Unexpected Alliance - Family Ties


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I started writing FanFiction many years ago and, over time, the characters changed. They found their own voices and have not been silent since. Those characters changed into the ones in this story and in the handful of other stories that I've been working on.

I do a lot of my writing old-school style... pencil and paper. Downside is, I then have to find the time to type it all out and upload it. I'm working on that.

This story started on NaNoWriMo and passed the 50k mark easily. However, the story was not complete and I had to walk away from it for a while. The story has been brewing in my head for a while now and this year I wrote the second half of this story which also passed the 50k mark. That makes this story well over the 100k mark.

It took a while to do it, but this story is finally finished. I hope you all enjoy.


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Chapter 1

“Sam, Donnie’s missing.”

That was how things had started. One simple call telling her that her friend, her partner, had gone missing. Unfortunately, nothing was ever simple in their field of work.

Staring across the tarmac with her arms crossed over her chest and a frown firmly in place while leaning against her custom-built motorcycle, Sam sighed while watching their boss, Keith Douglas, pace nervously beside his dark Division sedan. Snorting softly and shaking her head, the warm breeze caught her long hair and she brushed it from her eyes with a flick of her wrist. The Division was nothing since the new Director had taken charge but luckily, he had left their team intact.

Team. Sighing heavily, Sam felt her eyes sting with unshed tears. They were more than a team. Samantha ‘Sam’ Giovanni had been dragged into their world by a cruel twist of fate but things had worked out for her in the end. Donald ‘Donnie’ Paladino had found her and had introduced her to his world. He had taken her under his wing, introduced her to his boss and, between them, they had talked her into joining the Division. They had stopped being a team a long time ago. They became family. Donnie was a brother to her. Keith was the father that she never had. And the voice on the line that had called to tell her that Donnie had gone missing? Corbin ‘Uncle Jake’ Jacobs.

Snapping her attention toward a set of pale blue Chevy Suburbans pulling through the gate and approaching Keith, Sam’s eyes narrowed dangerously. Emblazoned on the driver side doors was a large shield with the words Metro Dade Crime Scene Unit. Cantrell had given Keith the name of someone that would be able to help them. Was this the help they were expecting? Studying the Officers that exited the vehicles, her gaze slid over the single female and two of the men before settling on the tall blond that stepped from behind the wheel of the lead vehicle. Stepping away from her bike, Sam’s frown deepened when Keith caught her eye and shook his head.

Splitting her attention between the group on the ground and the empty sky above, her mind quickly replayed details leading up to this meeting. Corbin had called to let her know about Donnie’s disappearance. The Division had sent a team to collect evidence and run the case but none of them had heard of any results since the evidence had been taken to D.C. for processing. That had been a week ago and, since they had not been able to sit idly by and wait, they had started their own investigation. That was what had led them from the Bronx to Miami. One single strand of evidence, a red crescent moon with a falling tear drop and three slash marks that had been painted on Donnie’s bedroom door. It was the mark of a known Central American death squad known as La Luna de Sangre.

Keith had traveled to D.C. to discuss options with the Director but all he had come back with was a name of a contact in Miami. William Cantrell. Cantrell was former law enforcement and, despite his not so recent disbarment, he had also been one of the top-ranking attorneys in the state. Sam and Corbin had hit the road soon after Keith had given them the details. They had met at the safe house in Miami and plans had been made.

Noting the blond male making his way toward her, Sam growled softly. With her arms still folded, she lightly wrapped her hand around the Berretta secured in her shoulder holster. Cantrell had told them that he had spoken to Donnie but had no idea what had happened to him. He had mentioned a plane that was coming in that may hold answers and had given Keith the name and number of someone to contact that would be able to assist them.

Mentally sizing him up, Sam sighed. Tall, short blond hair, and a slim build. Carefully watching the man close the distance between them, she noted the long stride, the straight back and squared shoulders, and when his steel gray suit jacket fluttered open in the breeze, Sam caught the flash of a badge clipped at his waist. Whoever he was, he was definitely in charge.

