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Dark Elves stormed the sapphire woods, their presence making everything die in their path.  Opal their leader, the toughest, selfish and ruthless leader was riding her mighty deteriorating stag leading her army. Her black hair fell down her back in tendrils, her eyes a glowing crimson and pierced right into anyone's soul they were accompanied with a three scar scratch over her left eye, her ruby and ebony armour glittered in the bright moon light. Her usually clear mind was beginning to remember all the people she killed. Opal just shook her head and sighed almost as if though trying to shake the memories, it worked but it was only temporary. 

They happened to wander upon the small town, of Iron Smith, it's people scattered as the elves swarmed the place, burning things, murdering people and stealing, their leader rode her stag boldly onto the old bordered up well, how it took their weight was a mystery, the moons beams shone down on her, being bathed in the moonlight, she felt stronger and revitalised. The only thing she craved was human souls! 

Once the town was ash and ransacked the villagers were rounded up like cattle and presented before their leader, with one swift movement of her hand their souls departed and were travelling towards Opal. Once the people were nothing more than just empty husks of what they once were, her army drank their life saving wine before ripping into the flesh of their victims, like piranhas they stripped the flesh from the bone, but the eyes, hair and nails taken as currency for the underworld market, these items were thrown into the wagon, pulled by a mighty rock troll. 

After their feast they carried on their journey, the sun would soon be rising and a lot of her army were tiring, so her Mage teleported everyone back to their underground base. 

In a small town of Lowlithen a young warrior was just waking up. He placed his feet on the cold stone of his chambers, he stretched his well built body and yawned to himself, Elwith stood and walked to his window to see the land alive and the birds chirping. The sun making his blue eyes glitter in the light. He began to get ready for the day, he ran a brush through his light long brown hair which tumbled down his back and past his belt, it made many an elven maiden swoon, he  pulled on his green and brown uniform, he was a high forest elf and captain of the army and today they had new recruits.

As he walked the path fallen with fresh leaves many elven maidens stopped to gander upon him before carrying on their path, his serious look soon transitioned into that of a smile highlighting his sharp cheekbones, secretly he loved the attention he received but being a captain he had to make it look like it didn't bother him. 

He finally reached reached the training grounds and saw many a young man swinging or firing at the dummies. "Elwith Duskwood you're early!" A older elf exclaimed. 

"Oh I didn't realise" he replied modestly. 

"I need you to ride to Iron Smith there was an attack last night I believe" he told Elwith. 

"Opal?" He asked. 

"We think so, the forest was dead on the way there and the town decimated but since you've had an encounter before, we believe it's your place to tell us what is going on" The silver haired elf said resting his hand on Elwiths shoulder. 

"Take at least three scouts with you" the older one advised. So Elwith called upon Paolo a young elf warrior with shoulder length golden hair and sapphire eyes, Rysaras a brave elf who's long red hair was bound in a ponytail and out of the way of his emerald eyes and his twin brother Rykon his red hair half up and half down. They saddled their horses and rode out. Elwith leading, the twins behind and Paolo last. 

They trotted into the forest, they looked around seeing everything dead, corpses of animals laying around, trees leaves rotten, and some trees had collapsed from how dead the roots became.  "This is bad!" Elwith exclaimed as he stopped his mount. 

"The damage seems worse" Rysaras stated, poking a dead fox with the end of his spear. .

They were all horrified when they rode into the town. There lay half eaten villagers.  "She's a monster!" Rykon exclaimed.

“That's why we have to stop her” Elwith replied. 

Opal was walking the halls of her underground kingdom, her boots clicking against the ground.  A sinister smile plastered on her face as she walked to the dungeon at  the end of the corridor. Her cloak dragging against the ground, the mail that was intertwined in it chinked as she walked. She opened the door slowly instilling fear into her victim, her gloved hand resting on the swords hilt, she padded forward slamming her heels against the stone floor just to create more terror for her victim. 

