Reading and Playing Games: The Help of Teacher and Parent


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Reading and Playing Games: The Help of Teacher and Parent


The voice of a parent or teacher, in response to this, are irreplaceable in creating intimidate between the child and the book. Confidence when approaching a new object, as is the book for early readers, can be enhanced greatly by the hand of storytelling or the telling of them (as long as you do know that the origin of the stories is in the books).

It is not easy; for this purposes, you have to read PapersOwl Reviews with expression and singing phrases.

It requires effort but is a very splendid way to convert a printed paper or book in a loving guide in the discovery of life.




BOOK capitalized, whys and how’s her, it’s important that children need to know to know what they are playing or working. They must differentiate between when they are playing and when they are working.

Some of these whys and how’s of these are:

 Why is paper, not wood or iron or electronic?

Why is square and not round?

Why pages are white and not green, black ink and not yellow and the sheets of paper and cardboard?

What is the cover?

Where do the books? Someone writes them by hand? Any invents machine? Do all the same stories?


These and other questions can be resolved playing. I like to clarify these issues playing the game by Out of the Book. But let us not anticipate. SUGGESTIONS FOR BOOKS WRITTEN IN VERSE, FOR MORE toddlers (although it can be used in prose). This is a different style of prose, in which the children have read more. In the game the teacher challenges the children being caught when changing words in the text. The game is complicated as it proceeds.


Finally read the entire book several times.



1. We read at normal speed but in the midst of reading changed some words. Tip: Enter the words earlier in his book with pencil and complicated, as you progress, the phonetic difference with the words replaced. Or do two runs (one with a blue pencil and the other with black) being the color of difficult words and the other of the easiest and will use or another.

2. Change the speed. Some paragraphs (notice) to read them all pill. So fast is more difficult to notice the change of words.

3. Read a paragraph literally substitutions and then ask where was the change.

4. Change lines (also after explaining the change in strategy). Choose a paragraph and read the lines skipped, which is the first third, then the one of first, then that is in second position, etc.. Other suggestions: · Represent gestures each of the poems. · The Professor / to read each poem and let the children speak the last word of each verse. · Children make the sound of each verse, twice repeating the last word of it. · Make a melody for each of the poems. · Learn a poem with the help of drawings.

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