Believing Any Of These 5 Myths About Essay Keeps You From Growing


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Believing Any Of These 5 Myths About Essay Keeps You From Growing


The essay may be the most common assignment. As a result many students fall into believing several myths that prevent them from developing as a writer. With this article we’ll present 5 of the top myths surrounding academic writing that hold students back. With a proper understanding you’ll be able to overcome these issues and reach your full potential as a writer and get the grades you’ve always wanted.

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Myth 1: Only bad writers get feedback: Did you know that it took Hemingway 16 years to write The Old Man And The Sea? Coming in at under 150 pages this may be quite a surprise. The fact is, Hemingway scrutinized his work so hard and was never satisfied with it. He always found faults and worked to improve them. The results was a Nobel Prize in Literature and a legacy of being one of the greatest writers of the 20th century. Now this doesn’t mean you should review your 5 paragraph essay for 16 years. But if you get a bit of red ink in return, take it as a professional courtesy to apply towards future assignments.

Myth 2: Saying it’s only an essay: Because these assignments are so common, learners may begin to take a relaxed approach to their seriousness. The fact is, each essay acts as a support to compliment the objective of your course. To shirk off one assignment often brings difficulties in the next. Each essay should be given full attention as it affects your final grade. Perhaps you’re studying a boring unit or have some plans. Instead of ignoring your work, appeal to the help of Edusson writers a reliable service that will get the work done for you. Not to mention you’ll have a great example for reference. According to the reviews, they are a legit service and not a scam. They also offer competitive prices for high quality work. If you do go this route, keep it to yourself as some professors may consider these services as cheating.

Myth 3: Taking your papers too seriously: Contradicting the previous point trying too hard can diminish the quality of your work. This is particularly true of new students. By stressing over your assignments you may go off track and get bogged down in too many details that distracts from the purpose of your work. While it’s important to be succinct, overloading your papers with too many resources will have your papers be a very dry read. Try to space out your data with reflections and meaning to add value to your content.

Myth 4: I can borrow a little bit from others work: This is a big NO NO in academic writing. Nowadays, technology works heavily in favor of the university. If you’re caught with even a hint of plagiarism, you can get bounced out of your course and ruin your educational goals. With so much information in the world, it’s so easy to accidentally copy content. Be sure to double check your work for plagiarism and make amendments where necessary.

Myth 5: You need to know every detail of what your paper will contain: Some of the best work was the result of a simple concept that kept growing. A prime example is in Thoreau’s Walden Pond he wrote a compelling chapter of how ants fought each other. Such a simple concept resulted in a literary masterpiece that was seen as both informative and interesting. The same goes for your academic work. You may be tasked with a heavy thesis and not sure how you’ll meet the volume requirements. Start with a few key concepts and let them branch out and grow. You’ll find by identifying the right ideas you’ll accomplish a great many things in your work.


The next time you get your task requirements, open your eyes to the opportunities that await you. With each task under your belt you’ll grow as a writer and a student. And remember, some of the greatest talent in the world was created from trial and error.  



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