Opal stopped and threw a lock of ebony hair over her shoulder. “You know why you're here?” She spoke loud and proudly. 

“N…no!” The prisoner stuttered in fear. Their lip bleeding, their nose broken and their skin bruised. 

“Yes you do!” Opal sneered. 

“I don't!” The young girl screamed, her green eyes tearing up, her long auburn hair collecting the pure crystals. 

“My men told me you were attempting to steal my mount!” She exclaimed, stalking closer, the poor girl shook in her shackles. 

“I did not, I was trying to r….rescue it!” She answered. 

“I don't believe you!” She exclaimed and hauled her sword from its scabbard. 

“But you must!” The girl screamed as her queen came closer. Opal unlocked one shackle and rested the girls fingers on the anvil in front of her. “Please have mercy I beg you!” She exclaimed crying hysterically. Opal ignored her pleas and tightened her grip before slamming the blade down on all her fingers except for her thumb. The girl screamed and cried out. 

“Let that be a lesson to you!” Opal exclaimed, wiping her blade clean on her cloak, she then walked out leaving the girl whimpering in pain and bleeding out. Opal shut the door and steadied herself against the wall with one hand, her hand pressed against her stomach she felt sick! What on earth was happening to her! A guard wandered by and stopped. 

“MiLady are you okay?” He asked. 

“I'm fine” she answered and then stalked into the darkness. But she wasn't, she needed to be ruthless. She stormed to the apothecary and saw the old shaking man, his glasses too big for his face that they fell down his nose as he shook. 

“Opal what can I do for you?” He asked.  

"There's something wrong with me?” She replied sitting down. 

"What do you mean?" He answered daring to walk closer to his dark queen. 

“I'm beginning to feel guilt, I feel all the victims I killed” she answered. 

“My queen that is something of greater power than I, this I cannot treat” He told her. Opal rested her hand on the hilt of her sword and ran the apothecary owner through with her sword, he didn’t scream and died peacefully. She stormed out her hand resting on her blade.

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Elwith and his company found a tavern not far from the devastation, they were all sat around a table in the corner, Rykon had his hands around his tankard and was staring into his drink. “Brother are you okay?” Rysaras asked placing a hand on his shoulder. Rykons gaze snapped to his brother. 

“I. . . I just don’t understand how one woman could cause so much devastation.” He replied his voice shaking. 

“Rykon, I did say if you weren’t up to this mission then I wouldn’t suggest for you to come.” Elwith said. 

“I am up to this, I just didn’t know what to expect.” He said pushing his tankard away and storming up to his room. 

“I apologise for. . .” Elwith cut Rysaras off. 

“It’s okay don’t apologise for him I understand what it’s like to be on your first mission, but now I can tell you never forget it.”The captain said and took a swig from his flagon. 

“Paolo you’ve been quiet, is everything okay?” Rysaras asked nudging him in the elbow. 

“Hm?” he asked looking at the two. “I’m okay.” 

“I think it’s about time we all return to our rooms, it’s going to be a full day tomorrow,” Elwith suggested standing and heading towards the stairs. “I’ll see you lads in the morning.” 

“Goodnight captain,” they both said.

Elwith opened the door to his room and took off his shirt, he caught his reflection in the mirror but he threw his fist into it smashing it. He stood there panting, a few locks of brown fell over his shoulder, he couldn’t bare to look at himself. He poured himself a bowl of water and sat down at the desk and began to pull the shards of glass from his knuckles, he hissed to himself as he did, he then bandaged his hand the best he could and lay down on the bed, his locks sprawled out over the pillow and bed. His head fell to the side from exhaustion and he drifted off into a deep sleep. 

His eyes open, it’s dark and he’s stuck in a chamber. There are torches on the walls on either side of him, he’s shirtless and he’s chained by his hands. “I was wonder when you were going to wake up Elwith, my love,” a voice said from the shadows, she walked from the shadows and before him stood Opal. 

