Vague Impressions


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Quote 1 Chapter 1

Depression he discovered, was more closely related to living than dying. Dying is an answer to depression. Living on the other hand isn't.

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Quotes 103

now, the thought just flashed through your g.”Look. I  not going to try to defend the guy. When he gets off his meds he thinks all the Walmart cashiers are aliens from the planet Zartock and that they are trying to steal his DNA..




Christ  was a late bloomer. He woke from the dead. 


Some men are late bloomers.They wake from the dead. 


Writing poetry is ontalogical.It's disparate ideas  starts to make sense long after you stopped expecting them to.


Poetry starts to make sense long after you have stopped expecting it to.


Poetry should never make sense. It should make wonder. 


An inexplicable darkness took over his heart. Not the sweet darkness that he would at times  embrace. Neither was it the darkness that would  on occasion  tenderly  embrace him. But it was a darkness that seeped out of the corners of his thoughts, a dark, thick oozing emptiness that forced life out of things, emptying people, walls, streets, human interaction, all things ,  of all magic and suspense. Then, rather than seek to escape, he leaned into it, as one would lean in to a treacherous, overhanging cliff, sinking his bleeding  nails, and knees and toes deep into it's mouldy walls.



Despair, like toilet paper stuck to one's shoes, is best dealt with by arranging the other foot to an angle behind the offending  shoe,in something of a bow legged fashion, while continuing to look straight ahead in a nonchalant manner, somewhat reminiscent of the very dignified flamingo,   then, holding that foot down, doing a quick little hop , thus disengaging the toilet paper from the heel of the shoe.Should anyone be watching, just pretend it is your little morning dance. 


If on some occasion, someone taps you on the shoulder to tell you that you have toilet paper stuck to your shoes thank them and inform them that it is a lifestyle choice. 


The act of mourning may, at times,.... be just that.


He could go days without talking to anyone. Blissful where those days. Company would soon arrive, a distraction to say the least. 


( And, so those wonderful days would always come to an  end. People would suddenly  arrive ,talking, and he  would suddenly, at the sound of their voices,  feel the pangs of solitude.)





The rich are like birthday cake, with it's thick sweet icing filled with butter ,lard,  white sugar and artificial colour (,precious little concrete flowers, figurines and swirly nauseatingly syrupy monograms). They are confectionary. They have no nutritional value and they are fattening. 


The faintest  echo of one's ancestors, can be heard in moments of terror and darkness, telling one they have been where you are and that you too  will survive. It is your way back to them.  


They plunder and laugh but they do not realize they plunder their own mothers and children and psyche.. They do not know the damage to which they are the bloody the authors and that the blood others  they shed is their own. 


Fate, like the  curtained window in your living room may tell you what the day holds for you. The sun may be sifting through the trees, or storm clouds may hang like a black canvas held up by dark stilt like limbs of  sullen trees. You can open the curtains You can have the information. Make of the day what you will. 


Bravery,when called,for rarely, comes with options. It is a heavy steel  door that you  enter thoughtlessly , and  that, much to your surprise, with the heaviest most belligerent  thud,,  locks behind you. And, leaving no viable or other humane  options, instantly  enslaves intentions, due to the urgency  of  the moment and it becomes a victory of sorts, or so onlookers would believe. 


One can  never sure why one should give attention to anything, or at least to those things commonly presented as  worthy of attention. Nothing points to a valid reason for doing so. More likely, the hidden things of which all is made, the  sheer madness  and mystery of that, might strike one as more urgent, more pertinent. 



I once had a very old friend, who I could reasonably say I loved dearly, for no other reason than for who she was. Over the course of our five year friendship I could see her changing slowly, her vigourous mind tugging away from  her tiny withering body. There where places she wanted to go. Adventures awaiting  her. Lands she wanted to visit. And friends she knew would join her. Her body however would have non of it. Her body barely carried her from room to room in her orderly little  home. How I envied her her love of life. How sweet it was to be near her  before she died. Little did I know it would be the last I see of her.



Love shelters the soul. The soul is vicarious and has wander lust. The soul is an amoral force ,that, without guidance will seek out experience of all nature with no thought to good nor evil, only to capture and integrate experience.So in gathering up this experience it is neither good nor bad save the guidance it has been given through love or love''s absence. 


Arguments around truth, whether won or lost  may well lead to improved outcomes. They are however rarely absolute. The  truth of any matter may be neither subjective or objective. These designations suit the moment with it's immediate issues  perhaps , however the actual truth may be something quite apart from momentary prejudices and debate. 


The poet warrior is overstatement. They all are. 


The rich and vibrant hell in which we live wets the appetite for goodness, but only in small glimpses, as with the moon at night, peering out from behind clouds. Comforting, floating in a sea of stars 

it's beauty is in part a gift given to it by  the dark canvas across which it passes. 



Similar to beauty and goodness, victory is often mistaken for virtue.Moreover this may be less a misunderstanding than it is in more subtle ways understanding. 





Genius is not quantitative. Its qualitative. For every ten thousand phds there is a genius who hasn't the faintest idea what




I am a Muslim  on Friday, Jewish on Saturday, Christian on Sunday. I believe in separation of Church and dates.




I silently judge everyone. It is an involuntary impulse, like breathing, born out of the frothy and tumultuous depths of my self loathing.




Like the ever expanding universe she was frustratingly complex and profoundly simple in the same splendid moment.




He hovered between life and death,like a deep purple shadow of a tree, stretching out its arms to the sky, at twilight.




