Cassiopeia: The Star Queen


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In a far-off world, there was once a young girl...


'Is that how a normal story starts?

If it is, did you really believe that I would start my own story with all of that cliché and weird jibba jabba? It's always so... sappy! I absolutely hate it!

Either way, I am not starting my story with all that BS. This is my story, and I am going to tell it the way I want to tell it.


Hello, my name is Cassiopeia Starlight, but you should just call me Cassie. Seriously, don't call me anything else! Please!


Oh, and let me guess, right now you're probably looking up from this book, probably showing it to your friends and laughing at my weird name. You probably think it's a made-up name... Unfortunately not. My parents literally decided to, once they married, legally change their last name to Starlight. Damn, I would have loved to see the look on the face (or faces) of the people who had to go through all of that. It would have been hilarious! Well, you see, my parents, they were really into star signs and constellations, I would even have gone so far as to call it an obsession!

And of course, they just had to name their one and only child, Cassiopeia. Hey, did you know Cassiopeia is actually the "vain Queen in Greek mythology?" Seriously, sometimes I thought that they hated me. They even went so far as to teach me all about the star signs and constellations by the time I was in Grade 3.


Oh, talking about school...

Guess what?

Yep, I get bullied. I'm in Year 10 now and I think I get bullied mainly because of my name, but it could also be because of my appearance. If the nickname freak eye is anything to go by.


I have this eye condition called heterochromia. It's basically where my eyes are different colours. My left eye is black and I mean, really black. So black that you can barely see my pupil in it. My right eye though, is a completely unnatural colour, it is purple. This is not a normal colour for anyone to have mind you, unless of course you wear colour-contacts. It's really weird, but this causes most people to actually be scared of me, which brings me back to school.


My parents always believed that the only reason I hadn't been bullied in grade school (prep to 6th grade) was because we, as students and children, were all sweet, little, innocent angels that would not dare hurt a fly!


I believe, and I am almost 100% certain that the reason why I only started to get bullied in high school was because I was a giant. I was always either the tallest or second tallest in my year level, that's right, not class. Year. Level.

It was quite funny because I would always scare the living daylights out of every one of the students. Oh, the days.

Oh, and also adding in the fact that my eyes are abnormally weird, and some people literally call me an alien.


But, unfortunately all that fun ended on the first day of high school when suddenly, after 2 months, I was the shortest in the class and year level... somehow, in just 2 months, I had gone from the giant alien, to the short alien. From terrifying, to terrified.

At this time, I knew that I had to train. If you've ever read or watched a high school-based story, it probably had some kind of bullying for someone. I knew I would be bullied because I wasn't the 'terrifying alien' anymore. I would need a way to escape from the bullying. So, I had asked my parents to sign me up for 3 outer school activities; Gymnastics, to help with my reflexes and flexibility. Self-Defense, so I wouldn't get too hurt, and if it was too painful, I would know how to get out and lastly, Scouts, so I had survival tactics and instincts that would help me in life or death situations. They could all help me survive in different ways, but there was one more thing that I wanted to train myself in. Parkour. I practiced it whenever I had spare time.


There was something else that would happen every so often, but it has nothing to do with the bullying or school. It's almost like magic. I feel this... presence? Around me, and I feel as if there is something watching me. Not a normal human, maybe not human at all, it's just weird.


Oh, look at the time, it's time to continue with what's happening in the present.


My name is Cassie Starlight. I go to Rosewood High School and I am currently being beaten black and blue behind my school.'

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Chapter 1


Behind the main building of Rosewood High School, was a group of 9 girls; 2 lookouts, 1 by-stander, 3 holding onto a familiar girl, 2 beating that girl and the girl; our own, poor, little Cassie. Even after all the training she had done, they had somehow managed to jump the poor girl. This was the first time in a year that they were able to get he.


"You are nothing!" This statement came from the 'Queen' of the school; Stacey McAl. She was, in a way, your stereotypical mean girl. The popular bully. No one but her victims and her group knew what she was, and everyone else in the school loved her, even the teachers. She would never get caught, and got all the 'nerds' to do her homework. Of course, it didn't help that she was the definition of perfection. Her long, blonde hair that bounces off her shoulders and falls down her back, along with her beautiful, sky-blue eyes that seemed to scream innocence. She had the perfect body and was just beautiful in every physical aspect. Of course, that was on the outside. On the inside, she was a hideous, ugly, raging beast. One that deserved no happiness, fame or friends. One that should be cast down into the deepest pits of Tartarus.


