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The main six

 "Call in:Beth Higgins,prisoner 2025.Isabel Ramoso,prisoner 3286.Alec Marc,prisoner 2345.Sidson Gibbims,prisoner 2121.Marcus James,prisoner 3447. And finally,bring out Agatha Simmons,prisoner 7899."Warden Samuel Jacobs,the warden of the maximized prison,Countydale prison,led out six handcuffed inmates,each looking incredibly bored.They were lined up,each given an injection of a blue liquid. "Whoa,what the hell was that?"Alec Marc,a.k.a,Blow Torch, struggled against the guards,who held his arm with mighty grips."Um,aren't we supposed to be in the courtyard,Warden?"Beth asked,raising her arm willingly for the guard."So,you six are extremely dangerous to society."The warden stated,clasping his hands."Gee,thanks dude.That's what a girl really wants to hear."Isabel,a.k.a, Poison Ivy,said sarcastically,rolling her eyes. "Shut your trap,prisoner 3286."She laughed,crossing her arms.

"Now,let me finish fleabags.Natalie Davis is the mayors daughter.You know,the mayor who has been targeted by m-" A pebble was thrown at him.All eyes turned to Agatha,a.k.a,B.C,short for basket case.She booed the warden."WE KNOW WHO THE MAYOR IS ASSHOLE!"The other convicts laughed at her outburst,the warden rubbing his temple."SHUT YOUR TRAPS!Now,I say again,the mayor has been targeted for money and goods.Now,his daughter has been targeted.Gangs are attempting to kidnap her for money,riches,and more importantly,the newest microchip of the I.C,the Chronically 3.0.It is worth over 4.8 million dollars."

The inmates stared at him.

"Good story.Can I go now?"

"What does this have to do with us again?"

"Good for Natalie.Now,why do I care?"


"Um,but where do we come in,sir?"

"All I heard was blah,money,blah,mayor,blah,blah, BLAH,I am a dick,blah.So,where is the money,exactly?"

The warden sighed."Shut up!Sheesh.So,all actions to protect her with a police force has failed,so I thought,what better way to deal with a criminal then to put another criminal up against them!Ever heard of suicide squad?" 


"That is one idiotic plan."

"Cool.Can you leave me out of it?"

"You're joking,right?"


   "Sue-what now?"

"I can't leave prison sir,remember?"

"Shut up!Again!Wow who taught y'all yer manners?Now,Natalie is sixteen,in school.That school is called CountyDale high.And guess what?Its you're school now!So,all details have been taken care of,such as your classes,your backstory,and I have assigned two agents to watch over you.By the way,I looked it over with the state and mayor and yes,you are allowed out.You have at least a month of watch duty and time to catch the one gang.Also,tiny detail,you were injected with a drug that was created to keep you in check.So if you misbehave I will cause you pain.That is all.Your safe house is located beside the school,and you have clothes,food and money inside of it.Any questions?"

Flashdrive raised a hand.The warden nodded to him."Is this even legal?" "No comment." "Come on man!Argh!"


"Well,sorry so-HOLY SHIT HOW-WHERE IN HELL DID SHE GET A GUN?"  B.C shot at the surrounding guards,trying to run."I ain't going back to school!Get back motherfuckers.I will shoot your asses.Get.Back."The warden grumbled,grabbing a remote and pressing a button.B.C gasped,falling to the floor.

"Guess we're going back to school."She mumbled,slowly standing up.

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The main six

 The warden led them to a black 7-seater,dragging an angry looking B.C forcefully.The two agents,Mathew Corin and Leonardo Corin sat in the front seats.Borh were incredibly handsome,and Isabel immediately batted her eyes at Leonardo.

"Remember the rules.B.C,no torturing ANYBODY.Isabel,don't poison the mayor again.Please.Beth,no mood swings.They get you crazy,And mean.Alec,don't set anything on fire.Marcus,don't deal anymore drugs.And disband your gang already!And Sidson,do not hack anything,or wire money from bank accounts.Ok?" They all nodded.

