A Simple Escape


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Will Kate and her family make it out of the small town lets hope so.

Mr. Jack and Kate are looking for shelter a way out and a way to save the others. What they don't know is that if they are not careful they could get hurt... but if they play there cards right and manage to avoid all the guards and stay hidden then they very well might just get home safe and alive. Right now Mr. Jack and Kate are hiding in the bushes outside the force field talking about how to get out and save the others. "Mr. Jack, do you think that this airport has another force field?", asks a confused and worried Kate. "Honestly Kate I have no idea but from here I can tell that we need to worry more about the guards everywhere, they are loaded with 9 milimeter handguns", said a slightly annoyed Mr. Jack.

This is just the beginning read on to find out .

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Chapter 1

Mr. Jack and Kate are looking for shelter a way out and a way to save the others. What they don't know is that if they are not careful they could get very hurt... but if they play there cards right and manage to avoid all the guards and stay hidden then they very well might just get home safe and alive.

Right now Mr. Jack and Kate are hiding in the bushes outside the force field talking about how to get out and save the others. "Mr. Jack, do you think that this airport has another force field?", asks a confused and worried Kate.

"Honestly Kate I have no idea but from here I can tell that we need to worry more about the guards everywhere, they are loaded with 9 milimeter handguns", said a slightly annoyed Mr. Jack.

They sat in silence for a few until Spike, Mr. Jacks dog, stood up and started to growl towards the main airport. That put both Kate and Mr. Jack on alert for both people and animals because they had seen a few police k9's earlier that day. They have been carefully moving around the perimeter of the airport, hiding behind trees, bushes, buildings, planes, and anything else they could possibly hide behind. Kate and Mr Jacks found a hole in the fence behind the building they were hiding behind. The only problem is that the building has like 21 guards around or in it. Kate was able to count them because the light brown building had a small window that nobody was around. She could also hear bits and pieces of their conversations.

One guard said, "me and three others are leaving base to go and get some food for the prisoners", another guard said " we need to make sure no one has escaped, because we still have not found the one ".

The rest of their conversations were just chit chat about family and hating the mission they were on. Kate was very interested in the guards. Once they started leaving the building they were in she lost all ear shots of conversations. Kate looked over to Mr. Jack and asked, "Who's "the one?"

that all the guards want and why are we being held captive. They want one of us and if we leave now then they will follow us home even if we crawl out the hole under the chair link fence. I say we go inside the building, find a bigger mirror then get the others out of the planes, then go and question all the guards." Once Kate finished her little rant she looked around and realized all the guards had "disappeared".

After one last look around she stood, looked at Mr. Jack, he just shook his head saying that they could do what she wanted too. After getting his approval she looked back to the window to make sure no one was in the building before they went in.

Kate said, "It's all clear, we just need to go in , get a mirror, and a small amount of food and get out, ok Mr. Jack?" Mr Jack replied instantly, "YES!", but who is going to keep watch?"

Kate replied, "You can because I know more about were every thing is, now let's go before they come back".

They tied the dog to a tree on the side of the building and went inside. Mr. Jack stood at the door keeping watch out the window to make sure no one came near the building. He heard Kate yell " I found every thing we need, so let's get back to the plane, get the others, and get out of this airport!"

Right as they opened the door they heard Spike barking like crazy, they ran to see why and they heard a gun cock, they both yelled," Oh crap!, RUN!"


OK so guys here's chapter one I hope you like it and tell me what you think . what I should fix or change. I love to know what you think and what you would like to see in my stories.

vote and comment please and let me know what you think.

sorry its short

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