“H. . . How did I get here?” he asked his voice dry. 

“What do you mean? You’ve always been here, I bought you here three years ago and you’ve been under my spell.” She answered and dragged a clawed finger down his chest causing him to squirm and squeal, she walked behind him and grabbed a strand of hair close to his right ear and began to braid it, as she did the light brown colour disappeared and was replaced with black, she gave it one hard tug when she was done before returning to him and kissing his lips. That’s when Elwith awoke with a start, he looked down at his chest and the scratch was there, he reached a hand in to his hair close to his right ear and there he pulled forward the black braid. 

He was confused and panicked, he raced up out of the bed and picked up a shard of broken glass but made sure he didn’t catch his eyes, and looked at it, it wasn’t just him seeing things the strands were really black and there sat her braid, he grabbed the leather tie off the desk and tied back his hair, he didn’t want to think about it, he didn’t like the thought of the fact he had been marked by her. 

Once he woke everyone else up they all mounted their steeds and began to track Opal, Elwith keeping his hood up, he rode at the back this time of the convoy. The rain began to fall and both the brothers sighed they weren’t too fond of the rain. Rysaras turned and called to Elwith, “could we possibly sit this out?” 

“Of course, turn into the woods.” He yelled. Rysaras pulled harshly on his horses mouth and the convoy entered into the woods. They found a cavern and the riders dismounted tying their horses under the best shelter they could while they huddled under the stone cavern. Elwith threw himself against the wall, he seemed to feel like he was burning on the inside, Rysaras, Rykon and Paolo all followed him in to the cavern. Elwith unlaced his shirt and looked down the best he could, his veins had turned black and it emanated from the scratch on his chest from Opal. 

“How far are we from Opals lair?” Rysaras asked looking down at Elwith. 

“W. . . We. . . ar. . .” he drops his head and places his hand over his heart. 

“Captain what’s wrong?” Rysaras panicked. 

“O. . . Opal.” He stuttered finding his words beginning to fail him. 

“Opal what?” Rykon asked. 

“Captain you’re burning up!” Paolo exclaimed kneeling next to him/ “Lay him down.” 

Rysaras gently laid him down on the floor, and began to look him over. “Are you injured?” he asked. 

“N. . . No.” he said. Rysaras lifted his shirt and saw the black that lined his veins. “What did she do?” 

“C. . . Cursed me. S. . . She’s trying. . .t. . . to stop us.” He said. “Y. . . Y. . . You need to go with out me!” 

“No I disagree, I won’t leave you.” Rysaras insisted. 

“Go. . .t. . . take your brother, and Paolo you f. . . finish this. You c. . .catch her!” he demanded. 

“No Paolo you’re the one well versed in medicine you stay here and take care of the captain.” Rysaras said. He nodded, they watched Paolo do his best to heal Elwith, Rysaras walked to the mouth of the cavern, he couldn’t take his friends screams anymore, he rubbed the back of his neck, he knew that as soon as the rain stopped his brother and him would have to leave.

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Rysaras and Rykon were half an hour into their journey, and both elves were silent, Rysaras gripped his reins tighter, his leather gloves squeaking. Rykon rode next to him. "Brother what's plaguing you?"

"Elwith," he said not even looking at Rykon, who leant over and pulled the reins; his horse stopped abruptly.

"He'll be fine brother." he told Rysaras.

"Opal has cursed him! I can't watch him wither away, Rykon you saw it he's in a bad state." Rysaras said and threw his high crimson ponytail over his shoulder.

"He's with Paolo, he's in safe hands brother." Rykon said and rode forward.

"That may be the case but we're weaker without them. Remember the last attack Opal launched on us?" Rysaras asked and rubbed gloved fingers over the scar on his throat.