“Agent Samantha Giovanni? I’m Lieutenant Malachi Brewer. I want you to know that my team and I plan on doing everything in our power to help you find your missing Agent.”

His voice was soft and calm. Silently Sam studied him from the corner of her eye. He stood tall with his arms casually at his sides, his chin dipped, and his head cocked slightly to the left. The silver lenses of his sunglasses reflected the area around them and Sam frowned. Shifting her eyes back to the scene before her, “It’s just Sam, and you need to speak with Agent Douglas.”

Lifting his head to search the clear blue sky, “I already did. I wanted to personally assure you as well.”

Sam rolled her eyes and shook her head. He sounded sincere but she found herself wishing she could see the eyes hidden behind the sunglasses perched on his face. Sighing softly when he kept his gaze averted, Sam whispered a soft “thank you.” Glancing across toward Keith, her eyes shifted toward the sky at the faint sound of an approaching engine.


Keeping a close eye on Sam, Keith was worried. Ever since he and Corbin had discovered Donnie missing, his thoughts had been with her. He knew how protective she could be of her family and he knew that the longer it took them to find Don, the more unstable she would become. She would strive tirelessly to search out the one piece of the puzzle that would bring Don home while blocking out everything and everyone around her. She would bottle the frustration and pain until she could do so no longer, and the longer she went without finding Don, the more volatile the explosion would be in the end.

Cantrell had given them what he could. Sam was certain he was hiding something but they didn’t have the time to pursue the issue further at the moment. If needed, they would question him again but presently they had more important things to deal with. Glancing at the trio of Officers standing beside the Suburbans, Keith sighed. Cantrell had given him a name and number to contact for help, and Lt. Brewer had answered. Now watching the man standing silently alongside Sam, Keith noted that, despite the calm and relaxed demeanor, he was poised and ready to strike at the first sign of danger. For that reason alone, Keith was grateful for his presence.

Catching Sam’s eye and following her gaze to the sky, Keith held his breath as a small cargo plane swiftly descended and slowly taxied toward them. As the plane turned and rolled to a stop, Keith stepped closer with his weapon in hand. Waiting for the rear cargo door to be lowered, perhaps now they would get some answers.


Watching the plane land, every nerve was buzzing. This was it. Finally, some answers. Stepping away from the bike, Sam growled when Keith firmly shook his head and indicated that she should remain where she was. Ignoring the man beside her, Sam’s eyes locked on the rear of the plane as the door was lowered and a single man walked down the ramp with his arms raised. Quickly exchanging words with Keith, he disappeared into the plane and reappeared moments later pushing a large wooden box down the ramp. Sliding it to rest in front of Keith, he went back in and pushed out a second to set it beside the first. Standing beside them, he gestured to the boxes and shook his head when Keith yelled at him.

With the sound of her heartbeat echoing in her ears, Sam held her breath when Keith motioned for the boxes to be opened and he slowly knelt between them. Moving from one to the other, he shook his head. They weren’t Donnie! Biting her lip when Keith spun back to the first casket as the lid was being lowered, a tortured moan passed her lips when Keith reached in and snatched something up for closer inspection. The world spun and her knees felt weak when Keith held up what he had found. There was no mistaking the sun shining off the chain and medal dangling from his hand. It was Donnie’s Saint Michael’s medallion. Forgetting the blond at her side, Sam screamed. She could see Keith’s lips moving as his head snapped up to stare at her but it was too late. Turning and mounting her bike, Sam hit the throttle, spun the motorcycle around the Lieutenant, and took off in a fury.

Not wasting time, Malachi quickly jogged back to his team and paused beside Keith. Before he could say a word, Keith asked him to find her. “I’m not the person she’s going to want to see right now. Don was her partner, but he was also the closest thing to a brother that she has.”

Clenching his jaw, Malachi offered a curt nod. “Right.” Looking at his team assembled, “Matt…”


Sitting in the sand, staring blankly out over the water as tears welled in her eyes and slid silently down her cheeks, Sam shook her head slowly. There was no way that Donnie could be dead. She would have felt it. In her heart, she would have known. He was out there, somewhere, waiting to be found. He had to be.

