Possible Simulation


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Strangers in a Room

"Please wake up."

'Augh.' I was in a coffin. At least I thought it was a coffin. Looked pretty metalic to be a coffin though. Then all of a sudden the 'coffin' opened. The bright white lights were glaring at me. 'Does heaven blind you?',I couldn't help but speculate. I didn't even know where I was and I was already speculating about heaven. Thankfully, I wasn't in heaven. As I got up and looked around me. I saw a lot of confused faces doing the same. It was so weird to look at. A bunch of strangers poking out of ,what decidely aren't, coffins and just looking.

There was a strange string of silence in the air until a girl spoke up and said "where is this?"

Suddenly the room burst into a commotion. Phrases like "why am I here,";"what's going on," and "I  don't know," were being thrown around. 'Oh great,' I thought. 'A bunch of noise to help me figure out what's going on. Just what I needed.'

I looked down and saw that I was wrapped up in blankets. They were-I didn't have any better way to describe it- stringy. It was like a spider wasted it's silk and decided to make a blanket. In fact, that probably was what it was. 

Being curious I looked under the blanket, just so I could see. I didn't really like what I saw. I just saw I had a...I'm so disgusted I can't even think it. 'Don't dwell on it Ashlynn. Glance away, ignore it.' So I had it. It meant either two things: I had somehow mutated or I had changed genders.Neither were ideal. I was close to screaming. Luckily I didn't have the chance to because the voice came on again.

"Welcome, to your awakening. You will be transported to seperate cubicles in 5 minutes, where you will be given a tag, some clothes and will be led to your guide, who will stay with you for a few days. All further information will be given by your guide, tommorow. Thank you for your co-operation and have a nice day."

So I had 5 minutes to get out of here. Oh who am I kidding, I can't get out. I barely knew how I got in. And changed anatomy. And I'm guessing other stuff have changed to. 

"Hey have you got any idea on what's going on?" The boy next to me spoke, to me. I really wanted to say, 'Do I look like I know!' Instead I mumbled "Umm no sorry." I wanted to keep social interaction to a minimum without being rude. Even more than usual. But oh boy, my voice was really a bombshell. I sounded like an idiot. I sounded strange, with a deep voice. I couldn't process it all. Except now I know I'm a male.

"It's ok, do you think this is gonna be sorted out?" Oh god, he spoke again. I had involuntarily started a conversation with someone I didn't know. How was I meant to respond. Was I meant to say something reassuring. Instead I just shrugged and grinned apologetically.

He sighed. "Guess I'm just gonna have to find out myself," 'Rude!' I couldn't help but think.

"Hey what's your name? I'm Isaac."

"Ashlynn," I replied quickly (to not seem rude but also to avoid questions but that flunked).

"Ashlynn? That's a strange name for a bo-," So, I was guessing from his response, that this only happened to me.

"Yes yes, I know." Should I tell him I changed genders. Oh, what have I got to lose. "Ehrm, you see I sort of bent genders." He looked confused. "As in I last remember being a girl." I never knew how important being a girl or boy was until now. 

"O...kay," Isaac said ending the conversation before turning to the girl next to him. 'Great, you made someone think you're mental before 5 minutes were up. Good going.' 

On and on went my thought process that I didn't notice the time pass by. Apparently 5 minutes is a lot longer when you're in tension.

"Please recline back into you're pods. We will be transporting you to the rooms."

"Good luck," mouthed Isaac grinning at me.

 'So I din't scare him off?'

And in I went.

I thought maybe the announcement lady should have given warning of how likely you were going to vomit on the 'transportation'. Twisting, turning and falling. Maybe I wouldn't have minded if I could see where I was going. I'm just not lucky though.. I couldn't even move! I was just stuck there! Over, under. How was this possible? I hated it. I hated it! A sudden screech and my body jerking meant we had haulted.

The pod opened, which was when I saw I was vertical. In a cubicle, changing room sort of thing. One little bag was laying in the corner. Despite the obvious, stupidity of the action I stepped out, shaking in fear, to grab the little brown bag. After this I heard a knock on the door.

"Who is it?" I cried. I knew I was going to have to get used to that voice.