I don't believe in reality checks. I believe in unreality checks. Possibilites interest me more than probabilities.




Once “They” discovered they could sell us bottles of water on a planet covered with 80% water they knew they could sell us any load of c—p as long as it is in a shiny box..




It is comical, the notion that the snivelling scribes of  popular media, while delivering their daily dose of pablum and poison, would have even a fleeting interest in delivering the truth.




As one listens to bright educated often white men and women  meticulously recount sports scores and the names of their favourite players, movie stars and reality tv shows it brings to mind a saying often applied to the black disadvantaged community, but perhaps has entitlement to a much broader application,” A mind is a terrible thing to waist.




My central issue with Plenty of Gibberish is the limitation on how much one can write in a profile. I want to write a thousand pages and I feel cheated when I can't.




I would like to present the ever so satisfying and handsomely symmetrical meme “You have nothing to fear but fear itself” to a starving Nigerian,dying of thirst, who just had both his hands chopped off by counter revolutionary , while at the same moment, facing a stampeding herd of angry elephants, just for a second opinion.




Why would anyone describe themselves as artsy. Crocheting doilies isn't art. Either you are an artist, or you are not.




Regardless of how meticulously hair extensions, hair pieces and toupees are arranged , in their various ungodly colours,they are about as appealing as wearing a piece of three day old road kill on one’s head.




I recently heard of a men's hugging group.Therapy as I understand it. Ok. Look. It they throw in flower arrangement, baking cookies. Sign me up!! (but they have to promise not to get any on me)




It is sad , to watch this foul toad of a man, Trump, slime America.Will he soon disappear beneath the scummy rock from which he came? The whole Republican Party sits in a room with him, watching him eat steaks with ketchup and Twinkies and breaking wind. All they are prepared to do is hold their nose. No-one has the balls to tell him he is fouling the air and open the g o  d d a m n ed window.






She had a inscrutable type of beauty. Like that of pomegranate. She had a thin, sinuous  dark skin, ....resistive, beneath ,which lie countless embedded possibilities....., seeds


meticulously buried in their own bitter tasting  hive  of secrecy . Each morsel demanding of one’s attention...each morsel whispering secretly it wants to be individual discovered


(c) Derek Houghton 2019

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Quotes 9


quotes 9

Indifference is the scab left by passion.All objective knowledge is stale dated.Selfies betray secrecy.The suburbs and a grave yard appear much the same to me. Empty streets, with rows and rows of headstones surrounded by over manicured lawns.I would go to church if there was , instead of the weekly sermon, naked mud wrestling. It would pique my interest so to speak.We are, each of us the consequence of love, or, her evil twin, lust. When discussing one's offspring people often say "Our children" . I think saying "The children " would ,broadly applied, improve the planet.Personal development is a hoax. They plagiarize everything you already knows and sell it back to you, in two hundred dollar sessions.Motivational books are perfect for people who lack motivation. If you have enough motivation to buy one, you don't need it.We are not humanity at it's most advanced. We are humanity at its' most self deluded. Indifference makes love possible.Life ends at city limits. I loath nature.Any man who needs his wife's approval to make a minor purchase should have his man card revoked and have to wear her bra as a hat.Early morning sex is love's acid test , Crusty eyed, with breath like something died in your mouth there can be no greater challenge to the senses. Friends are never lovers, and lovers never friendsand the sky don't never really touch the ocean.Insomnia is neither friend nor foe.. It is a stranger that shows up at some ungodly hour , unannounced, and wants whatever you're having.Solitude makes one feel talented.A young man I know often discusses his numerous female dalliances. I suggest he be a porn star. Commerce, I gather from his reaction, robs it of its' magic. Genius is a birthright discovered episodically.Gossip is the Holy Grail of all communication.Truth is only one measure of value and perhaps the most suspect.I am deeply committed to my childish preferences, biases, gossip , predjudices and dark humor. To be of any interest at all,Heaven will have to accommodate them.The three wise men where Curly Larry and Moe I believe that with all my heart. Therefore it is true.Intrigue and Melodrama are tacky in laws that drop in to the grand home of higher consciousness. Amusing, gaudily attired vulgarians that do not know which fork to use and put ketchup on the Le Coq Du VinSacrifice is the poorest of teachers. Indulgence teaches regret and self loathing, the pure ,unadulterated substrate of all worthwhile art.If divorce where illegal, then 50% of marrages would still end, with homicideJealousy is to love what a dill pickle is to a corn beef on rye. It brings out the flavor.Existence is consciousness playing dress up.An ex-wife is a a beautiful  


quotes While I can not hold you in my arms, my heart can still embrace you, releasing me of old demons. And I am better for it.




Fairness  is an unreasonable expectation. Just look around you.




Tenderness, like diamonds is expressed sparingly, lest  the market get flooded and its value decline.




The notion of a chosen people is unjust and defies any sense of cosmic fairness.




When you ask me to suspend reason, you become my enemy.




Anything can be weaponized. Faith, God, roses, love, sexuality. All that's required is a dark enough imagination.




We could be lovers or we could just pretend to be. That can be our little secret




An epitaph is life summed up in four or five words. Mine will read "Let's do Lunch Wednesday".




When the cure for aging comes, everyone will want it and no-one will be completely sure why.




Faith, and Evidence are like two opposing Sumo wrestlers, each  trying to give the  other a world class wedgie, as they bulldoze  each other out of the ring.Evidence generally looses and has the sore, blistered crotch to prove it.