Roughly wiping her eyes, Sam’s jaw clenched stubbornly as she fought for control. She would never be able to find him if she wasn’t thinking clearly. Closing her eyes and drawing an uneven breath, she allowed the sound of the surf to wash over her. Slowly her heart, and mind, calmed.


Seeing the pain and fear in Agent Douglas’ eyes, Malachi knew there was more to that team that just what he had been told. They were as much a family as his own team was.

Find her. Protect her. That was what he had been asked, and that was what he had sworn to do. Finding her had been easy. He had simply called in a description of her bike and had issued the order that no one was to try to stop her. Once he had a location, he found himself racing through the streets keeping her in sight with his lights off. When she parked at the beach and crossed the sand, he sighed. The chase was over but he knew he was still in for a fight.

Leaving the Suburban, he slowly followed.


The waves were soothing. Not as effective as her Uncle’s music, but they helped. Even with her eyes closed, Sam still felt people as they passed by. Most hurried past, some paused, but all moved far away from her.

Stiffening slightly when footsteps approached from behind and did not detour away, Sam growled softly when they stopped only a few feet away. Drawing her weapon and spinning to a crouch, Sam glared at the tall blond standing motionless staring out at the water. When his head dipped slightly and she was sure she had his attention, damn those sunglasses, “You here to arrest me?”

Thinking about the chase through the city, Malachi smiled sadly to himself. Despite her numerous traffic violations, he barely lifted his right shoulder in a faint shrug. “It hadn’t really crossed my mind.”

Slowly lowering her weapon, Sam turned and sank back in the sand. Frowning when the Lieutenant silently sat beside her with his arms wrapped casually around his upturned knees, Sam growled softly at the intrusion. “What do you want, Lieutenant?”

Without taking his eyes from the waves, he smiled faintly. “For you to call me Malachi or, if you prefer, Chi.”

Cocking her head and arching an eyebrow, she couldn’t understand this man. “What do you really want, Lieutenant?”

Smoothly removing a card and pen from the breast pocket of his jacket and neatly printing on the back, Malachi offered it to her. Keeping his voice low when she only stared at it, “I would like for you to allow me a chance to earn your trust.”

Sam was surprised. That told her a lot about the man beside her. He didn’t expect her to trust him right away and he was willing to wait and earn that trust. Reaching slowly for the card, Sam’s gaze shifted to his face and her breath caught when he removed his sunglasses. Staring into his polished steel gray eyes, Sam bit her lip as he released the card.

Her eyes swirled blue and green with a touch of golden brown flecked though out. He’d never seen eyes quite like hers before. Between the colors, the pain and the tears, those eyes held him fast.  When fear and uncertainty flashed in her eyes moments before she looked away, Malachi’s heart clenched painfully in his chest. He felt as though he was intruding and yet, at the same time, he found it hard to walk away. Bowing his head, he wanted her to trust him. “That’s my card. My office and work cell numbers are on the front.” Watching her from the corner of his eye as she turned the card over in her hand, “My home and personal cell numbers are on the back. I want you to call me if you need anything or if you have any questions about what’s going on with the investigation.” When she remained silent, Malachi knew it was his time to leave.

Staring at the card through tear filled eyes, Sam could only nod numbly. She couldn’t understand why he was helping her. Sucking in a sharp breath when Malachi climbed to his feet, she didn’t want him to stay but she was surprised to find that she didn’t want him to leave either. “I assume Keith sent you?”

Pausing, Malachi nodded faintly. “He asked me to find you, yes. He felt that you wouldn’t want to speak with him right now.”

Her chin quivered as she glanced over her shoulder to look up at Malachi. “He was wrong.” Shaking her head when he remained silent, “Why are you doing this, Lieutenant?”

Feeling the need to explain but not knowing why, Malachi bowed his head and answered softly. “Perhaps because I know the pain that comes with losing someone close, whether family or partner.”

Seeing the pain flash in his eyes, Sam knew he was telling her the truth and that it hurt him deeply to do so. As tears threatened to break free, she quietly thanked him. “Would you mind if I gave you my number? Just in case?”