"Yeah! Maybe you should just go jump off a building or something! Go die already!" That came from Stacey's right-hand woman, or should I say, lap-dog; Claire Williams. She had gossip on just about everyone in the school and was literally like a little puppy, always following Stacey around, wherever she may go. If Claire wasn't directly next to or behind Stacey, you know she isn't too far away. Her hair was a beautiful shade of strawberry-blonde and it w as cut into the perfect chin-length bob. Her eyes, always searching for secrets, were a piercing green and if you met her stare, it was like she could see into your very soul. Of course, it didn't help when she smirked your way and whispered something to Stacey.


"I think that might be going too far, Claire!" Oh, the poor girl. Wendy Rose is the daughter of Jackson Rose, who also happens to be the principal of Rosewood High School. She is the most innocent and kind girl you will ever meet. Though, she is being forced by her father to join the 'popular girls' group. He doesn't know that they bully people, he just wants his little angel to be safe. Her chocolate brown hair matched with her eyes and it fell down to her waist, though it was always in a fish-tail braid. Her eyes were huge and innocent, and with her beautiful, natural tan, she looked just like a cute, little brownie.


"Honey, when it comes to this freak, there is no such thing as going to far," Stacey explained, turning from Cassie to Wendy. "Remember rule number 2?"

"How about we do a little refresher?" Claire suggested, grinning. "That way, we could remind Wendy and the freak will know too! She will lose any hope she has left!"

"That is an absolutely fabulous idea, Claire!" squealed Stacey, excitedly. Turning to the other 5 girls, who hearing the idea started to line up, and began. "Rule number one?"


"No communicating with low-lives!" the girls exclaimed in unison, all standing in a line.

"And number two?"

"No defending victims!" everyone in the group looked at Wendy, who seemed to be growing more uncomfortable by the second.

"Rule number three is?"

"No telling on anyone in the group!"

"And my personal favorite," Stacey grinned. "Rule number four?"

"Always wear cute clothes!"

"And number five?"

"No fighting with other members of the group!"

"One of the most important rules," Stacey stated. "Rule number six is?"

"Only date popular boys!"

"What about rule seven?"

"No reading books and no doing homework!"

"Good, and lastly," Stacey smiled. "The most important rule, number eight is?"

"No arguing or talking back to the leader!"


Flabbergasted and completely filled with rage, Cassie couldn't keep herself from shouting. "What is wrong with the lot of you?" she screamed at them. "No reading? Only date popular BOYS? Only wear cute clothes? This is all utter BS! You guys are completely horrible!"

Silenced filled the area as all the girls stared at Cassie in shock. Now, you might be thinking that they were shocked because Cassie had spoken up and had spoken to them in such a way that they were not used to, but I can tell you that is not the case at all.


The reason the girls were staring at Cassie the way they were, was because of the fact that she was glowing! Cassie was emitting a beautiful, warm glow that seemed to comfort some of the group. Stacey and Claire were not feeling this, but were just feeling a horrible sensation.


"Monster!" Stacey shrieked, turning around and running away as fast as she could. All the girls except one followed suit, all screaming and shrieking as their leader had. The only one not terrified was Wendy. She just stood there in a shock and wonder.


"How are you doing that?" Wendy gasped, slowly beginning to make her way over to the still glowing Cassie. "It's absolutely beautiful!"

“I have no idea!” Cassie replied, the glow now starting to fade as Wendy got closer. “But I do have to agree with you. It is absolutely awesome!”


Both girls grinned at each other, though after a minute, there was an awkward silence.


“Um, I’m really sorry,” Wendy muttered. “For just standing there and doing nothing while they bully you.”

“It’s fine! You’ve been pressured into joining them by your father, right? He probably doesn’t even know they bully other students, but you’re pressured into joining them because he wants you to be popular and not get bullied, correct?” Cassie exclaimed, grinning again. “How about we be friends? You’re the nicest girl I’ve ever met, but you’re stuck with those horrible girls.”


Wendy started tearing up as she nodded. Embracing the two girls laughed for a little while, though, Cassie’s laughter started to fade.


“What’s wrong?” Wendy asked, worried about her new friend.


“Am I a… monster?” Cassie questioned, tears starting to pour down her face. “I… I literally was glowing! I mean, how is that possible?”

“I don’t know how it’s possible, but I know for a fact that you are not a monster in any way, shape or form!” Wendy exclaimed. She was going to continue, but before she could start, the two were interrupted by an ear-piercing whistle.