A writer is terrible company. He is never with you. Rather, he is in the business of taking  notes about being with you. He may very well be  with you at some point,  but, it will be after the fact.




I have no more energy for thIs battle . I’ve decided to take the short end of the money and go down in the Ninth.






Sexual innuendo is the  verbal ballet of strangers that want to fuck..






ndifference is the scab left by passion.


ll objective knowledge is stale dated.


We are not humanity at it's most advanced. We are humanity at its' most self deluded.


Indifference makes love possible.


Any man who needs his wife's approval to make a minor purchase should have his man card revoked and have  to wear her bra as a hat.


Early morning sex is love's acid test , Crusty eyed, with breath like something died in your mouth there can be no greater challenge to the senses.


Friends are never lovers, and lovers  never friends


and the sky don't never really touch the ocean.


Insomnia is neither friend nor foe.. It is a stranger that shows up at some ungodly hour , unannounced, and wants whatever you're having.


Solitude makes one feel talented.


Genius is a birthright discovered episodically.


Truth is only one measure of value and perhaps the most suspect.


I am deeply committed to my childish preferences, biases, gossip , predjudices and dark  humor. To be of any interest at all,Heaven will have to accommodate them.


The three wise men where Curly Larry and Moe I believe that with all my heart. Therefore it is true.


Intrigue and Melodrama are  tacky in laws that drop in to the grand home of higher consciousness. Amusing, gaudily attired vulgarians that do not know which fork to use and put ketchup on the Le Coq Du Vin


Sacrifice is the poorest of teachers. Indulgence teaches regret and self loathing, the pure ,unadulterated substrate of all worthwhile art.


If divorce where illegal, then 50% of marrages would still end, with homicide


Jealousy  is to love what a dill pickle is to a corn beef on rye. It brings out the   flavor.


Existence is consciousness playing dress up.


An ex-wife is a a beautiful country side, seeded with landmines. Allow yourself to be distracted, you'll be wearing your testicles for earings.


Like horse drawn  carriage ,direct current,  messenger pigeons and smoke signals, the internet and all it’s demented children-Facebook Instagram YouTube, will also find it's place in  the dust bins of history,


In retrospect what once seemed like a brilliant idea, now seems like sheer idiocy . This is truth’s Achillies Heel.


All objective knowledge is stale dated.


Around ten years ago, everyone gave up on online dating. The profiles are still there, but reality has set in.Now, the profiles are just headstones. On Sundays, one visits just  to see if any flowers have been left there.


There is much discussion about being down to earth and having no emotional luggage. What is it then , that this person has to offer?


There is much extolling of the virtues of being "down to earth" and of having "no emotional baggage". What is it then do these individuals have to offer.


Indifference makes love possible.


A journalist is at the same time the finest of writers and the most forgettable.


Religion,patriotism,cultural heritage are the dried up cocoons of  a dawning civilization. Important  in getting us to where we are.  Utterly irrelevant going forward.


Friends are never lovers,


and lovers  never friends


and the sky don't never really touch the ocean


Only a second rate author would think irony is of any interest.


Indifference is the scab left by passion.


Modern life. An intricate web of trinkets and bobbles assigned great importance by those who stand to benefit from the illusion of their importance.


We are not humanity at it's most advanced. We are humanity at its' most self deluded.


I cannot distinguish the creator from the creation. They are the same. I cannot distinguish the art fro the artist.There must be awareness is there is to be anything.


Technology at its highest expression is the  equivelant of a monkey digging with a stick ,when ,compared to the absolute power  and grand elegance of human consciousness.


The beauty of a flower is written in its seed. All of life is self actualization.


Any man who needs his wife's approval to make a minor purchase should have his man card revoked and have  to wear her bra as a hat.


All appeals to the mind eventually die. Appeals to the heart are eternal.


Aloofness was his default setting. He would buckle under the Herculean strain of trying to “Show Interest.”


Science must move past just blowing things up and making things go faster. It must learn to tell stories if it is to become of any importance. and find permanence in peoples hearts.


The truth will become evident when you no longer want to possess it.


A good supply or razor blades and sleeping pills is ideal  for those who like to keep their options  open.


Early morning sex is love's acid test , Crusty eyed, with breath like something died in your mouth there can be no greater challenge to the senses.


The moment one feels nothing, all is revealed


Intrigue and drama are  tacky in laws that drop in to the grand home of higher consciousness. Amusing, gaudily attired vulgarians that do not know which fork to use and put ketchup on the Le Coq Du Vin


Truth is only one measure of value and perhaps the most suspect.


I am deeply committed to my childish preferences, biases, gossip , predjudices and dark  humor. To be of any interest at all,Heaven will have to accommodate them.


The three wise men where Curly Larry and Moe I believe that with all my heart. Therefore it is true..


Let us not mistake the sweet nectar that is to be extracted from life for the bitter rinde.  


The wise man notices that which goes unnoticed.. The fool only sees what he owns, and even that he doesn't see.


Sacrifice is the poorest teacher. Indulgence teaches regret and self loathing, the pure substrate of all worthwhile art.


Those who sacrifice are humorless.and lousy drinking buddies


The mystic knows  instantly and with great precision the nature of the universe sitting by a river. The westerner physicist  with the twenty billion dollar Large Hadron Collider, a thousand scientists and fifty years of experimentation produces a milligram of anti matter that vanishes when they blink.


