Elemental Sisters


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One day, in a shrine, quite far away, a beautiful young girl lay sleeping, waiting for 4 sisters to come awaken her from her great slumber…

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Chapter 1 - Elemental Sisters

“Lyn!” yelled Bridget, beckoning to her sister. “Lyn! Backflip attack!” Bridget then pulled out a pocket knife and threw it at Lyn. Thankfully, Lyn was very well trained in this now, she easily dodged the attack with a superb backflip and then landed and threw the knife she was holding at her sister. “Good,” stated Bridget, catching the knife. “But, you need to put more power into your throws!”

Whilst Lyn trained hard with her sister, Aleena and Terrah, their 2 other sisters, were cooking a fabulous meal.

“Aleena, I need the rice, please,” asked Terrah, stirring a concoction with a heartwarming aroma. “It should be in the cupboard over there.”

“Sure thing,” replied Aleena, stepping down from the meditation bed she was sitting on. Aleena then walked over to the cupboard with a few swift glides. Grabbing the rice out of the cupboard, she then walked back over and gave Terrah the rice. “Here you go, my dear sister!”

“Thanks, Aleena!” whispered Terrah thankfully, focusing on measuring the exact amount of rice to go in the meal. “Also, Cocoa and Caramel are coming.”

“I guess I should get their dinner!” sighed Aleena, once again, getting back up from the meditation bed. Suddenly, a loud bang came from outside and Terrah and Aleena got up and ran towards the sound. When they got there, Bridget and Lyn were already there, but they were sprawled across the grass.

“That thing over there!” yelled Lyn pointing towards what looked like an ever growing mountain in the distance. “I was about to doge another attack and it suddenly sent what felt like a gallon of water at me!”

“With me though,” explained Bridget, looking wearily at her skin as if she were burnt. “It felt like I was being blasted by 100 degrees of fire!”

“Watch out!” yelled Lyn, running towards Terrah and Aleena. “It’s doing something! Duck!”

Terrah and Aleena then dropped to the ground, but whatever had hit their sisters also hit them. Aleena flew backwards but Terrah just sat where she was, looking dazed.

“Terrah! Aleena!” screamed Bridget and Lyn in unison, sounding equally terrified. “Are you 2 ok? Are you hurt?”

“I- I’m fine!” replied Terrah, standing up, wearily, though she felt odd. “What about you Aleena?” When no answer came, Terrah turned around, along with Lyn and Bridget. “Aleena!?” Terrah ran over to her sister and sitting next to her she saw that her sister was unconscious. “Poor Aleena!” cried Lyn. Tears started to poor from Lyn’s eyes and when some splattered on Aleena’s face, Aleena began to stir.

“Wha- What happened?” asked Aleena, slowly sitting up. “I felt like I was hit by a tornado!”

“Aleena!” squealed Lyn, jumping onto her sister. “Aleena, you fainted! Then I started crying and then you woke up when some of my tears fell on your face! I don’t know what happened but I am glad you are a bit better! Are you?”

“Yeah, I’m fine!” grunted Aleena, as a lone tear ran down her face, which on its own looked like she was in pain. “That was a really hard hit!”

“I don’t know what happened to you guys, but I felt like I was finally one with nature!” exclaimed Terrah, enthusiastically. “It felt great!”

“Um, guys,” Bridget said, motioning towards the now closer mountain looking thing. “It’s getting closer!”

“Guys,” yelled Lyn. “RUN!”

So, the 4 sisters ran into the house and were about to hide when they felt like they were being pulled back outside. They looked at each other and tried to run towards something to hold onto, but that only made them move outside faster.

“Guys?” asked Terrah, looking worried. “Why are we going out towards that monster!?”

“I don’t know, sis!” exclaimed Lyn, looking super scared. “But, I don’t want to know!”

So, the 4 sisters then decided to get together and held each other. They held each other for their lives, which, they thought they were probably about to lose. But, when they stopped and nothing happened, they looked up curiously and saw, a huge, furry face looking right at them.

“Oh my goodness!” exclaimed Aleena, then suddenly she fainted.

“Aleena!” Bridget jumped in front of her sister and yelled at the beast standing before them. “Leave me and my sisters alone!”

