Red Tears


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Red Tears

You don’t know what to feel, but still you feel every feeling under the sun. Your thoughts are empty but still so full of meaning. Questions are plenty but you don’t know the answer, but still deep down you know that you know you do. You want control, you want to have a reason for your pain you drown in misery and no one sees you. The plasticine smile is now a permanent feature as are the black bags under your eyes. You are always tired and everything gets you angry. You are shouting but inside your crying wishing you wouldn’t get so mad. You change on the outside and withdraw from life and every living thing. But inside you want someone to hold you and say its ok. You want love and attention so much your once tame temper turns into swearing. You say I hate you, but inside I hate you means help me please. Long sleeves become your daily trend so does a hoodie to hide your face and your tear streamed cheeks. You wish someone would see how much you need them but no one does.

Red Love,

​Red Glove,

Red Eyes,

​Red Thighs,

​Red Heart,

Those tears in streaming from those red eyes.

Drops of red down your thighs.

​Red love cos all you see is red,

​And the secret hidden under your bed.

​Red glove cos that's how he hid his crimes,​

​Red heart cos your ashamed of all the lies.

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