Smiling gently down at her, Malachi removed his phone from his pocket and entered the number as she gave it to him. “Sam, you have my word. The bodies are being sent to my Crime lab right now. As soon as I hear anything, I will call you. That’s a promise.”

Turning away, Sam dropped her head. “Don’t make promises, Lieutenant. I’ve seen too many broken in the past.”

Resting a hand on her shoulder, his words were sincere. “Sam, I only make ones that I intend to keep, and I promise you that I will call if I hear anything. Do you understand?” Crouching at her side, Malachi gently took her hand and covered her palm with his own closed fist. “This is yours. Your boss wanted you to have it.”

Biting her lip to suppress a sob, Sam closed her eyes and shuddered when the rounded disc settled in her palm. Donnie’s medallion. Nodding silently as she blindly listened to Malachi’s footsteps fade away, she turned her gaze back to the waves as the tears started to flow.


Sitting at the kitchen table with his hands absently wrapped around his empty coffee mug, Corbin bowed his head and swallowed hard past the lump in his throat. He had just hung up with Keith and, even though the bodies had not been Don, there was still a sick knot twisting in his stomach.

It wasn’t his fault that Don had been captured. He knew that and he didn’t need Keith to remind him of that. Unfortunately, his heart said different. They were a family. Don and Sam were his kids. Beyond that, he was their Sentinel. He was the voice on the other end of the line, their protector. He was the one that was supposed to keep them safe in the field.

Don hadn’t been in the field when he had been captured though. There were no active cases for any of them at the time. Shaking his head and running a hand through his long black and silvery grey hair, Corbin sighed heavily. It wasn’t his fault but that did nothing to alleviate the pain and fear that was growing inside.

Snatching up his phone when it rang shrilly in the oppressive silence, Sam’s tearful voice greeted him before he could speak. “Uncle Jake? Donnie’s still out there somewhere and we have to find him.”

With tears blurring his vision, Corbin nodded. The only time his kids called him Uncle Jake was when they were in the field working. Sam wasn’t an Agent anymore but she had already claimed this as her case. She would stop at nothing until Don was found, and Corbin took heart in that knowledge because he knew that it was going to be a long hard road before them. “I’m here, Sam. Come home. We need to talk.”

Listening to her soft confirmation before she severed the call, Corbin sighed deeply. Pulling his hair back in a tight ponytail and searching for a second cup of coffee, they needed to talk and Sam wasn’t going to like what he had to tell her.

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Chapter 2

“Don’t make promises…” Frowning to himself as he strode purposefully through the Station, Malachi knew what it was like to have promises broken.

He had promised Agent Douglas that he would find and protect Sam. He had, and he was trying to. He had promised Sam that he and his team would do everything in their power to find her partner, her brother. Slowing his step and bowing his head, he sighed. He had no intentions of turning his back on her, and he was about to ensure that his team, his family, fully understood their new roles as well.

Rounding the corner and pausing in the open doorway to the main lab, Malachi sighed softly when he spied only one member of his team in the lab. This case was going to test them all, and this was just the beginning. “Melissa, what do we have so far?

Without looking up from the clothes spread out before her, Melissa’s soft southern voice was a mixture of sadness and anger. “There’s not much. The bodies are down with Sherri, and she said she would let us know as soon as she finds anything.” Stepping away from the evidence table and sweeping a hand toward the clothes, “She gave us everything on the bodies so we could get started. I sent Matt down to get samples from the caskets so we have something to compare the wood slivers and fibers to that I found on the clothes.”

Approaching the table and casting a cursory glance at the clothing, “Anything else?”

Shaking her head, her hair flipping over her shoulder, Melissa scowled. “You promised her that we would see this through, didn’t you?” When Malachi only dipped his head briefly, Melissa’s expression softened and she let out a sigh of relief. “Good because if you didn’t then we were going to tell you to.”

Arching an eyebrow, Malachi frowned. “Is that so?