“I have not come to hurt thy sisters!” a soft and calm voice, that seemed to be coming from everywhere, explained. “I have come to tell you something very important, from thy princess in a deep slumber!”

“Wait!” yelled Lyn, sounding confused. “What are you? Also, what did you hit us with?”

“I am a Kinjura!” explained the furry creature. “My name is Lavada! I am a messenger for very important things such as what I am about to tell you!”

“Ok, Lavada,” started Lyn. “I understand now, that you are a Kinjura, as you said it, but what was that thing you shot at us and why did it only hurt 3 of us?”

“Well, I do not know why it only hurt 3 of you, or hurt you at all!” explained Lavada, thinking about it. “But, I shot at you what would be your power!”

“POWERS!?” screamed Terrah, astonished. “What do you mean powers? You can’t just throw powers at someone can you? That’s insane!”

“I know it is something quite astounding!” explained Lavada. “But, you will need all the help you can get on the journey you need to go on!”

“But, why us?” questioned Bridget. “Why us?”

“Because,” Lavada started to explain, though now she started to look annoyed. “You 4 sisters represent the 4 elements! Lyn, you represent water, I think you can imagine now why your tears healed Aleena when she was knocked unconscious by that blast, which brings me to you Aleena. Aleena you represent Air that is why your blast felt like a tornado. Bridget, you represent fire, this I think you would understand from your firey spirit. Terrah, last but not least, you represent the Earth, this is probably why you didn’t feel like you got hit hard with something and you were just abit dazed!”

“Wow!” exclaimed the 4 sisters, then after they had processed the information, they all started asking questions.

“How do we use our powers?”

“What’s the quest?”

“Still, why us?”

“Does this mean I can talk to animals?”

“Girls please!” explained Lavada. “Please I have more! Your quest, you have to save a princess!”

“Wait WH-what?” screamed Bridget. “Save a princess? From where? Who is this princess?”

“Can you let me finish please?!” exclaimed Lavada, getting quite cross now. “I don’t have much time left, I will have to go soon! Your quest was sent to you by the Princess of Everwind, a faraway kingdom. There princess has been put into a deep slumber and only 4 sisters with the powers of the 4 elements can save her! The kingdom of Everwind depends on you, they are under attack. The forces of evil, known as Onirad, they have come together again and now not only Everwind is in danger, all the worlds. You 4 girls, you need to find the Finae, you need to find her so she can train you to use your powers. She lives in another world called Yotera, but I have a few other things to give you quickly!”

Then Lavada, grabbing a bag from her back, tipped the contents out and held up what looked like a pocket mirror, one for each of them. “This, is a teleporter! You can use it to teleport anywhere you want!”

Then, she picked up a map, “This you will need, to know the names of the places you are going!”

“There is a book in here that has the names of all the other objects here, also here take these backpacks!” Lavada handed a blue backpack to Lyn, a green backpack to Terrah, a purple backpack to Aleena and a red backpack to Bridget. “These will be able to hold all the contents here but also feel as light as a feather, now, I have to go! Find the town of Whitemore and talk to Finae. I have to go now, see you soon!”

And with that, Lavada disappeared into thin air.

The 4 girls, looked in awe at the spot that Lavada had just been, still processing all of that information.

Terrah was the first to break the silence. “Wow!” was all she said. Then all 4 girls fainted.

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Chapter 2 - Sorting A Mess

“Okay girls!” commanded Bridget, finally awake. “We need to find that book and sort through all this stuff!”

The girls had been unconscious for what seemed like 10 minutes, but they felt like it had been a day.

“We cannot waste any time!” shouted Bridget. “We have already wasted time processing this information, while unconscious. We need to save the universe!”

“Yes ma’am!” shouted the other 3 sisters. They were used to being bossed around as Bridget commanded them what to do. No one messed with Bridget while she was commanding or they would face the consequences.

“So, if you see a book in there, put it in a pile and everything else put in another pile to sort after we find that book!”

So, the 4 girls set off to find the book. They found multiple books but just put them in the book pile in case it was something dangerous. Everything else went into another pile. After a while of sorting they managed to get all the books into one pile and the rest in the other.

“Okay girls, Lyn, I know you know your way with books so you can have all the books in your bag, unless there are books to help with our powers!” Bridget explained, motioning to herself, Aleena and Terrah. “So, lets sort through the books, Lyn, try to feel if the book has anything magical or information in it, then put the books with a magical feel in one pile and ones with an information feel in another. I know this sounds weird but well, we have powers!”