The impressionists understood that detail, objective reality can be misleading. Like moving farther away from a mirror detail disappears and patterns emerge. That which perishes and decays gives way to that which does not perish.By knowing less one knows more.


Genius is a birthright discovered episodically.


The more expanded is the objective knowledge, the more obsucure and marginalized is that intellect.


Objective truth is the  illusion   of unconscious preference


The mind gets in the way of knowing anything worth while


There are  no mysterys. only intellectual recalcitrance.


We are not humanity at it's most advanced. We are humanity at its' most self deluded.


The successful politician  will always appeal  to human emotions. Facts don't matter.


Quantum entanglement is the poetry of physics.It is not to be made sense of. It is to be used like a screwdriver  To bolt  disparate things together in arbitrary and  entertaining ways.


Existence is consciousness playing dress up.


Friendship must be avoided at all costs. Take an enemy to lunch.


The entire cosmos is an amusement park. In the twenty-first century we are gradually creeping towards this  awareness.One need only watch squirrels chasing each other around a tree or watch a blackbird using a piece of cardboard as a toboggan to repeatedly slide down a roof to know this.


There are two things all mankind has in common. The first. Everyone dies. The second. No-one believes it.


Of course death is an illusion. I think about that every time I feed the rabbit I pull out of my hat.


An ex-wife is a a beautiful country side, filled with landmines. Get too distracted, you'll be wearing your testicles


for earings.


Insomnia is neither friend nor foe.. It is a stranger that shows up at some ungodly hour , unannounced, and wants whatever you're having.


Solitude makes one feel talented.


Just because a man doesn't say much, doesn't mean he's having deep thoughts. He may be an idiot..


If divorce where illegal, then 50% of marrages would still end, with homicide


If divorce where illegal, then 50% of marrages would still end, with homicide


Solitude  is a two edged sword. It means you are neither getting tormented or laid.


The praise of co-workers when someone gets  a promotion is like a high wire  act.They applaud  your breath taking acrobatics but secretly want to see you fall to your death.


I would fall to my knees and worship that blessed individual  who has no opinion on anything.


Terrorists are lonely people with unresolved issues....., and bombs.


I can't say I have ever fallen in love.  I really don't know what all the fuss is about.


Love is a spider web. Fly into it, and a dark hidden force wraps you in stringy disgusting slime that binds your wings. And then, it proceeds, calmly, to suck out your brains.


One noble act deserves another. Evil  extinguishes itself.


Jealousy  is to love what a dill pickle is to a corn beef on rye. It brings out the   flavor.


Like horse drawn  carriage ,direct current,  messenger pigeons and smoke signals, the internet and all it’s demented children-Facebook Instagram YouTube, will also find it's place in  the dust bins of history.


I can't eat bananas. Bananas have only two states. Too green or too ripe. Their moment of perfection is too fleeting. I consider the risk too high.


She had a difficult type of beauty. Like that of a pommengranat. She had a thin, sinuous  dark skin, ....resistive, beneath ,which lie countless succulent sweet  red seeds.Each seed  


meticulously buried in their own bitter tasting  hive  of secrecy . Each morsel demanding of one’s attention...each morsel crying out to be individually unwrapped


There is an ongoing, testy at best discussion between factions that unwittingly and for the most part in full agreement. THe discussion is between those who conflate God and modern religion. God is to modern religion what Martin Luther King or Ghandi  is to a late night t.v. commercial.  They conflate a cheap mercenary huckster and a prophet. One might also add that broad general consensus in no-way makes a point of view, a teaching or belief true.








a cast of mistaken identity


de rigueur






Like the ever expanding universe she was frustratingly complex and profoundly simple in the same splendid moment.




He hovered between life and death,like a deep purple shadow of a tree, stretching out its arms to the sky, at twilight.




I don't believe in reality checks. I believe in unreality checks. Possibilites interest me more than probabilities.




Once “They” discovered they could sell us bottles of water on a planet covered with 80% water they knew they could sell us any load of c—p as long as it is in a shiny box..




It is comical, the notion that the snivelling scribes of  popular media, while delivering their daily dose of pablum and poison, would have even a fleeting interest in delivering the truth.




As one listens to bright educated often white men and women  meticulously recount sports scores and the names of their favourite players, movie stars and reality tv shows it brings to mind a saying often applied to the black disadvantaged community, but perhaps has entitlement to a much broader application,” A mind is a terrible thing to waist.




My central issue with Plenty of Gibberish is the limitation on how much one can write in a profile. I want to write a thousand pages and I feel cheated when I can't.




I would like to present the ever so satisfying and handsomely symmetrical meme “You have nothing to fear but fear itself” to a starving Nigerian,dying of thirst, who just had both his hands chopped off by counter revolutionary , while at the same moment, facing a stampeding herd of angry elephants, just for a second opinion.




Why would anyone describe themselves as artsy. Crocheting doilies isn't art. Either you are an artist, or you are not.




Regardless of how meticulously hair extensions, hair pieces and toupees are arranged , in their various ungodly colours,they are about as appealing as wearing a piece of three day old road kill on one’s head.




I recently heard of a men's hugging group.Therapy as I understand it. Ok. Look. It they throw in flower arrangement, baking cookies. Sign me up!! (but they have to promise not to get any on me)




It is sad , to watch this foul toad of a man, Trump, slime America.Will he soon disappear beneath the scummy rock from which he came? The whole Republican Party sits in a room with him, watching him eat steaks with ketchup and Twinkies and breaking wind. All they are prepared to do is hold their nose. No-one has the balls to tell him he is fouling the air and open the g o  d d a m n ed window.






