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 Tommy peered down the street as cold air swept leaves up and let them flutter back to the ground. The beautiful bright oranges and deep maroons kept her outside. She never really enjoyed the chill of the autumn but for the sake of the view would endure it. She lay down on the ground where she sank into her thoughts. 

She could not bare to wait to see her boyfriend any longer. They had been apart for months while he was at Air Force basic training. She heard his laugh, felt his warm hands on her face as he would brush his lips against hers and she could remember his musky aroma. All of these memories both made her feel calmed and anxious at the same time. All around her began darken. The leaves turned to ashes, and as she struggled to get to her feet she began to fall endlessly. 

Tommy gasped. Nightmares became very common for her because it was a side effect of medicine she had been taking. Her anxieties in life never showed to people outside of her family, even her boyfriend after two and a half years was unaware. She was having nightmares every night, and it was all because of medicine she was taking to help with her cope. Her boyfriend was not in basic training like in her dream, but she knew it was inevitable. He would eventually leave. Basic training or not. 

She herself had basic training looming over her head. How am I going to keep myself together? She thought to herself as she scrubbed her eyes with her palms. You will be just fine


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