“Ms. Rose! Please step away from that monster!”


Turning around, Wendy gasped. Cassie just stood there in shock. There were teachers and police surrounding them. With their backs to the wall, they had nowhere to run. Of course, Cassie could have parkoured out of there, but she couldn’t just leave her first friend. Looking around, Cassie saw that even the principal and Stacey were there.


“That’s the monster! She was glowing and was about to attack me!’ Stacey whimpered, backing away slowly. “Look, she’s probably already gotten Wendy under her spell!”

“What are you talking about?” Cassie asked. “I wasn’t going to attack you! You were being me black and blue!”

“See, she even lies!” Stacey cried out. “She’s trying to hypnotize you all!”


“Honey,” Mr. Rose, the principal, started, holding out his hand. “Please come here, step away from the witch.”

“She’s not a witch!” Wendy shouted. “She’s my friend!”


“No!” Stacey screamed. “She’s under the spell! My best friend!”

Turning around, Stacey started to cry, but any sane person could tell that she was faking it.


A police man stepped forward and cleared his throat. “This individual has been accused of witchcraft and bullying. While bullying is not worthy of jail, witchcraft is.” The police man stated. “No matter the age, the accused will be guilty until proven innocent, and if proven guilty, they will be executed.”

“That makes no sense!” Wendy shouted. Looking back at Cassie, she continued. “You see all these bruises on her face? That’s from being bullied, not from bullying. Is there any evidence saying otherwise?”

“No there isn’t,” the police replied, cautiously. “But, even if the accused does not bully, witchcraft is a global offense and by the government’s orders, any who are proven shall be executed by fire!”


Cassie didn’t know how to feel. On one hand she was outraged that Stacey had gone and wrongly accused her of both witchcraft and bullying, while on the other hand, she was absolutely terrified. She didn’t want to die so young, especially if it were the reason of being wrongfully accused.

With tears pouring down her face and almost unable to hold herself up any longer, she felt ready to collapse and scream, when she suddenly felt a comforting hand support her. Looking up, Cassie saw a man, his presence somehow comforting. With a warm smile, the man whispered into her ear, “Trust me and let me handle this.”

Not knowing why she trusted him, Cassie nodded and watched the man walk in front of her, not being noticed by anyone.


“Ms. Rose, please stand aside!” the police man exclaimed. “I know you must be under a spell, but I don’t want to have to resort to violence and force. We need to arrest the witch!”

“I think that’s enough of that,” the mystery man stated, his eyes changing from gold to black, and his pupils from black to gold. “I really don’t think it would be wise to be threatening either one of these poor girls, and I assure you that for one, Ms. Rose is not under any sort of spell and two, arresting Ms. Starlight would end with catastrophic consequences.”


Everyone stared at the man in absolute shock. For them, it was as if the man had just appeared out of thin air.


“You see, Ms. Starlight is very special, and executing her or even just putting her in jail would cause the end of the world. If you do not, however, do as you intend to do, she will save the world and possibly many others thereafter.”


“Who are you?” exclaimed Mr. Rose, the first one to break out of the trance that the shock had placed on the group.

“And what nonsense are you spitting out of that fancy mouth of yours?” Stacey shouted, unintentionally dropping her act. “As if that freak could save the world!”


At that statement, everyone gasped and turned to face the blonde. Knowing she would be in deep trouble, Stacey tried to back away from the group, but was suddenly standing in front of the mystery man, who was towering above her and emitting a terrifying aura.


“Who are you?!” Stacey screamed, absolutely terrified.

“My name is Leo, I am the guardian of the constellation of the Lion and I have been sent to fulfill my duty, which is to protect my Queen from any evil that may seek to harm her.”

“Who’s your Queen?” Stacey stuttered, fearing the person would be who she believed it to be.

“I believe you know exactly who I’m talking about, Ms. McAl,” Leo snarled, a shadow hiding his face. “My Queen is the one you have been bullying for 3 long years. My Queen is Cassiopeia Starlight.”

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Chapter 2


"What?" Stacey whimpered as she looked up at the frightening face staring down at her. She'd had a feeling that Cassiopeia was special in some way ever since the blonde saw the girl, but she had just hoped that it was the guilt for bullying someone the way she did. She had hoped it was just a coincidence that Leo was protecting Cassie, that he was actually trying to protect Wendy. She had hoped it weren't true, but now she knew it all just had to be linked.


"You heard me," Leo snarled, making the blonde flinch back. "Cassiopeia is my Queen."