"I do, I was glad I was there, she nearly killed you." He said turning in his saddle. The horses began to neigh as they were tired but continued to walk, the twins were passing the land of Floating Islands, the horses had to jump a few times till they came to the Evergreen Forest. The green deer decorated with leaves, and the spots on their coats lilac flowers bounded in fright as they entered into the forest.

"Such skittish creatures," Rysaras cursed under his breath. The horses then walked through a shallow river, turtles lifted their heads announcing their presence and the fact that they weren't stepping stones, as they came to the middle of the woods everything had withered and died, everywhere they looked was black.

"She's been here," Rykon said.

"She's still here!" he exclaimed dismounting his horse. "Rykon move!" he yelled, a diseased horde consisting of a few boars, forest deer and wolves came charging at the two, the wolves tore Rykon from his horse and the boars and forest deer circled Rysaras splitting him up from his brother, Rykon was on the ground and a wolf on his chest.

Paolo had mixed serums and potions to help Elwith but still the captain suffered, the infection had got worse, half the length of his knee length hair was almost black. His eyes had dulled and his veins had turned an even darker shade of black, he was unconscious most of the time. That was when Paolo decided to call upon his paladin powers, he crossed oer his legs, rested his hands on his knees and began to meditate calling upon the light. "I won't lose you captain." He said, his whole being began to light up and his hair began to blow in a gentle breeze, and his hands began to glow.

Rysaras stood in the middle of the woods his sword stabbed into the dirt, he was panting and his limbs were shaking, he was covered in blood from head to toe, his gaze was on the ground, Rykon lay not far from him, he too covered in blood, bite marks lined his chest, arms and legs. Rysaras soon found his strength and lifted his head. "Brother are you still there?" he asked.

Rykon lifted his head wheezing, "I'm still clinging to life." He said and hauled himself off the ground which was an effort to the injured elf.

"Come brother," Rysaras said walking to his brother and offering his hand to him and helped him off the floor. "Can you ride?"

"I can try," Rykon answered and mounted his horse, both brothers continued on their journey the wood still dead, the horses hooves broke the dead twigs and turned them to ash, the air became thick and hard to breathe, both brothers felt like were being suffocated, their horses began to slow down, but there sitting in a dead trunk was Opal. The horses shed their fur, skin and muscle and now there stood skeletons, both riders fell as the saddle slipped, the horses then walked to Opal, she stood and emerged from the shadows, she caressed the smooth bone noses of the horses.

They walked into the forest and disappeared. "Oh boys, it's nice to see you again." She said. "But oh where's Elwith? Dying perhaps? Or under my control?" she said teasing the boys.

Paolo leant over Elwith, he held a dagger blade in front of his nose, it steamed up with every breath the captain took, the black from his veins faded a little and his hair was returning to its natural colour but he still had a way to go, Paolos hair seemed to turn an even lighter shade of gold and the curls seemed to tighten. "We will be able to move in a few days," he said putting the blade down and picking up a strand of Elwiths hair and witnessed the black leave him.

The twins arms, legs, had been restrained and a vine was now wrapped around their necks and restrained them. "You won't keep us here!" Rysaras exclaimed with a snarl on his face.

"You keep talking you will die first!" she said leaning down to his level and using a clawed finger she ran it under his chin and forced his head up to look at her. Rykon hung his head, he had been silent since she had caught them. "Nothing to say Rykon?" She swung her head like a snake around to the younger one, she suddenly stood up with a start. "Impossible!" she whispered to herself.

She felt a burning sensation that lasted for only a few seconds. "You're lucky your friend has been saved for now!" she exclaimed, she threw out her arms and disappeared in a murder of crows, when they cleared she was no longer there, she had escaped once again and the vines let the brothers go. Rysaras took in a deep breath and rose to his feet, he offered a hand to his brother who took it but didn't say a word, what he wasn't aware that Opal had silenced him with a curse. Rysaras thought nothing of it, he turned his tail and began to head back to Elwith.

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