the insincere used to worship, but the insincere were left unseen because it wasn't the right time. It seemed to always be the worst time to announce that they were an accompaniment to this ground but they stayed and they waited. Waited for things to get out of hand.

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Think of the beginning

 There are things I fathom I don't comprehend

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Chapter Three

 Human race was a memory. A word that brought a distinct emotion to an individual but faded away almost immediately. The humans were torn from eachother and isolated. The males were killed. The females were raped. The insinceres, or the origins, showed no mercy to their intruders. When the women gave birth they were thrown to rot with the corpses of the men on the underside of the world. The insinceres retook the land they were given. The intruders were gone but the resources they stripped were just as absent. This is more of an experiment than a plot. There is no true meaning to it, just that some anonymous species killed all the humans. They did, and they lived happily ever after. It ended where it began and the beginning must start with SOMETHING but where does that something come from... 

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