Payton Imagines


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  You are sitting on a towel on a fancy beach in Hawaii, your very lucky to be sat here as many celebrities sit on this beach. You sit there watching the sunset and listening to the calming waves of the ocean. You see dolphins jumping up and down, you pick up your drink and sip on it. You lay down and daydream about all the wonderful things that are going to happen over these 7 days in Hawaii. You will climb mountains, visit many beaches, forests, jungles, zoos and much more. You daydream about that boy “Payton” you’ve always loved with your whole heart. You relax and begin to fall asleep. You wake up in the middle of the night and see yourself under the water. The ocean had risen over the night while you were sleeping. You swim quickly to the nearest stone and climb up to the shops you look around, it’s so dark you can barely see anything. You see a little light from the distance and you head towards there, the light was coming from a beach bar. You walk in and hear music and see many people dancing you walk towards them dripping down with water creating puddles with every step you take. You run to the bathroom to clean yourself up and you look in the mirror, all your makeup smudged and you look like a zombie. You wash the smudges off with water and dry your hair with the hair dryer, you also dry your clothes and bag with the hairdryer as it all was soaking wet. You hide your bag in a cupboard in the bathroom and walk out to the bar, you ask for a good drink and you get handed a fancy piña colada with a mini umbrella. You pay for the drink and sit down at a table watching everyone dance. Later on ,you decide to join in with the fun, you walk to the stage, and someone taps you on the back. You turn around and Payton Mooremier , the boy from your dreams, whispers in your ear “want to dance?”....

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