She had a inscrutable type of beauty. Like that of pomegranate. She had a thin, sinuous  dark skin, ....resistive, beneath ,which lie countless embedded possibilities....., seeds


meticulously buried in their own bitter tasting  hive  of secrecy . Each morsel demanding of one’s attention...each morsel whispering secretly it wants to be individual discovered


(c) Derek Houghton 2019




Now, a special treat for the strong, independent, ferociously intelligent, savagely beautiful ,and deliciously enigmatic  women out there  in the wilderness of online dating.... morning has come, the haze is lifting, and a ray of honey dipped sunlight filters through the ominous canopy  of male B.S. A break from the boring old manila envelope profile...... ( Two thoughts. Thought 1.  Ok, who is the patronizing a....h.ole .. and maybe he should.. go ...f  himself  .or ...Thought 2. What an dashing, roguishly  handsome man....I absolutely must have a read!!)




Happy Easter Weekend!!- Right now Im kickin' back with my Easter Eggs that Santa Claus brought me  having deep thoughts how the major role religion plays in my life.




( now, the thought just flashed through your mind this Gizmo isn't looking to date..”Look. I  not going to try to defend the guy. When he gets off his meds he thinks all the Walmart cashiers are aliens from the planet Zartock and that they are trying to steal his DNA and clone him for some slave race being bred on a  distant dwarf planet.




I am a Muslim  on Friday, Jewish on Saturday, Christian on Sunday. I believe in separation of Church and dates.




I silently judge everyone. It is an involuntary impulse, like breathing, born out of the frothy and tumultuous depths of  low self esteem.




Like the ever expanding universe she was frustratingly complex and profoundly simple in the same splendid moment.




He hovered between life and death,like a deep purple shadow of a tree, stretching out its arms to the sky, at twilight.




I don't believe in reality checks. I believe in unreality checks. Possibilites interest me more than probabilities.




Once “They” discovered they could sell us bottles of water on a planet covered with 80% water they knew they could sell us any load of c—p as long as it is in a shiny box..




It is comical, the notion that the snivelling scribes of  popular media, while delivering their daily dose of pablum and poison, would have even a fleeting interest in delivering the truth.




As one listens to bright educated often white men and women  meticulously recount sports scores and the names of their favourite players, movie stars and reality tv shows it brings to mind a saying often applied to the black disadvantaged community, but perhaps has entitlement to a much broader application,” A mind is a terrible thing to waist.




My central issue with Plenty of Gibberish is the limitation on how much one can write in a profile. I want to write a thousand pages and I feel cheated when I can't.




I would like to present the ever so satisfying and handsomely symmetrical meme “You have nothing to fear but fear itself” to a starving Nigerian,dying of thirst, who just had both his hands chopped off by counter revolutionary , while at the same moment, facing a stampeding herd of angry elephants, just for a second opinion.




Why would anyone describe themselves as artsy. Crocheting doilies isn't art. Either you are an artist, or you are not.




Regardless of how meticulously hair extensions, hair pieces and toupees are arranged , in their various ungodly colours,they are about as appealing as wearing a piece of three day old road kill on one’s head.




I recently heard of a men's hugging group.Therapy as I understand it. Ok. Look. It they throw in flower arrangement, baking cookies. Sign me up!! (but they have to promise not to get any on me)




It is sad , to watch this foul toad of a man, Trump, slime America.Will he soon disappear beneath the scummy rock from which he came? The whole Republican Party sits in a room with him, watching him eat steaks with ketchup and Twinkies and breaking wind. All they are prepared to do is hold their nose. No-one has the balls to tell him he is fouling the air and open the g o  d d a m n ed window.






She had a inscrutable type of beauty. Like that of pomegranate. She had a thin, sinuous  dark skin, ....resistive, beneath ,which lie countless embedded possibilities....., seeds


meticulously buried in their own bitter tasting  hive  of secrecy . Each morsel demanding of one’s attention...each morsel whispering secretly it wants to be individual discovered


(c) Derek Houghton 2019




Conversation Starters (i.e. what you'd like to do on a first date...)




Indifference is the scab left by passion.All objective knowledge is stale dated.Selfies betray secrecy.The suburbs and a grave yard appear much the same to me. Empty streets, with rows and rows of headstones surrounded by over manicured lawns.I would go to church if there was , instead of the weekly sermon, naked mud wrestling. It would pique my interest so to speak.We are, each of us the consequence of love, or, her evil twin, lust. When discussing one's offspring people often say "Our children" . I think saying "The children " would ,broadly applied, improve the planet.Personal development is a hoax. They plagiarize everything you already knows and sell it back to you, in two hundred dollar sessions.Motivational books are perfect for people who lack motivation. If you have enough motivation to buy one, you don't need it.We are not humanity at it's most advanced. We are humanity at its' most self deluded. Indifference makes love possible.Life ends at city limits. I loath nature.Any man who needs his wife's approval to make a minor purchase should have his man card revoked and have to wear her bra as a hat.Early morning sex is love's acid test , Crusty eyed, with breath like something died in your mouth there can be no greater challenge to the senses. Friends are never lovers, and lovers never friendsand the sky don't never really touch the ocean.Insomnia is neither friend nor foe.. It is a stranger that shows up at some ungodly hour , unannounced, and wants whatever you're having.Solitude makes one feel talented.A young man I know often discusses his numerous female dalliances. I suggest he be a porn star. Commerce, I gather from his reaction, robs it of its' magic. Genius is a birthright discovered episodically.Gossip is the Holy Grail of all communication.Truth is only one measure of value and perhaps the most suspect.I am deeply committed to my childish preferences, biases, gossip , predjudices and dark humor. To be of any interest at all,Heaven will have to accommodate them.The three wise men where Curly Larry and Moe I believe that with all my heart. Therefore it is true.Intrigue and Melodrama are tacky in laws that drop in to the grand home of higher consciousness. Amusing, gaudily attired vulgarians that do not know which fork to use and put ketchup on the Le Coq Du VinSacrifice is the poorest of teachers. Indulgence teaches regret and self loathing, the pure ,unadulterated substrate of all worthwhile art.If divorce where illegal, then 50% of marrages would still end, with homicideJealousy is to love what a dill pickle is to a corn beef on rye. It brings out the flavor.Existence is consciousness playing dress up.An ex-wife is a a beautiful