"But how?" Cassie questioned, feeling extremely uncomfortable. "I'm just an ordinary girl."

"You are anything but ordinary, and you know it," Leo smiled softly, turning to face the short girl. "Don't you remember what happened just a few minutes ago?"

"When I was glowing?" Cassie guessed. At Leo's nod, she continued, albeit hesitantly. "But, I don't even know how I did that! I just got really angry because Stacey and her group were picking on Wendy!"


Mr. Rose glared at Stacey, who could feel the piercing glare even though her face was turned away from the principal. Turning, she tried to defend herself and her group. "We were just trying to remind her of the rules of our group."


"What? Like 'no communicating with low-lives'?" Wendy questioned, stepping forward slightly.

"And 'no defending victims'?" Cassie continued, stepping up next to her new friend. "How about the 'only date popular boys' rule?"

"The 'no reading or doing homework' rule?" Wendy finished, ignoring the icy glare from the blonde.


"What?!" shouted Mr. Rose, shocked and absolutely outraged. "I thought you were a great kid, Stacey. That is unbelievable, young lady. I should be calling your mother right now."


"But," Stacey exclaimed, gears turning in her feeble mind, trying to find an excuse to get out of trouble. "Didn't you just hear them? They admitted to witchcraft!"

"Are you kidding me, right now?" Leo laughed. "Witchcraft is for witches, obviously, and as far as I am concerned, there are none on this planet."

"What are you talking about?" 

"On this planet, the only creatures with magic are the mortals, aka, you humans," Leo explained. "Every human on this planet has magic, and you are what the celestials' call mages." Turning towards Cassie, as if remembering something important, he asked. "Do mortals believe in magic?"


Nodding, Cassie was just about to respond when Stacey rudely interrupted, grinning with a very omniscient look on her smug face. "Only children believe in that sort of thing."


"So that's how he got the stories in this world," Leo muttered to himself, shocking Stacey. "That's actually quite creative."

Looking up at the group, Leo explained. "All those stories are true. They may not have actually happened in this world, but on other planets in the universe, those things in your stories have happened or are currently happening. The God in charge of this world must have put the stories as ideas into the minds of creative people, such as authors and scriptwriters."


Again, everyone was frozen in shock, just staring at Leo. This strange man, appearing out of nowhere, was talking about magic. About the stories they all grew up with being actual events happening somewhere in space. About the possibility of the end of the world all depending on a 16-year-old girl.


"If we have magic," Wendy started, trying to get an answer to some of the questions in her mind. "How come we are not able to use it right now?"


"Some people are more powerful than others," Leo explained. "They are obviously born more powerful. The more powerful someone is, the higher the chance for them to accidentally discover their magic."

"How come I was glowing?" Cassie questioned. "I don't even know how I did it."

"Well, since hardly anyone knew magic existed until this moment, you wouldn't have been able to just command it." Leo continued to explain. "It is because of your powerful emotions that you started glowing."


Turning to face the police officers, Leo snarled slightly. "Some people have actually already found out that they have magic, but they keep it secret because they don't want to die for being falsely accused of witchcraft."

"But, how would other people find out about their magic?" the police man questioned, averting his eyes from the piercing glare of the Guardian. "The less powerful people, I mean."

"Most people need to practice to be able to use even a small segment of their mana," Leo explained, grinning. Turning his gaze to the rest of the group, he continued. "But the more powerful a mage, the easier it is to learn and discover their magical power, just like Cassiopeia. Some are even able to train themselves in the way of magic."


"So, you're telling us that everyone on Earth has magic?" Mr. Rose exclaimed, stunned. "There must have been at least one person who was brave enough to use it, or at least say something about it."


"There have been," the police man exclaimed, looking down at the ground in shame. "The people we thought were witches must have been the brave ones."

"Indeed," Leo snarled, ignoring the stares he receive when his lion ears twitched. "And now that you know, you won't be murdering anymore innocent mortals. And the girl behind the wall can come out now, knowing she won't be murdered for using her magic nearly everyday."


Everyone glanced towards the corner of the wall when a squeak sounded, followed by a figure slowly making its way from behind it. To nearly everyone's surprise, it was Claire Williams.


"You've used magic?" Stacey gasped, staring at her best friend. "What sort?"

"I can read minds," Claire stuttered, staring at her feet. "It's how I find out everyone's secrets. Though some people, including Cassiopeia have a sort of block that prevents me from reading their minds."


"So that's why your eyes go a shade lighter when you look at some people," Wendy stated, surprising Claire.