"Just put your clothes on, they're in the bag," came back a female voice. I swear it was really familiar. 


 Why did everything have to be cryptic here? Turning around I was face to face with a stranger. My reflection. 'You can look after putting on those clothes' I told myself. Trousers, top, shoes, all the kind tailor made for my new sex. 'I guess I have to put them on.' Squeezing into the crisp trousers, strangling myself to put on the top, slipping on the shoes. I got up and looked at myself in the mirror. 

I hadn't just changed gender, I changed everything, almost. My skin, eyes and hair were lighter. My lips thinner.I was slightly taller, my hips narrower (but I'm a boy so that was to be expected) and I was skinnier - the one thing I was happy with. On my navy top I saw a tag:

Milo Andersen 

Group B

Sector C


I only briefly wondered what the tag meant, I was busy thinking of the voice. 'I know it, I know I know it. If I could just put my finger on it. Maybe..'

"You done in there, we have to hurry."

"Uh yes. Coming," I was eager all of a sudden. I'll see who it is I know and then this can all be cleared up. Perhaps. I turned the door excitedly. I'll make a good first impression. I'll...I'll....I was...I wasn't. I wasn't ready. Not for what I saw on the other side of the door.





































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Chinthaka Nanayakkara

Enjoyed it. Really. To wake up early in the morning somewhere remote and to find you have changed genders... to be informed that you are soldier... I d really shoot myself...

More Strangers and a Familiar Face

The voices familiarity was explained. There was me. Just me. Looking impatient. And then looking shocked. I couldn't rap my head around it. It was one thing to know you have single handedly changed over night. It's an entirely different matter to see yourself - in flesh and bones- looking at you. But not you. 

I wasn't me because me was standing right in front of me. Even my own thoughts didn't make sense, this was so confusing.

"About time," said me. "You were in there for ages." 

 I didn't reply. Was that really how I sounded. Was that really how I looked when I tutted. I didn't know anymore. 

"Come on, we have to meet our guide," said me.

I just obeyed amd followed. I looked around at my surroundings. We were no longer in a massive room. We were in a great white corridor. Not ridiculously long. Something of the size you'd find in school. Minus all the classrooms on the sides. It was white with blue stripes. It wasn't long before we reached where we were meant to meet our guide. 

Again there was another white, pristine rooms. But this one seemed more natrual. Well, as natrual you can get in a place where you know no one, except yourself who's standing right next to you. Me (as I will call me until I know Me's name) was scanning the room, presumably looking for our guide. I scanned to even though I knew no one, let alone one particular person. This was when I realised everyone was in groups of five. Everyone. 4 people wearing tags and one with a clipboard. I looked down and saw my tag. Me was busy looking around, I wanted to forget the whole ordeal -of everything. So now was the time to dwell on the tag.

Milo Andersen was on the top of it. I wasn't a shrewd person but that's probably my new name. 'I've never liked the name Milo,' I thought. 'That's going to have to change.' 

Next was Group B, Sector C. There wasn't much to it, I was in Group B. Sector C didn't seem to matter. It was the last part that stumped me. Soldier. Soldier. Soldiers died. Soldiers fought in battles. Soldiers killed others. The word soldier had a big fat and deadly skull as a label, in my mind. Considering the tag was all about me (I think), this meant that I was a soldier. 'I'm going to die. Die. With a capital D.' 

"Come on, I found our guide," said Me. 

I followed once more. But not without catching a glance at Me's name on the tag. Ashlynn King. My name. My name! 

Our guide turned out to be a middle aged man. He was listening to 2 others. One was the person who talked to me in the first room. The other was someone I had never seen. 

"Mr Madley, he's here." Me- I mean Ashlynn cried. I couldn't help but shudder at being called 'he.'

"Good, we have everyone here now. Milo, I'd like you to meet Isaac, Marie and Ashlynn. They'll be accompanying you on the first days here." Mr Madley seemed eager to do what ever a guide does. "I will show you to your sleeping quarters and we'll start tomorrow. Isaac and Milo you will be sharing one room and Ashlynn and Marie you will be sharing another, but your rooms will be next to each other."