The gang cursed and swore the whole ride through,Alec and B.C eventually getting into a fight."So what?I'm not scared asshole.I have a bigger dick than you,and I'm a female!"B.C snapped. Alec smirked."Really?Never noticed,bitch."B.C fumed,grabbing Alec's blonde hair and yanking it."I really hate you."He muttured,rubbing his head.Soon they arrived at school,the six trailing out of the car reluctantly.

A group of kids had gathered to watch them,Isabel waving her hands in a shooing motion."Git!Git!Get outta here little doggies!"The six laughed,shrugging past them.

The three girls wandered through the hallways,trying to find Natalie.A group of boys watched them,one tall,muscular blonde whistling at Beth."Nice ass!"He and his friends laughed as Beth blushed bright red.

A girl with braids tapped Beth.Natalie."Hi!Sorry about them.I learnt the hard way that Alex is a jerk."Isabel glared at them,but B.C was already climbing onto a water fountain.Alex stared at her as she cupped her hands over her mouth.Isabel gasped,nudging Beth."Shit!Get down,B.C!"But Agatha ignored her."HEY ALEX!PLEASE KEEP YOUR DICK IN YOUR PANTS!"Alex glared at her as students gathered to watch her."What did you say,bitch?"She giggled."SORRY,I MEANT,PLEASE, FUCK A CACTUS!Or Alec no preference.

Loud ripples of laughter erupted as Alex,face red and angry,grabbed B.C and pulled her off the fountain.He slammed her into a locker."You know who your talking about,bitch,right?"Isabel smirked as Beth worriedly came towards them."You worried for your friend?Alex is pretty rough..."Natalie held her hand."No,not her.I'm terrified for Alex!"B.C starts laughing."Yep,I sure do,man whore."Alex curled a fist then,launched it at her.She ducked,smiling when his hand collided with metal.He turned around,not suspecting her fist,barrelling towards him.His nose collided with her clenched fist,and when he was thrust backwards,his head was met with the metal locker.

So that's the first two pages!So,sorry to say that I may take time on writing stories.Hey,I'm still a teen!By the way,if you guys want a cast,I kind of imagine this as the cast...

Alec:Graham Rogers

Marcus:Dave Franco

Sidson:Dylan Boyack(with glasses)

Isabel:Zoey Deutch

Beth:Candice King

Natalie:Bonnie Bennet

Alex:Logan Paul

Warden:James Franco

And for b.c,use ur imagination.


Haha!Tho I am not kidding.Copyrights

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 B.C  was led roughly by a teacher to the principle's office,Alex not far behind,holding his nose and head,quietly cursing.

B.C was literally thrown in the office,met by Alec,Sidson and Marcus met her,all grumbling with a tall,raven-haired shortie,who wore his baseball cap low over his eyes."Aggie?What the hell are you doin here?"Marcus asked,looking at her in admiration."Hm.Ask this bastard."She glared dagger at Alex who cowered in fear."You fuckin broke my nose,psycho!"He shouted,his face red as Marcus high-fived B.C.

"Cool.I got in for wrecking this guy.He's like a skater dude.Think they're cool,ya know?So,he was all like,'don't harsh the weasel broooooooo'and I'm like,what weasel,dude?Then he actually called me a,a,what was it again?''The poor shortie quickly mumbled,"dickinstein,"crumbling away. At Marcus's stare.

"Mhmm.So I did the only reasonable thing I could think of......I beat the crap outta him."Then Alec was like,hey dude,stop.We might get in trouble.Then I'm like,grow a pair.So,shortie here actually is a pretty good fighter,you know,but he completely collapsed and.........."B.C held up a finger.She was on the floor,laughing.Shortie covered his eyes.

"I love ya Marcus.You are funny.Whooeeee!"

"Yeah.Funny.And suspended.Your first day here too.Alas,I can not favour you.Please call your parents.Alex,Brandon.Sorry for their delinquency.


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