The Long Road <Working Title>


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Chapter 1

The haunting strains of Dreams on Fire was drifting through the sound system and Kate was curled up in a tight tight ball; quietly sobbing while holding on to her bolster like what it seems like for dear life. In her haze of sadness, Kate heard the phone ringing somewhere in the distance but she could not bring herself to get up and look for the wretched phone that was making the din. All she wanted to do is just say where she was, under the covers to wallow in her own depression for a while.

“Just a while”, thought Kate, “I just need to let go and be weak for a while. I deserve this little moments. I can be strong again later”. As she tried to convince herself of that, a fresh flood of tears started and she hiccuped as she reached for the tissue box again.

“How could everything go so wrong” she said out loud, obviously to no one in particular and then she heard a whining sound outside her door. Kate warred internally if she should get up or not but in the end, she got out of bed to open her room door and left it ajar. She looked down into those warm chocolate eyes and sat on the floor to give Kitt and started crying into Kitt’s neck. After a moment or two - maybe longer - Kate got off the floor and moved back to her bed with Kitt trailing behind her. As Kate lied back down on the bed, Kitt jumped onto the other side of the bed and snuggled against her weepy owner; Kate just turned and hugged Kitt, “what will I do without you, my darling Kitt?”

Kate wondered if she should call Nate; she knew that it would be great to hear his voice and he would definitely reassure her that she was not a failure. A voice at the back of her head pipped up “but you are. You failed so spectacularly today, didn’t you?”

Kate’s mind went back to earlier today…

There was a sense of immense excitement as the coffee maker hummed away; letting that most amazing smelling aroma into the air. Kate took a deep breath as she prepared breakfast just beside her most loved possession in the kitchen - the coffee machine that provided her with the extremely required daily dose of caffine to kick start her day. And boy did she need a brilliant kick start today! She tapped her foot to the music playing over the radio while making herself a nice French toast to really start the day right. It was going to be a good day, Kate kept saying to herself. This day was going down into her diary and she was going to make sure it went perfectly well as so much depended on today. She tried to put away the fear of the day going bad…

The chiming of the phone distracted her from the eggs that she was preparing. Kate quickly wiped her hands on a nearby towel and reached for the phone, thinking this person was crazy to be calling so early in the morning. “I’m normally not even awake at this time” she pondered, “this better be important.”

“Hello?” Kate answered

“Heya Kat, glad you are up… I was wondering if you would be or not. Thought I will take the chance.”

A smile bloomed on Kate’s face, “Nat, you are so annoying! What if I was asleep? I would have bitten your head off for calling me so early”

“HAH you will never bite my head off. You need me too much for that! I wanted to catch you before you leave for the office. Remember, you are da bomb and it will all go amazingly well! You are wearing your blue blouse right?”

“Yes yes I remember. We have done all the prep already. I forsee no problems okay. Now go and finishing packing. Your plane leaves in a few hours! Stop worrying about work. It will be…”

“Fine, yes I know you will be fine. Does not mean I do not get to worry about you. Work is not why I called. I wanted to make sure you are okay. I know you. You get stressed out before big presentations and this one is HUGE.” Nat interrupted

“OKAY OKAY OKAY stop stressing me out. Are you calling me to make me feel better or worse?! I know its a big one. I am taking the morning to just be calm okay? In case you are wondering, french toast with bacon seems to be on the menu this morning… if some annoying friend is hungry and has finished packing” Kate teased.

“Packing? That’s going to take me all of five minutes to just throw things into my luggage. Give me five, I will be at your door.” And Nat hung up the phone.

Kate mused out loud “what is with men and food? One mention of it and suddenly everything goes out the window,” as she went back to preparing the eggs for the French toast. She picked up some milk and splashed it into the eggs as well as the coffee. Taking a long swig of her coffee, Kate sighed in contentment while beating the eggs one final time. Putting her coffee down, she quickly and efficiently prepared the pan and within moments, the toast was in the sizzling butter and the bacon was not far behind. When Kate heard the snick of the door lock, the aroma from the bacon had already filled the kitchen and as Nat bounced into the house, he yelled. “Woman, that smells so amazing… how is it you are so good at so many things?”

Nat quickly moved into the kitchen and grabbed a cup out of the cupboard and poured himself a cup of joe and turned to Kate, “so, when can we eat?”

“Goodness, you just stepped into my house and that is the only question you can ask?”

“What? I am hungry!”

“You are like a little child. Wait a while more, the bacon is almost done and we can eat.”

“Yes! Any morning starting with bacon is a good day.” Nat looked over Kate, watching her every move as she moved around the kitchen so efficiently preparing breakfast.

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Felicia Norfor

thanks!! trying to work around my work schedule etc

Gemma Newey

Try coffee, tea or something sweet - that always helps me get my creative brain flowing! Don't give up ^^


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