Now, for the strong, independent, ferociously intelligent, savagely beautiful ,and deliciously enigmatic women out there ,graceful gazelles in the wilderness of online dating perking their ears and raising their heads to the sounds of nearby male gorillas squealing and grunting in the valley.Morning has come. The haze is lifting, and a ray of honey dipped sunlight filters through the ominous canopy , drifting like a fine Irish lace across the silver backed male gorilla's in the mist. Then, miraculously, one of them, one of gorilla's suddenly ever so slowly, starts to stand upright, manlike, and there is the faintest glimmer of ...dare I say ...intelligence ,in his eyes.. a miraculous evolutionary moment that,you have occasion to witness .....Thought 1. Ok, who is the patronizing a....h.ole .. and maybe he should.. go ...f himself ,Thought 2. What an dashing, sartorially attired, roguishly handsome, devilishly intelligent man....I absolutely must have a read!!---------------------------------------------Happy Easter Weekend!!- Right now Im kickin' back with my Easter Eggs that Santa Claus brought me having deep thoughts how the major role religion plays in my life. Rather than do battle with time, I dance with it. I must however, take the lead, letting it stand on my toes so together, we dip and sashay into the unknown and perilous future as entangled souls, inseparable as ancient lovers.It is axiomatic to say we have lost the ability to communicate. Love has also taken a hit. ------------( now, the thought just flashed through your mind this Gizmo isn't looking to date..”Look. I not going to try to defend the guy. When he gets off his meds he thinks all the Walmart cashiers are aliens from the planet Zartock and that they are trying to steal his DNA and clone him for some slave race being bred on a distant dwarf planet.I am a Muslim on Friday, Jewish on Saturday, Christian on Sunday. I believe in separation of Church and dates.Women love to mother sensitive men. That's about it however. I silently judge everyone. It is an involuntary impulse, like breathing, born out of the frothy and tumultuous depths of a rather capricious and fragile self esteem.Like the ever expanding universe she was frustratingly complex and profoundly simple in the same splendid moment.He hovered between life and death,like a deep purple shadow of a tree, stretching out its arms to the sky, at twilight. I don't believe in reality checks. I believe in unreality checks. Possibilites interest me more than probabilities..Once “They” discovered they could sell us bottles of water on a planet covered with 80% water they knew they could sell us any load of c—p as long as it is in a shiny box..It is comical, the notion that the snivelling scribes of popular media, while delivering their daily dose of pablum and poison, would have even a fleeting interest in delivering the truth.As one listens to bright educated often white men and women meticulously recount sports scores and the names of their favourite players, movie stars and reality tv shows it brings to mind a saying often applied to the black disadvantaged community, but perhaps has entitlement to a much broader application,” A mind is a terrible thing to waist.My central issue with Plenty of Gibberish is the limitation on how much one can write in a profile. I want to write a thousand pages and I feel cheated when I can't.I would like to present the ever so satisfying and handsomely symmetrical meme “You have nothing to fear but fear itself” to a starving Nigerian,dying of thirst, who just had both his hands chopped off by counter revolutionary , while at the same moment, facing a stampeding herd of angry elephants, just for a second opinion.Why would anyone describe themselves as artsy. Crocheting doilies isn't art. Either you are an artist, or you are not.Regardless of how meticulously hair extensions, hair pieces and toupees are arranged , in their various ungodly colours,they are about as appealing as wearing a piece of three day old road kill on one’s head.I recently heard of a men's hugging group.Therapy as I understand it. Ok. Look. It they throw in flower arrangement, baking cookies. Sign me up!! (but they have to promise not to get any on me)I recently heard of a men's therapeutic hugging group. I felt the urge to throw up.It is sad , to watch this foul toad of a man, Trump, slime America.Will he soon disappear beneath the scummy rock from which he came? The whole Republican Party sits in a room with him, watching him eat steaks with ketchup and Twinkies and breaking wind. All they are prepared to do is hold their nose. No-one has the balls to tell him he is fouling the air and open the g o d d a m n ed window.How many millions have died as a result of another's believe in something they read in a book, superstitious, bronze aged drivel, oft presented in its' crystallized hideously foul form as Unshakeable Faith.She had a inscrutable type of beauty. Like that of pomegranate. She had a thin, sinuous dark skin, ....resistive, beneath ,which lie countless embedded possibilities....., seedsmeticulously buried in their own bitter tasting hive of secrecy . Each morsel demanding of one’s attention...each morsel whispering secretly it wants to be individual discovered (c) Derek Houghton 2019




Conversation Starters (i.e. what you'd like to do on a first date...)