Marie spoke. "Mr Madley, what's happening?" A general agreement went around the group. 

"It'll all be explained tommorow." Mr Madley didn't seem like he was going to even give hints. Other groups started trooping out. We were near the back of the crowd. 

Everything was screaming through my brain. Ashlynn King, Milo Andersen, Soldier. Tomorrow. Tomorrow meant that this was my life now. A commitment to white eerie halls. An eternity of no more friends. No more family. A forever of not being me. 

Everyone's sleeping quarters were all piled into one room. It looked like a prison made like a hotel. I was afraid that was exactly what it was. 

Mr Madley led us up some metal stairs. He got out some keys and opened the door into the girls' room. Oh how I wished I could say my room. An anxious Marie and a stroppy Ashlynn (that wasn't me) walked in. Mr Madley then proceeded to open our door. Isaac strolled in as if this was entirely normal to him. I ran in, I didn't know why. I heard the door close and the lock turn. So we were trapped in here. And if we're trapped that means we had no way out. I wanted to run to nowhere. To find out the truth and go. Just go. Just go back. It was only a day. It was so short and so much had happened to me. I threw myself on the floor and started sobbing. 

Isaac came up to me. I was suddenly nervous. I recall making him think I was mental. 

"So we meet again." I realised I was grateful, only slightly though, for having him here instead of someone I had never even spoke to. I dried my tears quickly.

"Yes, funny seeing you here." I replied. I wasn't someone who engaged in conversation but I thought better than to distance myself to my roomate.

"It's an amazing coincidence. Do you, by any chance, know why we've been locked together in a room?"

"No, I really don't," the conversation was coming along natrually so far.

"Me neither. How are you?"

'Well let's see, today I found out I switched genders. Found out that I don't look remotely like my original self. I found someone else had my name, and my appearence. Oh and I found out I was a soldier. So you could say I'm doing wonderfully,' I mocked in my head. Despite this I just bluntly said "I'm fine." He obviously didn't mean anything by it. 

"Lights out. Thank you for cooperating with us." No warning just that announcement and darkness. Not even a single light source. How was I even meant to get to my bed?

"We're ditching this room right?" whispered Isaac. It seemed crazy and stupid but at that moment it was probably the greatest suggestion I had ever heard. 

Intially I nodded until I realised he probably couldn't see an inch in front of him so I whispered back "Ok," Then I realised we were locked in and probably couldn't even walk to the door. So I added, "One day. I'm tired."


Groping around for the bed I heard several crashes next to me. 

"Ow," he moaned. 

Ignoring his pain (it probably wasn't large enough for me to worry), I carried on groping and reached the bed. On the bed. Under the blankets. I was so tired that I just dropped down to sleep. 










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Several Acquaintances and a Tour

 I opened my eyes, slowly. At first I was confused. Where was I? Where was my school uniform? Until, the events of yesterday hit me. My bedroom was very far away, if it ever did exist. Morning. At least I assumed that-there weren't any windows to tell me otherwise. 

I looked around and heaved back into bed. No one else was awake so why should I get up? 

"Welcome to your first day in The Peninsula." 

An alarm was going off. Nee-naw, nee-naw-a commotion could be heard-nee-naw,nee-naw-our door opened-nee-naw,nee-naw-our guide came in-nee,naw- and everything died down. 

"Wake up, today is the day of the tour," Mr Madley came in, joyous and calm. "Come on, wake up." 

I was curious to see where I was, so I quickly got ready. Isaac on the other hand was reluctant to do anything. Maybe he was more skeptical than me. All I knew was that I wanted to find out what was wrong with me and the only way to do that was to learn more. A tour might be the best thing right now. 

Relatively soon we had gotten ready. Isaac, Marie, Ashlynn and Milo. And me. Milo still wasn't me. No matter what. 

We trooped out into the centre of the room, gathered in a bunch. A woman in a bright red coat came to an elevated platform in the middle of all of us. 

"Welcome to The Peninsula, new associates. I understand if you're confused but let me explain," her voice trilled. But an explanation was extremely convinient. "You see, in The Peninsula you are put in simulations to see which role you fits you best. Worker, Commander, Innovater and Soldier."

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