The New Boys Next Door


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The beginning flashback.

 It was summer, the slight breeze from outside slipped through my lightly open window. I had my headphones in and was listening to some new music, blasting it so everything around me was unheard. Suddenly out of the corner of my eye, a car passed our house. I curiously stood and crept to the window. "That's weird." I murmured. No one has lived in our neighbours house since last year , when the hems passed away in a tragic accident. I still remember the incedent vividly. It was last winter, we were just starting to have a light snowfall here in Canada, it wasn't as cold out as it had been the year before, but it was still windy enough to wear a light winter coat. I was outside enjoying the snow, watching the small little flakes drift off into different directions. Some going towards the house, some flowing into my damp hair, creating my hair to become damper, some going towards the neighbors house: the hems, and some flying into the branches of the big oak tree in our lawn. Suddenly, but faintly through my earmuffs, a light scream came from the hems house. I ran to the hems house before dialling '911' to make sure everything was okay. I rang the doorbell and no one answered, instead of ringing it again I knocked on the door five times rapidly before mrs.hems answered the door. "Hi mrs.hems, I'm so sorry to disturb you its just I heard a scream and I came to make sure everything was okay." I smiled my best polite smile and waited for her to answer. "Oh dear, everything's okay, why don't you come in for some tea?" She smiled, tears in her eyes, something was wrong, very wrong. "I actually need to get home and do some chores mrs.hem, I'm so sorry, but maybe another time would be more convenient." I said trying not to sound rude or impolite. "Oh but dear, please stay for five minutes, I get lonely around here when mr.hems goes off to work!" She said, I tried to reason with her for a while that now wasn't a good time, but I gave in.

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