"The reason why you can't read some people's minds could be one of two reasons," Leo explained. "One, their magical affinity could be either defense, or mana blocking. That would prevent someone from reading  their mind. The second reason would be if they were a lot more powerful than you, such as Cassiopeia."


After everyone had absorbed the information given to them, the police decided it was time to leave. They apologized for all their wrong doings and left, leaving a small hole in the still formed semi-circle.


"I still don't fully understand, thought," Cassie exclaimed, walking forward so that she was standing in front of Leo. "How am I, as you say, a Queen? My parents were almost completely ordinary people. The thing that would have made them different from most would have been their obsession with stars and that sort of thing."


"Oh, there is a reason for that," Leo smiled softly. "Why don't you go home and ask your parents?"


"She can't go home yet!" the principal exclaimed, not noticing the shadow that cast over Cassie's face. "It's not the end of school!"

"I can't talk to my parents anyway," Cassie muttered, barely loud enough for everyone to hear.

"Why not?" Mr. Rose questioned, forgetting his previous argument.

"Because they're gone," Cassie whispered, a bit louder, stepping back towards the wall, having turned her back so that it was facing Leo.


The bell sounded, signalling the end of lunch. Everyone ignored it.


"Are they out of town?" Leo asked, turning to look at Cassie as she passed him. "I can tell you the reason why you are special. Unless you want to wait for them to come back."


"They're dead!" Cassie shouted, tears streaming down her face, continuing to step back towards the wall. "I can't talk to them and they can't come back to me because they're dead!"

She had suddenly bumped into Wendy, who, eyes filled with grief, held her tight in a comforting embrace.


Everyone, except Wendy and Cassie, stood almost completely still, not a sound to be heard apart from the quite whimpers coming from Cassie. Even Stacey and Claire were shocked, and the blonde, always having something to say, was at an uncharacteristic loss for words. Leo just stood where he was for a few seconds, feeling regretful. Eventually, he made his way over to Cassie and put a comforting hand on her head. It felt familiar to Cassie and after a few seconds she started to feel two rhythmic thumps on the top of her head, as if two lumps were trying to form there. She didn't know why Leo's comforting hand felt so familiar, but right at that second, she didn't really care.

Calming down slightly, Cassie began to explain the story to the group, telling what happened. "My parents died when I was 14. It was the first day back at school, the first day of Year 8, and I was walking back home. I smelt and saw the smoke a few blocks away from my house and I started to speed up my pace. When I turned the corner to my street, that was when I saw the fire. I sprinted the rest of the way home, seeing the fire-fighters and ambulance there, but they had been too late. My parents hadn't made it."


"How are you still in school?" Mr. Rose questioned, shocked. "We still receive all necessary payments needed to continue your education here."


"They left me all of their belongings, including both their bank accounts." Cassie explained. "I have no other relatives, so I live in a small apartment near school that they had owned. I ran away from the orphanage I was placed in because they were horrible. They haven't come looking for me, which is good."

"Why didn't you tell anyone?" Wendy exclaimed, breaking the embrace to look Cassie in the eyes. "You've been all alone for 2 years!"

"I got used to it," Cassie smiled sadly. "I didn't have any friends until today anyway. After about a month, I learnt how to take care of myself and how to spend the money wisely. Though, I will eventually need to find a job."


"That won't be necessary," Leo exclaimed, grinning as he perked up. "Not when you live in a castle in space."

"Wait, what?" Stacey exclaimed, making Claire, who had made her way over to stand next to the blonde, flinch back from the sheer pitch of her voice. "She gets to live in a castle? In space?"

Leo glared at Stacey, causing her to back away from him even more. "You're lucky that I don't throw you into a dungeon for what you have done these past few years."


"I don't want to leave, though," Cassie exclaimed, trying to look up at Leo, but finding it quite difficult to do so with his hand still on her head. "I just made my first friend!"


"With permission, your friend can come with us." Leo smiled, patting Cassie's head and then removing his hand, much to her disappointment. The rhythmic thumping disappeared as well. Perking up, Cassie looked towards Wendy with stars in her eyes. Wendy grinned and turned towards her father.


"Can I please go, pappa?" she pleaded. "Please?"


"I don't know," Mr. Rose replied, averting his eyes from Wendy's pleading puppy eyes. "What if you get hurt?"


