kiki and josie


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Why do you need healthy skin?

Knowing more about your skin and the important role it plays in your overall health will motivate you to look after it better.

Structure of your skin

The skin is made up of three parts, namely, epidermis, dermis, and hypodermis.

The Epidermis is the outermost thin layer of skin that contains many important cells such as keratinocytes that gives firmness to the skin, melanocytes that are responsible for skin pigmentation, Markel cells that are responsible for identifying the sense of touch and Langerhans cells that help with immunity and protection.

The second layer is dermis, and this not only provides support to the epidermis but is also responsible for the elasticity and suppleness.  It also takes nutrients to the different cells of the epidermis and helps with wound healing as well. This layer is made up of water, collagen, and elastin.

The Hypodermis is the deepest layer of the skin, and this is typically where blood vessels and fat tissues are present. It protects the body from shocks and other sudden and intense changes to your body.

When you choose a makeup remover from kikiandjosie, it will heal and rejuvenate all the three layers, not just the epidermis. The products will remove the impurities from the epidermis, will strength the dermis so it can continue to provide elasticity and suppleness to your skin and the micronutrients will penetrate deep down to the dermis layer and will enhance the flow of blood to give radiant looking skin.

Why do you have to do all this? Simply, because your skin has a big role to play when it comes to protecting you.

Functions of your skin

The first thought that comes to anyone's mind when you look at the skin is the blemishes and impurities present on it. Many people even look at their skin to see how quickly or slowly it is again. But beyond these physical appearances, your skin does a lot more for you.

First off, it protects your skin from harmful external factors such as heat and cold. It takes much of this brunt and ensures that the changes in temperature do not affect the inner organs of your body. It also ensures that dirt and dust do not go past it and affect major organs like the heart or lungs.

It has a big role in immunity protection as well. Primarily, your skin alone can take Vitamin D from the sun and synthesize it into a form that can be used by your body.

When your skin does so much for you, is it important that you take good care of it? One of the primary things you can do is to keep it clean, so it can continue to do its job of protecting you. 

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