Divorce Reasons


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Divorce reasons

One of the great ailments of modern Russia (and of all countries of “developed capitalism”) is the problem of divorces: every third marriage breaks up. Over the past thirty years, women have been and are the initiators of divorce in 70–86% of cases in the former USSR and current CIS countries. According to statistics, in women, two-thirds of all divorces are under the age of 25 years, in men - up to 30 years. According to the years of family life, divorces are distributed as follows: up to 1 year - 3.6%, from 1 to 2 years - 16%, from 3 to 4 years - 18%, from 5 to 9 years - 28%, from 10 to 19 years - 22%, from 20 years or more - 12.4%. Thus, in the first 4 years about 40% of divorces occur, and in 9 - about 2/3 of their total number. The ratio of women to men who turn to psychologists is 70 to 30. Women become economically independent and demanding for spouses, and therefore initiate divorce in 75% of cases. 

Spesialist from online divorce in Washington state  reason for divorce can nest in any of the elements of family life. Spouses may initially have different ideas about life, and during marriage try to drag another to their side, thereby violating the harmony and logic of the internal development of their spouse and destroying the marriage. However, it can be quite different: people who marry (!) Get along with each other until the need arises to conduct a common household and raise children, that is, until the economic and parent are added to the marital subsystem. In the words of the famous poet, "a love boat crashed into everyday life."

In modern society, there are a variety of reasons and motives for divorce: the difference in age at marriage, income and education, religious and ethnicity; It is also known that early marriages most often end in divorce. The causes of divorce can be divided into four groups:

- the reasons associated with the instability or underdevelopment of the person (frivolous marriage, bad habits, rudeness, betrayal, etc.);

- reasons related to the living conditions of the family (housing, material, etc.);

- the reasons associated with the objective impossibility of continuing a life together (mental illness, infertility, etc.);

- mass alcoholism, the economic crisis, unemployment, a sense of instability and depression as characteristic features of the state of Russian society.

Among the main reasons for divorce is cheating. But it almost never arises from scratch. It is rare enough to meet male Don Juan or female nymphomaniac. Basically, they change when something in the partner ceases to suit. Most women, faced with treason, are perplexed: why didn’t he say anything? Most of all, it is not treason itself that offends, but repeated deceit revealed in hindsight, while you did not suspect anything.

Many husbands are not satisfied with “advanced” wives. If a wife has lost in her husband’s eyes truly feminine qualities - weakness, tenderness, caring, then he becomes uncomfortable and sets out in search of a tender, affectionate, caring, one that needs to be protected. A man wants to be strong, but it is difficult to be him against the backdrop of a strong lady. And when psychologists "get to the bottom" of the core of the problem, it turns out that the betrayal was the result of incompatibility. Incompatibility can be different: sexual, intellectual, social. Social incompatibility can be attributed, for example, the level of human ambition. One spouse of another as a result of all these inconsistencies begins to annoy. Emotions accumulate and one day break out in the form of a major quarrel or adultery. If we talk about the underlying causes of divorces, then often intellectual incompatibility comes first. Especially the first marriages are subject to this. Young girls marry partners who are clearly not up to their level. Among girls, self-confidence is surprisingly widespread that they can “re-educate” a man.

One sign of the breakdown of personal relationships between a man and a woman is the lack of physical intimacy. When people cannot bear each other physically, they usually break up.

Psychologists identify the stage of deterioration in relationships in a pair. Usually, a divorcing couple has a “history” of vigorous attempts to solve the problem. This is not a family crisis. People are in conflict, arguing, trying to do something. At this stage, a professional psychologist can help them agree, but sometimes they turn to him late, when the crisis has already arrived.

If it is not possible to agree, the next period begins - apathy. People are moving away from each other, their lives go as if in parallel.

The third stage is irritation, nit-picking on trifles. At some point, an event takes place that finally puts an end to “i”: someone caught someone in something, accidentally saw him on the street, “well-wishers” informed, a thing, a note, an SMS message caught my eye. 

Most often, the separation is very difficult for those who disagree with the divorce or cheated side. It is painful to see that even among intelligent people it often comes down to threats, blackmail. How many tragedies bring divorces! How many men are in prison on slander of ex-wives, how many women end up in neurosis clinics. Rarely anyone in a divorce stage could maintain normal working capacity. Sometimes you even have to quit your job. Divorces thus cause economic damage!

Often former spouses do not have the opportunity to leave, they have to live in the same apartment. When they stay together in a confined space, terrible things happen: they hurt business and cars and psychologically cripple children ... Close people are dependent on each other, they often have nowhere to go, they know each other's weaknesses very well!

Only one of the five couples finds the strength to divorce in a civilized manner. All other divorces are a social pathology, which also leads to psychological problems: disappointment in marriage in general, fears, neuroses, self-doubt, and even hatred of children.

Conclusion: divorce is a serious social problem, now every third marriage is being broken up. The main causes of divorce are treason and alcoholism.


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