The Christmas Tale


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Chapter 1

 Once upon a dream,there lived a little girl called Luna,yes Luna loved Christmas she wished it was everyday but some things started to change.By the time she was 9 he mother and father split up so she never really saw her farther once a year and that was every Christmas.And she wonders what it would be like to have a happy Christmas so she could be happy for the rest of her life and not get upset about anything.

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Chapter 2

  So she sat down on her desk thinking what she would want for Christmas and then she thought she could say to santa if she could have her dad and Mom to be together again but if that couldn’t happen she didn’t want anything for Christmas 

“Sweetie are you ok” said her mother.

“No I just want you to get back with dad” sulcked Luna.

“Not to change to subject Luna but what are you hoping to get for Christmas” asked her mother.

“I want you to get back with dad but if you don’t I don’t want anything for Christmas”

Luna replied crossly.

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Chapter 3

 So she sulked in her bed all night a hopes that santa will bring the wish she wanted.But by the next day when it was Christmas there was no presents exsept for her mother’s presents and that is all.

“Oh I know that wouldn’t come true I might as well go to my room” she sadly spoke.

“Sweetie wait your dad is here”her mother said

“Ya only for a minute”Luna replied crossly.

“No luna we are back together”replied her mother.

“Really santa did give me somthing this year” Luna merrily replied to her mother.

“Dad you are here you are really here”.

“Yes I am Sweetie” her dad replied to her.

“This is the best Christmas EVER!!!!” Luna shouted.

And Luna had the happiest Christmas you could ever ask for 


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