Indifference is the scab left by passion.All objective knowledge is stale dated.Selfies betray secrecy.The suburbs and a grave yard appear much the same to me. Empty streets, with rows and rows of similar looking stone structures surrounded by over manicured lawns, with a stillness periodically interrupted by oversize SUV's delivering corpses to graves or small fresh faced boys to hockey arenas, and both with an aire of pointlessnessI would go to church if there was , instead of the weekly sermon, naked mud wrestling. It would pique my interest so to speak.We are, each of us the consequence of love, or, her evil twin, lust. When discussing one's offspring people often say "Our children" . I think saying "The children " would ,broadly applied, improve the planet.Personal development is a hoax. They plagiarize everything you already knows and sell it back to you, in two hundred dollar sessions.Motivational books are perfect for people who lack motivation. If you have enough motivation to buy one, you don't need it.We are not humani


Beyond the routine destruction and pillaging of race and country, the man of action is of no consequence. Irregardless of his supposed grandeur in the eyes of men, death , joyfully, marks the end of him. The dreamer! His life begins at death and his most fleeting thought is , thereafter, more substantive and  exceeds the gravitas of a great and golden city.






I don't care if I offend you. Making sense is a more pertinent and worthwhile measure.




Love isn't all it's cracked up to be. I sense, Self interest is the more prevailing force.




Love gets dragged into places where it has no business. A vast , and seemingly infinite array of medieval horrors and a black wellspring of crime and debauchery bubble up saturate the earth, operate under its' banner.








He barely concealed his towering indifference to the heart felt sermon . The preacher's quaint, home spun homilys washed over him like raw sewage.




I do not feel the splendour of love in my daily goings about. I calculate, i measure, I covet, but I do not necessarily love my fellow man. He must earn it.






I take the drunken scoundrel over the mystic any day. If you gave someone a pair of shoes, what would you rather they do? Put them up on a shelf and stare at them lovingly every day of their life, or use them?




Utterly and perhaps deliberately lacking in forgiveness, a schowling intransigence moved across his face as he listened to his ex's suspiciously cheerful  specious account of her days activities.




The one who claims to love everyone, is the one you should trust the least.




I am no where near done, however my body seems to have run the course.




Human nature seeks an elixir, a magic bullet. Our God nature, on the other hand, prefers  to knock back a few more doubles and see where the evening goes.




Pity,...even the word itself seems to be dug out of the bottom of a  dank and dusty storage bin. Is it still a viable sentiment or are we so far gone that everything is now  part of  generic  cause.




I distrust shyness. These people are emotional Trojan horses. There have dark ruminatings that  appear suddenly, bristling with spears and daggers and bayonets slicing the air, just at the very moment when you are walking around in your underwear having a nice cup of tea.




Stoicism and brain damage are first cousins that too often marry.