"Sir, I can assure you that in the almost impossible chance that your daughter does wind up injured, we have the best healers in the universe." Leo explained, grinning as he bowed his head towards the principal. With a wink towards the two girls, he continued. "And the chances she does get hurt are much less than the chance of me chopping off my own head, which, if you must know, is near impossible."


"Oh, please?" Wendy begged, rushing over to her father and hugging him. "I will be super careful."


"Will she get an education?" Mr. Rose questioned, returning his daughter's hug with a smile on his face.


"Yes, she will learn many things whilst with us, along with learning how to use her magic." Looking up at the sun, Leo wince slightly. "Though, if you want to pack some things, you must go now. We need to leave by the time the sun reaches the middle of the sky."

Nodding, Cassie turned to leave, only to be stopped by Leo's hand. "I never said you had to walk," he said with a mischievous grin on his face. "Call out my name when you're ready."


A question on her lips was cut off suddenly by a flash of light. When the light faded and Cassie could see, she found that she was in her bedroom.


Already having an idea of what she wanted to pack, Cassie began the search for her items. She brought a suitcase out of her wardrobe and put her favourite outfits, some comfortable clothes, a few pairs of shoes shoes and some of her favourite books in it. She made sure she had all the necessary travel items as well, not knowing how the Guardians traveled.

After leaving her suitcase on her bed, Cassie went to the front door and grabbed one of the dozens of backpacks from the pile she had near the door. She took it to her bedroom and packed what she found necessary; a camo-green hoodie, a notebook and pen, her laptop, food and water. Once she had everything, she put her backpack with her suitcase and went to the bathroom.

In the bathroom, Cassie had a nice, warm shower, washing her hair to rid it of the dirt, and brushing it to get rid of the knots. She felt two bumps at the top of her head, but paid no mind to them. Hopping out of the shower, she put on one of her favourite outfits; a white singlet underneath a faded purple, oversized hoodie, gray denim shorts and her favourite runners. Putting some toiletries in a water-proof bag, Cassie left the bathroom, her long her running down her back.


After putting her toiletries bag into her suitcase, Cassie grabbed a piece of bread to munch on as she went from room to room, making sure all the possible entries were locked tight and all the lights and power was turned off. Finally, she locked the front door, grabbed her keys and phone, and went back to her bedroom.


Putting her keys and phone in a hidden pocket in her backpack, Cassie grabbed the bag and her suitcase. "Leo?" she called, unsure how loud she would have to be for the Guardian to hear her. "I'm ready to go."

Almost instantaneously, another bright light, identical to the first one, swallowed Cassie's vision and she was then transported into another room. It was very grand and regal, with fancy furniture everywhere. It was a bit too fancy for Cassie's taste though.

Letting go of her bags, Cassie turned around in a full circle, observing the room. The colour scheme reminded her of Leo, being mainly gold, white and black. The whole room reminded her of Leo.


"Watch out!" came Leo's voice, shouting at her as he entered the room through a door that had only seconds before burst open. A bright red blur sped towards Cassie and launched itself at her, knocking her off of her feet.

Coming out of a slight daze, Cassie saw a beaming face and bright-red hair, tied up in a ponytail by a red ribbon.


"Hiya, I'm Aries!" the girl exclaimed, obviously excited. "It's great to see ya again! Ya may not remember me but we were be-"

"Aries!" Leo exclaimed, cutting her off. He had made his way over to them with a startled looking Wendy behind him. "Remember I told you not to talk about that yet."


"And help her up, would you?"

"Right, sorry Le!" Aries grinned, jumping to her feet and helping Cassie up. Aries was slightly taller than Wendy, and her eyes, Cassie saw, were a beautiful scarlet red, surrounding black, star pupils, the same pupils that Leo had. "I'm super sorry 'bout that!"

"It's alright," Cassie grinned, though she couldn't quite shake the repeated feeling of déjà vu that she got from seeing the girl. "I'm Cassie, and I'm guessing you must be Aries the Guardian of the Ram if your name is anything to go on."

"Correct!" Aries responded, a huge grin on her face. "Now come on, I'll show ya two your room. Hope ya don't mind but ya'll be sharing a room."


"Do you guys have any questions before we leave?" Leo asked, grabbing Cassie's suitcase and backpack from the ground.

"Just one," Cassie replied, making her way towards Leo so that she could take her backpack from him. "Where are we exactly?"

"Oh, I guess I did forget to mention that," Leo grinned sheepishly. "We are currently on what mortals would probably call a sort of space ship. This is the Fire Zodiacs headquarters. As to where we are exactly in this place, we are in the wing of the Lion, my wing."

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