"Its A Duck ...Mommy.."


Tablo reader up chevron

Chapter 1

Barbra waited at the bus stop for Molly. her daughter molly got of the bus around 3 pm .,however , it was now 3:20 pm. Barbra began to worry , a sick feeling in her throat. had the bus not just then turned the corner onto her street she would have surely called the police. Barbra immediately questioned her daughter when she got off the bus. "Molly" , she began , did something hold up the bus? Molly said "No Mommy" ,but then pulling out something from her bag and handing it to Barbra she said,  "look what i drew" . Barbra was confused. it looked to be a crudely drawn house but a line on the house swirled through the paper till it got to what looked like a green and brown circle with an x crossing them out. "what is it dear?: Barbra asked. "its a duck mommy" said molly cheerfully. the image did not resemble a duck in the slightest but seeing how happy molly was she decided to pay it no mind. the next morning Barbra was on the same spot waiting for the bus .Barbra heard the sounds of the bus and looked up to see the bus pulling up to her. when she looked at the bus she saw a sight that almost made her heart drop. all the kids on the bus were  holding what looked to be the same exact picture  molly had drawn. pressing it against the window and starring at her as if they all wanted her to see. as molly got off the bus Barbra shook off the feeling and asked "How was school today?" "Great Mommy" Molly said, "and look what i drew" Molly pulled out a picture from her bag and Barbra reluctantly took it. it was the same picture as before. however this time the house had the word school written on it and a key the way a map would. Barbra asked her daughter where she and the other kids saw the image and just what was the image. "Silly Mommy" Molly answered. "i saw it in my nap" then again , she said the phrase which made no sense to Barbra and was starting to creep her out. Molly Said , "Its A Duck Mommy". that night ,after tucking in Molly and making sure her husband watched her , she got in her car and drove to the school. she parked her car out in front. Barbra had decided she was going to get to the bottom of all this. using the key to the map and the school as the starting point she followed the map little by little. hours seemed to pass by as she walked and she wished she brought a way to tell time.  the map finally led her to the park. there after walking the final few paces she saw it. a costume of a bird all covered in blood. finally understanding her daughter all she cold say in that moment in terror to her discovery was  "Its A Duck ...Mommy.." 

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