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post exposure prophylaxis

Men show their love in more basic ways: Women often dream of the man who plays guitar, writes poetry, or does grandiose romantic gestures. While men sometimes perform these acts, especially during early stages of dating, men are much more practical in the ways they show love. As Steve Harvey often says, "Men show their love with the three "P's", - Profess. Provide. Protect ".Men will honor their women by publicly professing, "That is my woman!", they will give her by earning a good income for family members, and they protect her by scaring off any would-be hiv pep singapore who would try hitting on her or make advances towards her.

Women care more about kissing than intercourse: While women enjoy the sexual act of intercourse, many women will admit that love-making without kissing makes them feel "dirty" or "used ".For a woman, kissing is the ultimate expression of love. When a man kisses a woman without sex, it shows that he craves her soul, not only her vagina. Many women have admitted in my experience that they would be more angry at a cheating spouse for passionately kissing another woman than they would be if he simply had intercourse with another woman without kissing being involved, since men often compartmentalize their sexual actions with regards to love and pleasure.

Why do men and women cheat? With social networking which makes it easier to stay associated with ex-lovers and more or less anyone we meet on the road, cheating has become easier now than any amount of time in history. It can be easier to get caught as a result of the "screenshot" option used on our phones. While men have had mistresses considering that the dawn of time, it was an act which was done discreetly and was related to shame if caught.

Now, it has become also an expectation you will not be the sole person someone is sleeping with. Men often cheat based purely on novelty. They get bored having sex with the same partner everyday, and look for new lands to conquer. They might be completely deeply in love with their wives or girlfriends, but they look for the excitement of a fresh body to explore. It's purely a physical thing. Women on the other hand, usually cheat when they feel emotionally neglected by their spouse. Their affairs start out with an emotional fling that later becomes physical. For this reason society is harder on women who cheat because of the pep hiv held belief that women cheat making use of their hearts, while men cheat making use of their penis.

Love is held together by three chemicals: Serotonin and Dopamine are released anytime you see a lovely woman, anytime you kiss you someone, anytime you've an orgasm. These chemicals activate the pleasure centers in your brain, essentially turning you into a drug-addict, craving more and more. As you continue to repeatedly kiss, have sex, and spend time with this person, another hormone slowly begins to produce. "Oxytocin", aka " The love chemical ".Oxytocin is responsible for the feelings of "attachment ".Once you separation together with your spouse, or they die, you go by way of a withdrawal of oxytocin, dopamine, and seratonin, that is quite painful. Without oxytocin, your mom, your father, your brother, your wife, they would mean nothing to you. Attachments will be nearly impossible to create with them. Like the majority of things in life. everything is established upon "habit ".Relationships are no different. They don't form in one day, they're created through imprinted repetition. And before you understand it, you're contemplating this individual everyday without realizing how it simply happened! Because of serotonin, dopamine, and oxytocin, this individual who had been once a stranger, is currently constantly on the mind! This could be a good thing or perhaps a bad thing, depending on what the connection unfolds. It's ideal for the happily married, but not so great whenever a break-up occurs, which could take months as well as years to recoup from emotionally and physically.

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