Leaning back against the desk, Melissa nodded sadly. “We already discussed it. If it was one of us missing then we would hope that someone would be here to promise to help you too.” Moving around the table and resting a hand on Malachi’s arm, Melissa’s eyes glistened with sincerity. “She isn’t going to be able to this on her own. She’s going to need help and that’s what we do. She may not realize it yet, but we need to be there when she does.”

Loosely wrapping an arm around Melissa’s shoulder, Malachi was grateful for the loyalty and devotion of his team. “She knows we’re here and she knows that we won’t stop until we find her brother.” Releasing his hold and nodding toward the table, “Stay with it and have Matt help when he gets back with those samples. I’ll be down with Sherri if you need me.” Heading for the elevator, Malachi hoped that they would be able to find the missing Agent before it was too late.

“Lieutenant? There’s an Agent Douglas waiting for you in your office.”

Frowning at being stopped, Malachi paused. Glancing toward his office, he could just make out the older Agent running a hand through his thinning black hair. Sighing and quietly thanking the receptionist, Malachi started for his office. He had a feeling things were about to get worse instead of better.


Despite the sense of urgency in her Uncle’s voice, Sam couldn’t pull herself from the lull of the ocean. It was peaceful and soothing, and it took hours before Sam finally returned to the safe house feeling drained and alone. Parking the bike as Corbin appeared in the doorway, she walked up the sidewalk and slid into his arms. Wrapping her arms around his waist, she buried her face against his shoulder. “Come inside, Sam.” Walking numbly into the house, she collapsed on the sofa and curled up in a ball. Sitting beside her, Corbin pulled her close. “Sam, Keith was recalled to D.C.”

Her throat dry and sore, her eyes still burning, she looked up him. “Why? We need him here.”

Sighing, Corbin brushed a raven lock of hair from her eyes gently. “I know. He had to call in though and let them know what happened with the meeting today. They recalled him on the spot.”

Not believing the amount of bad luck falling upon them all at once, Sam rose shakily and moved to the kitchen. “Unbelievable. I need a drink.”

Passing a hand over his face, Corbin sighed. “Look above the refrigerator. I bought you something earlier.” Hearing her sigh as a heavy bottle touched the counter, followed by the sound of a can being popped open, he almost smiled. At the very least it would help calm her nerves.

Taking a long swallow, she half smiled in appreciation. Returning to her Uncle’s side, Sam slowly withdrew Donnie’s chain and medallion from her pocket. “Keith broke the chain but he didn’t mean to.” Searching Corbin’s eyes, “Can you fix it? Please?”

Waving Sam toward the table, “Let me see it.”

She wanted it repaired but she couldn’t handle the thought of letting it go for even a second. Holding the medallion tightly, she slowly held out the chain and shivered as Corbin took it from her and laid it out on the table. Opening his small tool case that he always carried to tweak the electronics, he removed a pair of long nosed pliers and gently removed the broken length of chain before reattaching the clasp. Picking up the chain, he stepped around Sam to clasp it behind her neck.

Closing her hand around the medallion, Sam closed her eyes. “Thank you.” Leaning back as Corbin pulled her into his arms, she sighed. “We have to find him. I know that no one can believe it but he’s alive. I can feel it.”

Hesitant to tell her more bad news, Corbin moved back to the sofa to sit down. Patting the cushion beside him, “Why don’t you bring that drink back over here and sit down?”

Something in his voice brought out the warning flags. “Why? What’s wrong?”

He was afraid of her reaction and his voice was low. “Sam, Keith wasn’t the only one recalled. I have to fly out in the morning.”

No Keith. No Uncle Jake. No Donnie. No leads. She was alone. The Division wasn’t exactly jumping to find Don and now they were recalling Keith and Corbin. Cursing softly and holding her glass tighter, Sam really wasn’t surprised. Bowing her head and closing her eyes, her jaw clenched painfully. Her heart pounded feverishly and she could feel the blood pulsing behind her eyes. There were no more tears to be shed and that only worked to infuriate her even more. Reaching blindly for the medallion around her neck as she sank into the sofa, a wave of calmness passed over her and her chin quivered. Swallowing hard, “What time are you leaving?”

