The King Of All The Dogs


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Chapter 1

 Hello there! I am Bill I am 13 years old. And let's face it directly, everyone is scared of something,right? well then you've might want to know what am I scared of: DOGS.

Most of the people like dogs, but biologically and physically and biologically dogs are harmful and contain a lot of germs.YUCK. Well guess whats worse than looking at a dog 15 meters away, let me answer you, it is when your parents decide to buy one for your little sister's birthday gift! "M-mum? Are you sure this is a good idea" I stammered "I mean what if the dog betrayed us or turned into a vampire o-" "it's okay honey"mom said cutting me "its going to be alright".

"I hope so" i said while crossing my arms "I really do".

Then, my mother went to her room but my little sister didn't follow and stuck her tongue at me "my dog is going to rip your head off"she said.

Seriously? I don't get it, why is my sister wants me to get chills at night? People may say 'she is just a kid calm down' and blah blah blah, but NO! She is horrible, she is evil, SHE IS... You get it. Anyway let me surprise you even more, my neighbors already have got a dog after we told them we are going to bring one

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