Fair cause




Please ohh pleeeease someone have a sense of humour. If I read one more solemn profile about “ life’s journey “ or read that lugubrious load of piffel,“live, love , laugh” one more time, I’m gonna launch the half dozen fig neutons I just ate , all over my notebook!I find dating to be brutal sophomoric torcher sessions interspersed with emotional waterboarding and bamboo shoots in my fingernails. And that’s the good part.( it was recently “suggested “to me that a profile that )is short and sweet is better. I take umbridge with such twattle!! I am of the “Long And Exasperating “ school. In the words of the famous scribe Dolly Parton,”More Is More”, possibly in reference to her cup sizeInterestingly, the saccharine sweet I love kittens and stray puppies profiles dripping with oily humility seem to warm the hearts of many women. However, for those few courageous souls..., for the strong, independent, ferociously intelligent, savagely beautiful ,and deliciously enigmatic women out there ,graceful gazelles in the wilderness of online dating lifting their heads,twitching delicate pointy ears to the heady sounds of knuckle dragging male gorillas squealing and grunting in the valley. Morning has come! The haze is lifting! A ray of honey dipped sunlight filters through the ominous canopy , drifting like a fine Irish lace across the hairy backed primates. Then, miraculously, a solitary gorilla's suddenly, ever so slowly, starts to stand upright, manlike, scratching himself, and there is the faintest glimmer of ...dare I say ...intelligence in his eyes.. a miraculous evolutionary moment to which you have born witness .....Please select your response below from Option 1 or Option 2Option 1. Ok, who is the patronizing a....h.ole .. and maybe he should take a Pepsi moment and go ...f..... k himself ,Option 2. What an dashing, sartorially attired, roguishly handsome, devilishly intelligent man.I must have his children.Please submit your selection upon completion.Note: Your Essays on “ Why Waterboarding On A First Date Is Not Appropriate “ are due Wednesday 10:00 am---------------------------------------------Happy Friday April 26! I indeed hope the world (and this rather Machiavellian site) are treating you like the absolute Goddess that you are!! The following are my "offerings" if you will, for "Conversation Starters".Lest we fall into unctuous and clumsy silence.....He was the strong silent type.Or in terms somewhat less generous, but arguably far more accurate, illiterate..Love isn’t all it’s cracked up to be. I sense self- interest is the more prevailing and determining force.As I watch the terrifying continued unchallenged ascendency of Trump I see the world wide end of civil discourse and human decency.I distrust shyness. These people are emotional Trojan horses. There have dark ruminatings that appear suddenly, screaching, bristling with spears and daggers and bayonets slicing wildly in the air, just at the very moment when I am walking around in my underwear having a nice cup of tea. I do not feel the splendour of love in my daily goings about. I calculate, i measure, I evaluate, but I do not necessarily love my fellow man. He must earn it. He barely concealed his towering indifference to the heart felt sermon . The preachers quaint, home spun homilys washed over him like raw sewage.Utterly and perhaps deliberately lacking in forgiveness, a schowling intransigence moved across his face as he listened to his ex's suspiciously cheerful specious account of her days activities.The one who claims to love everyone, is the one you should trust the least. I am no where near done, however my body seems to have run the course. Human nature seeks an elixir, a magic bullet. Our God nature, on the other hand, prefers to knock back a few more doubles and see where the evening goes. Making sense is a more pertinent and worthwhile measure than the notion of giving offence.Love gets dragged into places it has no business A seemingly infinite array of medieval horrors and vile plans operate under its banner. I do not place the hightest value on the love of someone who loves everyone. What I value most, is the love of someone who doesn't. Rather than do battle with time, he danced with it. He insisted however on taking the lead, he would let it stand on his toes, so together, they could dip and sashay into the unknown and perilous future as entangled souls, inseparable as ancient lovers.It is axiomatic to say we have lost the ability to communicate. Love has also taken a hit. ------------.I am a Muslim on Friday, Jewish on Saturday, Christian on Sunday. I believe in separation of Church and dates.Women love to mother sensitive men. That's about it however. I silently judge everyone. It is an involuntary impulse, like breathing, born out of the frothy and tumultuous depths of a rather capricious and fragile self esteem.Like the ever expanding universe she was frustratingly complex and profoundly simple in the same splendid moment.I don't believe in reality checks. I believe in unreality checks. Possibilites interest me more than probabilities..It is comical, the notion that the snivelling scribes of popular media, while delivering their daily dose of pablum and poison, would have even a fleeting interest in delivering the truth.As one listens to bright educated often white men and women meticulously recount sports scores and the names of their favourite players, movie stars and reality tv shows it brings to mind a saying often applied to the black disadvantaged community, but perhaps has entitlement to a much broader application,” A mind is a terrible thing to waist.I would like to present the ever so satisfying and handsomely symmetrical meme “You have nothing to fear but fear itself” to a starving Nigerian,dying of thirst, who just had both his hands chopped off by counter revolutionary , while at the same moment, facing a stampeding herd of angry elephants, just for a second opinion.Why would anyone describe themselves as artsy. Crocheting doilies isn't art. Either you are an artist, or you are not.I recently heard of a men's hugging group.Therapy as I understand it. Ok. Look. If they throw in flower arrangement, baking cookies they can Sign me up!! .How many millions have died as a result of another's believe in something they read in a "book", superstitious, bronze aged drivel, presented in its' hideously form as “Unshakeable Faith.”We are all primates. Now, at the risk of insulting monkeys( they don’t sodomize their young or exterminate each other) we do shar




Conversation Starters (i.e. what you'd like to do on a first date...)




He smelled of sheep dip, she of lavender and it was upon the windswept dunes of Killarney that they met. Her lace dress like a filigree over the sun,cast shadows as she walked , of what could only be the tiniest dancing angels. And he saw her ,lovely creature, and his sheep looked on ,their stunted tails twitching in the moist ocean breeze . And she did upon him gaze ,at his brawny chest and gentle hands and her heart was moved and she felt warmth in her nether places. And the ocean’s waves did break upon the ragged cliffs and so did his heart break into a thousand shards never again to be whole. He did mount her, sheep like, as he had known his flock to do, for they did flock a lot, ( and he did on lonely nights at time join in), but over time a goat like affection did replace that baaaashful way, much to her delirious delight and they did. indeed frolic in the moors . So many nights did they frolic amongst the flock, they where missed ,at times ,returning, her to her humble cottages, he to his ocean shack, dressed in twigs and each other’s earthy scent ,there did indeed suspicion arise amongst her kinfolk Criticism brings out my inner porcupine.You are indeed the only cologne I wish to wear.On most matters of dire consequence I find myself squarely in the middle, ....between almost never and almost always.Insomnia is neither friend nor foe.. It is a stranger that shows up at some ungodly hour , unannounced, and wants whatever you're having.Solitude makes one feel talented.Genius is a birthright discovered episodically.Truth is only one measure of value and perhaps the most suspect.I am deeply committed to my childish preferences, biases, gossip , predjudices and dark humor. To be of any interest at all,Heaven will have to accommodate them.The three wise men where Curly Larry and Moe I believe that with all my heart. Therefore it is true.Intrigue and Melodrama are tacky in laws that drop in to the grand home of higher consciousness. Amusing, gaudily attired vulgarians that do not know which fork to use and put ketchup on the Le Coq Du VinSacrifice is the poorest of teachers. Indulgence teaches regret and self loathing, the pure ,unadulterated substrate of all worthwhile art.If divorce where illegal, then 50% of marrages would still end, with homicideJealousy is to love what a dill pickle is to a corn beef on rye. It brings out the flavor.Existence is consciousness playing dress up.An ex-wife is a a beautiful country side, seeded with landmines. Allow yourself to be distracted, you'll be wearing your testicles for earings.Like horse drawn carriage ,direct current, messenger pigeons and smoke signals, the internet and all it’s demented children-Facebook Instagram YouTube, will also find it's place in the dust bins of history, In retrospect what once seemed like a brilliant idea, now seems like sheer idiocy . This is truth’s Achilli




Gifts Received



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