Hearing the tremble in her voice and not wanting to leave her alone to deal with everything on her own, Corbin’s heart ached for her. Gently wrapping an arm around her shoulders and drawing her closer, “Flight leaves at ten. What are you going to do?”

Leaning heavily against his side, Sam shook her head. Did she really have any plans? This was Keith’s operation. He held the badge. “There’s not much I can do. Without a badge, I can’t go and talk to Cantrell. The bodies were taken by the Dade CSU team, so I guess I can stop by there tomorrow and see if anything turned up.” She was confused and hurt. Her family was being torn apart and she was the one being left behind to pick up the pieces. Lifting her head, she gazed at her beloved Uncle. “Will you play for me?”

Lightly kissing her brow, Corbin nodded and crossed the room to collect his guitar case from the corner. His college band days were long gone but he still found peace in his music, and so did his kids. Sam loved listening to him play and would listen to his old CD’s for hours, but when she asked if he would play for her, he knew her pain ran deep. She had a wounded soul and was trying to find a way to forget the pain. If he could comfort her for even a short while, he would put his own pain aside and do it. Sitting in the chair, his eyes closed as he started to play.

The music came from his heart and he played for hours. Glancing at the clock, he sighed. He hadn’t noticed when the sun had gone down, and he hadn’t noticed when Sam had set her glass aside and had fallen asleep. Curled up in the corner of the sofa, her cheeks still damp from fresh tears, he knew that she had cried herself to sleep and that broke his heart. Quietly setting the guitar aside, he walked to the bedroom and returned with a blanket to drape over her. Turning out the light, he went to his room and softly closed the door.


Waking in the early morning darkness, Sam struggled to escape the nightmare that had grabbed hold of her and had refused to let go. Donnie had been beaten and broken, covered in blood, and had called her name. He had begged her to find him, to save him. Even with her eyes now open, she could still hear his voice in her ears and see his face in her mind. Practically running to Corbin’s room with her blanket wrapped around her shoulders, she knocked softly and was surprised when she heard him tell her to enter almost immediately.

Opening the door, Sam could only stand in the doorway. Her voice stuck in her throat, her eyes once again burning with tears, she struggled to keep her breathing even. Whispering against the dark, “Sam, come here.” Patting the bed beside him, he felt her weight settle on the mattress and curl against him. Wrapping his arm protectively around her, he held her tight against his chest as she laid her head on his shoulder and shuddered. What this world would have thought had anyone seen this young woman curled against him. He didn’t care. Sam had been a daughter to him from the beginning and he couldn’t stop thinking of her as one. Rubbing her back gently, he lightly kissed the top of her head, “Go back to sleep, Sam. I’m right here. I’ve got you.”

Flipping her blanket over her, she nestled down and found a more peaceful sleep awaiting her.


Waking and rolling over to find the bed empty, Sam spied a folded sheet of paper laying on the vacated pillow.


Hang in there. You were sleeping so soundly that you never heard me when I told you I was leaving this morning. I want you to know that I still believe that we can find Don. Even if Keith and I can’t be there with you, I have faith that you won’t give up easily.

I’m only flying to D.C., so I won’t be in the air long. If you need anything, call me. Otherwise, I’ll call you tonight and let you know what’s going on.

Keep your plans for the day. Keith told me about that Lt. Brewer he talked to and, from what I dug up on him, I believe you can trust him. He seems like a good man, Sam. If he’s willing to help you, let him. Understand?

Hold tight to your love for Don, and don’t give up. I’m here to help as much as I can.

With love,

Uncle Jake

Sighing as she finished the letter, Sam folded it neatly and left the room. Preparing for the day, Sam was soon headed for the Metro Dade Police Department.

Parking her bike in an empty spot in front of the Department sign, Sam frowned as she removed her helmet and looked up at the building. Trust him. She wasn’t sure if she could, or even if she wanted to, but her options were limited and he was her only hope. Shaking her head and walking inside, she stopped at the main desk to get directions to his office. Stepping into the elevator and heading upstairs, Sam approached the receptionist and sighed. “Is Lieutenant Brewer available?”

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