“Okay, Bridget,” exclaimed Lyn in return, looking determined. “I shall find that book!”

So, after about 30 minutes of feeling the books, there came a few books with information and the rest, which was a lot, felt magical. Then, after putting the books with a magical feel in the pile with everything else, Bridget gave her next orders.

“Okay, there seems to be 4 books left. Okay, everyone take a book and on the count of 3 open it, okay?”

All 4 sisters picked up a book and held it ready to be open. “One, two, three!”

And all the girls opened their books and then looked at what they saw with surprised looks.

“My book looks like a guide to animals and plants not known here!” explained Terrah, looking at the pages contents with interest. “This is amazing, I didn’t even know there were such animals and plants!”

“Mine is all about weather and the sky and flying stuff!” explained Aleena, looking at her book the way Terrah had with hers. “It’s basically everything to do with the air!”

“Well, mine is about sport and fire!” Bridget explained confidently. “Awesome, it also shows the different sports in each of the worlds, wow there are a lot of worlds!”

“Mine is about the sea and stuff,” explained Lyn, looking disappointed. “None of these are about the stuff here! Hold on, I’m gonna look at the other books!”

“Okay, but I think we can all agree that we will be looking at our books!” exclaimed Terrah, looking at the others, whom nodded.

“Okay,” replied Lyn, starting towards the pile of stuff. “But I may take a while!”

So, Lyn started opening the books trying to find the one with all the information, some of the books though, looked like they were written in some ancient language, so she put those aside. She looked at the covers but then opened them to be sure it wasn’t a trick. After about 10 minutes later, Lyn squealed in excitement.

“Yes!” she screamed. “Finally, I have found it!”

“Good,” moaned Bridget. “Too much information has gone in my brain today!”

“This is why you didn’t do well in school, Bridget!” explained Terrah. “You get headaches from reading a lot!”

“I know, anyway,” started Bridget, looking a bit guilty. “You found the book with everything in it, right, Lyn?”

“Yep!” exclaimed Lyn, proudly showing them the book. “It’s called ‘Wizard’s Guide to Witchery’, but inside the name is, ‘The Book of Names’! Smart, but that can’t trick me! Look, I know what this pen does!  Let me show you!”

Then, she looked at the book and held up the pen and said, “With a pen comes some paper, give me a sheet of plain white paper!”

Suddenly out of thin air, a piece of plain white paper appeared in Lyn’s hand. “Awesome, right?” asked Lyn. “But that’s not all it does!”

“Okay, Lyn!” explained Aleena. “You seem to be very excited about a pen, but right now, we need to know what everything else does and sort it between us so we can get going, okay?”

“Okay, sorry!” exclaimed Lyn. “Here you take it!”

Holding out the book, she tried to give it to Aleena, but, when Aleena touched the book, she felt like it was burning her skin.

“Ouch!” yelped Aleena, her hand throbbing in pain. “That hurt, Lyn, maybe don’t give it to us! It felt like it was burning my hand!”

“Well that’s weird because it didn’t feel like that when I touched it!”

“Maybe, you are the book keeper, since I did say you were going to look after the books, maybe the items are supposed to be sorted amongst a few people so you can only touch them if you are the keeper!”

“That could be true, but why?” asked Terrah.

“Remember that all this stuff is magical!” replied Bridget. “Anyway, now that we have the book, let’s sort through the stuff! Let’s agree that Terrah gets animal and cooking stuff, Lyn gets books and water stuff, Aleena gets healing and air stuff and I get athletic and fire stuff, yes?”

“Agreed!” replied the other 3.

“Okay, let’s get sorting!” ordered Bridget.

So, the 4 sisters started sorting the stuff out, putting the items in there respected piles. After a long time of sorting they finally got through everything and starting packing them up. They had also found some clothes that they had put on.

“Girls, I think we’re ready!” said Terrah proudly. “I will cook dinner and we can leave in the morning!”

“I will agree with that!” replied Bridget, sounding exhausted. “Let’s eat and sleep!”

So off the girls went, eating dinner then going to their bedrooms to get a good night’s sleep.

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